Federal Republic of Nigeria

Promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.
Promoting Africa’s growth and economic development by championing citizen inclusion and increased cooperation and integration of African states.
Agenda 2063 is the blueprint and master plan for transforming Africa into the global powerhouse of the future. It is the strategic framework for delivering on Africa’s goal for inclusive and sustainable development and is a concrete manifestation of the pan-African drive for unity, self-determination, freedom, progress and collective prosperity pursued under Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance.
H.E President William Samoei Ruto (PhD), President of the Republic of Kenya and the African Union Champion on Institutional Reform. H.E. Ruto was appointed during the 37th Assembly of Heads of State and Government in February 2024 to champion the AU Institutional Reform process taking over from the H.E Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda who led the implementation of the reform process since 2016.
The AU offers exciting opportunities to get involved in determining continental policies and implementing development programmes that impact the lives of African citizens everywhere. Find out more by visiting the links on right.
1 EX.CL/Dec.165 (VI) Decision on the Draft Protocol on the Merger of the
African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and the
Court of Justice of the African Union – Doc.
EX.CL/162 (VI) 1
2 EX.CL/Dec.166 (VI) Decision on the Review of the Millennium Development
Goals (MDGs) 1
3 EX.CL/Dec.167 (VI) Decision on the Implementation of the PATTEC
Initiative – Doc. EX.CL/157 (VI) 1
4 EX.CL/Dec.168(VI) Decision on the Criteria for Granting Observer Status
and a System of Accreditation within the AU - Doc.
EX.CL/161 (VI) 1
5 EX.CL/Dec.169 (VI) Decision on the Report of the 2nd Session of the
Ministerial Conference on Drug Control in Africa – Doc.
EX.CL/150 (VI) 1
6 EX.CL/Dec.170 (VI) Decision on the African Common Position on Crime
Prevention and Criminal Justice -
Doc. EX.CL/150 (VI) 1
7 EX.CL/Dec.171 (VI) Decision on WTO Negotiations – Doc. EX.CL/151 (VI 2
8 EX.CL/Dec.172 (VI) Decision on the Negotiations of ACP-EU Economic
Partnership Agreements (EPAs) – Doc. EX.CL/152 (VI) 2
9 EX.CL/Dec.173 (VI) Decision on the Definition of the African Diaspora -
Doc. EX.CL/164 (VI) 1
10 EX.CL/Dec. 174 VI) Decision on the Draft Protocol on Relations between the
AU and the Regional Economic Communities – Doc.
EX.CL/158 (VI) 1
11 EX.CL/Dec.175 (VI) Decision on the Criteria for Hosting AU Organs – Doc.
EX.CL/163 (VI) 1
12 EX.CL/Dec.176 (VI) Decision on the Outcome of the Second High-Level
Inter-Governmental Meeting on the Prevention and
Combating of Terrorism in Africa – Doc. EX.CL/146 (VI) 1
13 EX.CL/Dec.177 (VI) Decision on the Inauguration of the African Centre for
the Study and Research on Terrorism, in Algiers,
Algeria – Doc. EX.CL/146 (VI) 1
14 EX.CL/Dec.178 (VI) Decision on the Outcome of the 7th Regional Conference
on Women - Doc. EX.CL/147 (VI) 1
15 EX.CL/Dec.179 (VI) Decision on the Situation of Refugees, Returnees and
Displaced Persons – Doc. EX/CL/148 (VI) 1
16 EX.CL/Dec.180 (VI) Decision on the Status of OAU/AU Treaties – Doc.
EX.CL/159 (VI) 1
17 EX.CL/Dec.181 (VI) Decision on the Proposed Amendments to the Rules of
Procedure of the PRC, the Executive Council and the
Assembly and the Statutes of the Commission – Doc.
EX.CL/160 (VI) 1
18 EX.CL/Dec.182 (VI) Decision on the Venue of the Fourth Ministerial
Conference of the China-Africa Cooperation Forum in
2009 – Doc. EX.CL/165 (VI) Add.2 1
19 EX.CL/Dec.183 (VI) Decision on the Institutionalization of the African
Private Sector Forum – Doc. EX.CL/153 (VI) 1
20 EX.CL/Dec.184 (VI) Decision on the Middle East and Palestine – Doc.
EX.CL/145 VI) 2
21 EX.CL/Dec.185 (VI) Decision on the 17th Annual Activity Report of the
African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
(ACHPR) – Doc. EX.CL/167 (VI) 1
22 EX.CL/Dec.186 (VI) Decision on the Briefing of the African Group of
Ambassadors in New York on the Report of the High
Level Panel on Threats Challenges and Changes
Relating to the Reform of the United Nations – Doc.
EX.CL/168 (VI) 1
23 EX.CL/Dec.187 (VI) Decision on the Request for Granting Accreditation to
East African Community (EAC) as one of the Regional
Economic Communities of the AU 1
24 EX.CL/Dec.188 (VI) Decision on Proposals relating to the Cancellation of
Customs between Member States, Harmonization of
Customs Tariffs between Member States in dealing with
the rest of the World and Unification of Transport &
Communication and the Creation of the Posts of
Minister of Foreign Trade, Transport, Defence and
Foreign Affairs within the African Union 1
25 EX.CL/Dec.189 (VI) Decision on the Development of an African Policy on the
Supply of Items to Peacekeeping Operations in Africa –
Doc. EX.CL/165 (VI) Add.3 1
26 EX.CL/Dec.190 (VI) Decision on African Candidatures for Posts within the
International System 2
27 EX.CL/Dec.191 (VI) Decision on the Scale of Assessment 1
1.Assembly/AU/Dec.55 (IV)
Decision on the Interim Report on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, Malaria and Polio 2
2. Assembly/AU/Dec.56 (IV)
Decision on 17th Annual Activity Report of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ rights (ACHPR) 1
3. Assembly/AU/Dec.57 (IV)
Decision on the Convening of an Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council 1
4. Assembly/AU/Dec.58 (IV)
Decision on Granting Accreditation to the East African Community (EAC) as one of the Regional Economic Community of the African Union 1
5. Assembly/AU/Dec.59 (IV)
Decision on the Status of Food Security in Africa 1
6. Assembly/AU/Dec.60 (IV)
Decision on the Strengthening of the Capacity of the AU Inter-African Phytosanitary Council (IAPC) 1
7. Assembly/AU/Dec.61 (IV)
Decision on Allocation of 10% of National Budgetary Resources to Agriculture and Rural Development over the next 5 years 1
8. Assembly/AU/Dec.62 (IV)
Decision on the Committee of Intelligence and Security Services of Africa and the Establishment of the Security and Intelligence Committee in the Office of the African Union Commission Chairperson 1
9 Assembly/AU/Dec.63 (IV)
Decision on the Framework for the Organization of Future Summits 2
10. Assembly/AU/Dec.64 (IV)
Decision on the Location of the Headquarters of AU Institutions in various AU Regions 1
11. Assembly/AU/Dec.65 (IV)
Decision on Somalia 2
12. Assembly/AU/Dec.66 (IV)
Decision on the Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Relations Between the DRC and Rwanda 1
13. Assembly/AU/Dec.67 (IV)
Decision on the Situation in Cote d’Ivoire 1
14. Assembly/AU/Dec.68 (IV)
Decision on the Situation in the Darfur Region of the Sudan 1
15. Assembly/AU/Dec.69 (IV)
Decision on the Proposals of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1
16. Assembly/AU/Dec.70 (IV)
Decision on the Report of Heads of State and Government Implementation on Committee on NEPAD 1
17. Assembly/AU/Dec.71 (IV)
Decision on the Draft African Union Non-Aggression and Common Defence Pact 1
18. Assembly/AU/Dec.72 (IV)
Decision on the Signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) Between the Government of the Sudan (GoS) and the Sudan Peoples’ Liberation Movement/Army (SPLM/A) 1
19. Assembly/AU/Decl.1 (IV)
Declaration of Appreciation to the United Nations Secretary General 1
20. Assembly/AU/Decl.2 (IV)
Motion of Appreciation to H.E. Sam Nujoma, President of the Republic of Namibia 1
21. Vote of Thanks by H.E. Sam Nujoma, President of the Republic of Namibia 1