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TERMS OF REFERENCE Security Sector Reform (SSR) Consultant for the Republic of Madagascar

TERMS OF REFERENCE Security Sector Reform (SSR) Consultant for the Republic of Madagascar

June 22, 2017 to July 07, 2017

Security Sector Reform (SSR) Consultant for the Republic of Madagascar
Title: Security Sector Reform (SSR) Consultant
Organization: African Union Commission
Mission: African Union (AU) Liaison Office in the Republic of Madagascar
Duty Station: Antananarivo, Republic of Madagascar
Duration: Six (6) months
Madagascar has experienced periodic political and security crises resulting in four coup d’états since its independence. Following the last unconstitutional change of government in 2009, Madagascar was suspended from the AU as well as from the major financial development institutions. This resulted in dramatic economic decline, which in turn compounded the already existing problems of corruption, illegal exploitation of natural resources and the undermining of the rule of law. The return to constitutional rule in January 2014 and the lifting of sanctions by the African Union and international presented an opportunity to re-engage with Madagascar and to address the systemic weaknesses in its security sector in order to enact comprehensive reforms that will set the country on a new path to peace and development.
The AUC has been supporting Madagascar in the context of SSR since October 2014, when it conducted an AU led Joint Assessment Mission on SSR with the UN, EU, SADC, the International Organization of the Francophonie (OIF) and the African Security Sector Network (ASSN) as partners. The aim of the assessment was to support the Malagasy authorities in developing a common understanding of the context and scope of SSR, in better reflecting their key SSR needs and in identifying priority areas for support by international partners, including the AU.
The recommendations from the assessment were used by the Malagasy Government as a basis to start the process of SSR in the country. As part of AU assistance to the Malagasy SSR process, in 2015 the AU Commission deployed one SSR Expert in the AU Liaison Office in Madagascar, and one SSR Consultant in the Office of the Prime Minister.
From 29 August to 10 September 2016, the Government of the Republic of Madagascar held an SSR strategic planning workshop in Antananarivo. The workshop was part of the ongoing national SSR process to support the implementation of the Madagascar National Policy Paper on SSR (Lettre de Politique Genérale sur la RSS). Based on the Malagasy Government request, the African Union Commission in collaboration with UNDP, and other international partners, assisted the Government in organizing, financing and conducting the workshop, which resulted in one strategic SSR plan as well as eight operational plans.
In October 2016, the Government of Madagascar requested the AU for an SSR Expert to advise the authorities in setting up an SSR structure of coordination and in implementation of the SSR strategic work plans. It is in response to that request that the African Union Commission plans to deploy an SSR Consultant to Madagascar for six (6) months.
a. Advise the SRCC on the ongoing national SSR planning process, so as to provide the national authorities with support aligned with the AU Policy Framework on SSR.
b. Advise the national authority in setting up the SSR structure of coordination
c. Support the SRCC in her assistance to the national authorities to implement SSR strategic and operational plans.
d. Support the SRCC in SSR activities involving the national authorities, regional and international partners, civil society organizations and other stakeholders of the Malagasy SSR process.
e. Work closely with the DSD-AU SSR Unit to ensure that their mandate in Madagascar is implemented according to good practice and standards set by the AU Policy Framework on SSR and the AU Operational Guidance Notes.
f. Keeping the DSD-AU SSR Unit headquarters regularly updated on the developments of the mission (Weekly updates and monthly report through the SRCC)
a. Setting up a structure of coordination on SSR, in line with the Constitution of Madagascar, the National Policy Paper on SSR (Lettre de Politique Generale sur la RSS) ,the AU Policy framework on SSR and other SSR international standards.
b. Develop statutory instruments of the structure of coordination, in close collaboration with the CTO RSS
c. Arrange for the endorsement of the statutory documents of the National SSR coordination structure
d. Organize coordination meetings and submit related monthly reports.
e. Organize and facilitate sensitization sessions and trainings for the SSR coordination team and other main stakeholders including the team members of the eight SSR Pillars , on SSR concepts in line with the AU Policy Framework on SSR and on SSR international standards
f. Develop concepts notes, proposals and budgets toward the implementation of the SSR activities, through the eight SSR Pillars, in line with the objectives and results of the SSR Strategic and operational plans
g. Organize meetings and discussions on SSR at experts level to inform decision-making;
h. Design the framework for the national security strategy, in line with the human security principles and the SSR National Strategy (Lettre de Polique Generale sur la RSS)
i. Provide weekly updates on the development of the mission, to be sent to the SRCC with copies to the Head DSD.

The role of the SRCC and the AU Liaison Office in Madagascar are strongly enhanced in providing AU assistance to the SSR process in Madagascar, and are enabled to provide sound technical advice according to the AU Policy Framework on SSR and other international standards.
a. Advanced University degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in Political Science, International Relations or any related Social Sciences or security sector related background and education;
b. Internationally recognized course on Security Sector Reform (Level 1 and/or 2);
c. At least ten (10) years of work experience on peace and security issues, with five (5) of such years devoted to work related to security sector reform or disarmament, demobilization and reintegration and conflict management on the African continent
d. Have the ability to conduct high level discussions and to work closely with high level representatives of governments, military officials, NGOs and multi-lateral institutions in complex peace and security environments with multiple interests;
e. Experience in providing training, facilitation, conflict management or peace processes especially in the African context will be a clear added advantage;
f. Be computer literate and well versed in the use of the Internet, Power Point, Excel and Word. Keep abreast with other available technology;
g. Have excellent writing, negotiating, analytical and communication skills.
a. Significant knowledge of SSR concepts, terminology, and research and policy literature particularly on the African continent is required; b. Follow up on new developments in SSR and show willingness to learn from others;
c. Comprehensive knowledge of the origin, vision, structure and relevance of the African Union is essential. General knowledge of the United Nations system is required.
d. Excellent writing skills and ability to clearly communicate both in writing and speaking, including public speaking and Power Point presentations.
e. Good interpersonal skills.
Fluency in French and proficiency in English is required. Knowledge of other African Union official languages (Arabic and/or Portuguese) would be an added advantage.
Payment will be fixed amount of USD 41,535 (only Forty One Thousand, Five Hundred and Thirty Five US Dollars) for the term of the assignment (Six months) pay.
This is a residential assignment. Any travel necessary for the successful completion of the assignment, duly authorized in advance by the Commission will be paid for at the rate of the most direct economy return flight, as well as a subsistence allowance in accordance with the AUC Rules and Regulations.
Payment will be made against monthly deliverables to be defined in the contract.
Deadline for submission of CVS: The deadline for submission of CVs is Friday 7th July 2017.
Address for clarification and Submission of CVs: Interested applicants shall send clarification requests or email CVs to:
The Head, Procurement, Travel and Stores Division P.O Box 3243, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Email:
NB: Please ensure that the title of the Consultancy is captured in the Subject of your email.

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