An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Closing Remarks by H.E AMB. Bankole Adeoye Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security African Union Commission

Closing Remarks by H.E AMB. Bankole Adeoye Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security African Union Commission

March 17, 2022

Closing Remarks 


H.E AMB. Bankole Adeoye

Commissioner for Political Affairs, Peace and Security

African Union Commission




17 MARCH 2022

Your Excellency, Mr. Kwaku Ampratwum Sarpong, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration of the Republic of Ghana,

Your Excellency, Prof. Mafa Sejanamane, the Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Lesotho to the AU and Chairperson of the AU-PSC for the month of March 2022;

Your Excellency, Former Heads of State and Government present,

Your Excellences, Members of the Peace and Security Council

Distinguished Representatives of various AU Organs and RECs/RMs present,

Distinguished Representatives of the UN, UNDP,  International IDEA. EISA) . ISS and other Development partners Present

Representatives of CSOs and Academia

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good Afternoon.

All too soon, our Reflection Forum has come to an end after a very resounding start with the powerful opening statements, especially the inspirational keynote address by HE Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, President of the Republic of Ghana and Chairman of the Authority of Heads of State and Government.

It is therefore with a humble sense of satisfaction that I address this august assembly this afternoon, to express on behalf of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, the Chairperson of the African Union Commission and in my humble name. our profound gratitude to the Government and People of the Republic of Ghana for making available excellent facilities, and privileges laid out to make our Forum a success.


We would like to particularly  appreciate H.E. Dr. Nana Addo Dankwa Akofo-Addo, for setting the pace for what is clearly open and constructive deliberations on the subject under consideration. His unambiguous and practical recommendations on the way forward to the challenge in Africa speaks volume.  No wonder one of our distinguished panelists yesterday suggested that the keynote address needs to be circulated for the education of our youth.

To Honourable Shirley Ayorkor Botchway, we are also  indebted for her solid support, including making available us in her unavoidable absence, her deputy Minister, Hon. Kwasi Sarpong who ably stood in for her.

Honorable Deputy Minister, thank you.

It is against this background that the way was paved for this highly rich array of participants and experts from the different key stakeholder entities in Africa to engage in a very encouraging and promising exchange of ideas on the focus of our strategic Forum. I can comfortably state that our Forum expectations have been largely met. In that, our moderators and speakers also deserve special commendation in leading the way.

 The ball is now in the court of the AU decision-making bodies to take the key outcomes forward into the upcoming AU Extraordinary Summit scheduled for May 2022, in Equatorial Guinea.

If we have met in Accra, it is mainly because of our AU Peace and Security Council, which, as a response to the concerns raised by our Leaders, decided to recommend the holding of this broad consultation as a knowledge approach. It is therefore very appropriate to acknowledge and appreciate the dynamism of the AU-PSC and for thinking through the challenge as well as  proposing a multi-stakeholders forum of this nature to proffer durable solutions to the problem.

Excellencies,  Distinguished Participants,

As you must have noticed during the past three days brainstorming exercise, the challenge of UCGs in Africa is deep and complex, but not insurmountable. The Forum has identified several triggers of the phenomenon to include poor governance, democratic  backsliding, weak democratic institutions, insecurity, poverty,  constitution-making without constitutionalism and inadequate socio-economic transformations across the continent, amongst others. It brought out the complexity and different facets of the phemeron, including military coups in Africa,  popular uprising and tinkering of the Constitution to remain in power beyond their constitutional term limit.       

More importantly, we made valuable recommendations on the way forward, with highlighted key recommendations to our Leaders as they prepare to meet in Malabo.

Excellencies,  Distinguished Participants, Ladies and Gentlemen,

We also made commitments for our own respective roles. All hands must therefore be on deck to promote implementation of the outcomes of this forum.

It would be remiss of me to conclude without acknowledging the critical roles played by the following for the smoothness and success of our Forum: the interpreters (applause), the technical staff ( applause), the hostesses ( applause),  security ( applause) Kempiski, Movenpick, Accra City and Alisa Hotels ( applause) and our inspiring MC Mr. Jerry Adjorlolo who was coopted at short notice and rose to the occasion in style ( applause).

Finally, please indulge me to recognize the hard work and team work of my staff and other colleagues from sister departments and institutions of the AUC.  ( applause).


Our work has only just begun. Forward we continue to engage, network and act. I pray the GOOD LORD for safe trip back to your respective destinations.

I thank you.

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