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Speech by Ms. Fatou Haidara, Managing Director, Global Partnerships and External Relations, UNIDO Meeting of the senior officials in charge of industry and economic development

Speech by Ms. Fatou Haidara, Managing Director, Global Partnerships and External Relations, UNIDO Meeting of the senior officials in charge of industry and economic development

November 03, 2022

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is indeed a privilege and an honor for me to address this very important meeting of senior officials in charge of industry and economic development as well as key partners and stakeholders.

As a co-organizer, UNIDO is pleased to contribute to this meeting whose outcomes will have a bearing on the course of action to be adopted at the upcoming Ministerial session on 7 November, and finally at the 17th extraordinary session of the assembly of the AU Heads of State and Government on Africa’s Industrialization, Economic Diversification and the AfCFTA.

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

There is no denying that inclusive and sustainable industrialization is an important part of the way forward for Africa, as a key element to advance economic diversification and structural transformation and achieve the aspirations and goals of the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

More than ever, inclusive and sustainable pathways to industrial development require systemic approaches as well as innovative, collaborative, transformational and flexible solutions. To step up and advance truly transformational results, UNIDO´s value addition bases upon needs-driven, tailored initiatives and cooperation with all relevant stakeholders and partners at the global, regional and country levels.

In this regard, allow me to highlight some key points, which are also at the core of UNIDO’s technical assistance to African member states:

  • Well-coordinated and coherent industrial policies at continental, regional and national level, as well as strengthened institutional and governance capacities;
  • Value chain development at regional but also continental level, with a focus on selected agro and non-agro sectors including the pharmaceutical sector;
  • Development of industrial infrastructure such as special economic zones, industrial parks and clusters;
  • Innovation and technology transfer including the modern technologies of the 4IR. Many African countries are still facing significant gaps in this regard. Stronger investment in human capital and infrastructure are needed to reap the benefits of digitalization;
  • Trade capacity building and enhanced quality infrastructure;
  • Improved sustainable energy access and creation of green industries;
  • Innovative approaches to financing for industrial development;
  • Development and involvement of the private sector, as a key player to catalyze transformative solutions, and investment promotion.
  • Focus on youth and women and adoption of the leave-no-one-behind principle.

All of these key elements have been reflected in many of the African strategies, policies and frameworks at continental and regional levels as well as in declarations and commitments, which are an important first step.

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we are looking forward to join forces to build impactful development results at scale and accelerate the structural transformation process of African economies!

This is why we need to take stock and understand to what extent our strategies, policies and frameworks have effectively been implemented and translated in sustainable development outcomes.

And most of all, consider the shortfalls and how to address them.

In this regard, we must ensure that the proposed decisions and declaration adopted during this joint meeting of Senior Officials are accompanied by corresponding means of implementation including a concrete and realistic plan of action.

Allow me also to insist on the critical need to build multi-stakeholders partnerships to timely operationalize related implementation plans and programs that will enable Africa to realize the AU Agenda 2063 and become an engine of economic growth.

We face multiples crises today. Current and emerging global and continental trends will shape the future of Africa’s industrialization in the next decade. It hence becomes an imperative not to miss the unique window of opportunity to act now and give Africa a decisive push towards sustainable development.

Business as usual is no longer an option if we really want to meet the challenges and harness the opportunities arising from the COVID19 and the conflict in Ukraine.

Beyond those global crises, Africa’s industrialization is confronted with the issues of resilience, green industrialization, digitalization and regional integration for which we need to step up our approaches and innovate in addressing the challenges and opportunities of Africa’s industrialization in the next decade.

Indeed, within the framework of the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa, global collective action can support the continent on its path towards inclusive and sustainable industrialization. The international community needs to support the dialogue and exchange of best practices, engage in multi-stakeholder partnerships and assist with country and regional strategies.

Excellencies, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Having shared with you all this, I would like to remind you that UNIDO stands ready to enhance support to Africa. The organization will further leverage its technical cooperation function, analytical, research and policy advisory services, normative functions and standards related activities, and partnership convening function to increase the momentum for Africa’s industrialization.

I am pleased to highlight that UNIDO in collaboration with various stakeholders including the Africa Union Commission and Regional Economic Communities, continues to implement various programmes in these key areas. These include and are not limited to:

  • The Common African Agro Parks Programme, under the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), which is set out to create regional agro-industrial hubs;
  • The regional and continental value chain mapping study programme which is expected to result in development and implementation of a continental framework and key upgrading and modernization programmes in priority value chains in support of the AfCFTA implementation;
  • The Quality infrastructure development and strengthening programme;
  • The Zambia-Zimbabwe Common Agro Industrial Park initiative;
  • The regional pharmaceutical sector development programme;
  • Establishment of regional renewable energy and energy efficiency centers; and
  • Launch of an African Industry Observatory (AIO) to serve as a central online platform providing industrial information and data and helping to monitor the implementation of continental and regional frameworks.

Moreover, at country level, UNIDO is implementing projects and programmes in various areas including the energy sector, agro-industry and agribusiness, standards and quality infrastructure, MSMEs and industrial agglomerations development, where public and private sector comes together to enhance productive capacities through investment and technology.

I am convinced that you will get to learn about all of these activities in the course of this meeting and planned side events that UNIDO is co-organizing with various partners in the week leading up to the Assembly of Heads of State and Government.

As I close, allow me to reiterate that UNIDO stands ready to continue collaborating with local and national governments as well as the international community and the continental and regional intergovernmental institutions, including the African Union Commission, the AUDA-NEPAD and the Regional Economic Communities.

We stand ready to support the creation of a conducive atmosphere, strengthen the enabling factors, and build partnerships to accelerate industrialization and achieve the goals of the AU Agenda 2063, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Third Industrial Development Decade for Africa.

Thank you for your kind attention and I wish you fruitful further deliberations.


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