An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi, Commissioner for Political Affairs, African Union Commission at The High Level Seminar on the Impact of Conflict on the Rights of Women and Girls in Mali, Bamako, Mali

Statement by H.E. Dr. Aisha L. Abdullahi, Commissioner for Political Affairs, African Union Commission at The High Level Seminar on the Impact of Conflict on the Rights of Women and Girls in Mali : What Partnership with the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR)

Delivered on Her Behalf by
Dr. Salah S. Hammad
Human Rights Expert

Bamako, Mali
28 October 2014

October 28, 2014

Remarks by H. E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union Commission at the Third Meeting of the Tripartite Sectoral Ministerial Committee Responsible for Trade, Finance, Economic Matters, Home and Internal Affairs

Remarks by H. E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl, Commissioner for Trade and Industry, African Union Commission at the Third Meeting of the Tripartite Sectoral Ministerial Committee
Responsible for Trade, Finance, Economic Matters, Home and
Internal Affairs, Bujumbura, Burundi

October 24, 2014

Statement of the African Union Commission Chairperson, HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma to the Meeting on Ebola with the UN Secretary General, World Bank President, delegations from the AfDB and EU Commission Tuesday 28 October 2014

Statement of the African Union Commission Chairperson, HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma to the
Meeting on Ebola with the UN Secretary General, World Bank President, delegations from the AfDB and EU Commission

Tuesday 28 October 2014, Small Conference Room 3
AU Conference Centre

Excellency, the UN Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki Moon
Excellency, President of the World Bank Dr. Jim Yong Kim
Representatives from the EU Commission, the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the UN Family
AUC Deputy Chairperson Erastus Mwencha and fellow Commissioners
AU Directors
Ladies and Gentlemen
We are meeting here at a time when our sisters and brothers in Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone are facing grave challenges, as they fight and battle the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD), which over the last few months so abruptly halted their path towards development and reconstruction.
The disease, which is not new to the world, and its manifestations in these countries, has caught us by surprise. With the wisdom of hindsight, our responses at all levels - continental, global and national – were slow, and often knee jerk reactions that did not always help the situation.
A few months into this crisis, and based on the experience gained, we know much more and are confident that we must, that we can and that we will, defeat this disease.
We just returned from a visit to Ghana, Cote D’Ivoire Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, along with my brothers Carlos Lopes from the UNECA and Donald Kaberuka from the ADB. During this visit, we met the Presidents, Cabinet Ministers and National Ebola response teams, and in Sierra Leone, with their Parliament.
Wherever we went, we were humbled by the efforts, the determination, the courage and the resilience of the peoples and governments of these countries. They informed us of the multi-sectoral plans they are implementing, with the support of the international community, on treatment, contact tracing, public health education and managing the burial of loved ones.
At the same time, they were very frank about the huge gaps and challenges they face, and therefore on the need for the African Union and the international community to do more, and do it faster.
But we also learnt that Ebola can be prevented, that you can recover from Ebola and that all of us can contribute to the fight against Ebola. We should not give in to the impression of panic that it cannot be prevented or that once you are infected, that it is a death sentence; we can stop transmission and with early treatment, many can survive and have.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Since the first African Ministers of Health meeting in April 2014, which resulted in Member states that previously dealt with the Ebola Virus Disease, sending experts to the countries concerned, the AU’s focus remains on the mobilization of health workers and experts to aid the affected countries.
Africa, right from its days of fighting colonialisation, have relied on solidarity, believing that one country can’t be free, if all Africa is not free. We therefore call on this African solidarity, that no country will be free and healthy, if one country still faces Ebola.
The Peace and Security Council decided in August to send a humanitarian mission to the affected countries. The African Union Support to the Ebola Outbreak in West Africa (ASEOWA) was launched, and the first teams of volunteer health workers sent to Liberia and Sierra Leone, with a further team to Guinea by the end of this month.
Based on this initial deployment, it was clear that we need much greater numbers of health workers, and we appealed to the Heads of State and Government to volunteer more.
We are greatly encouraged by the response of over 1000 health workers pledged to date: from ECOWAS, the East African Community, the DRC, Nigeria, Ethiopia, and others. This is in addition to the in-kind and financial support already provided and pledged by Member states to the governments of the three countries.
We call on other Member Stats that have not yet responded, to do so in the spirit of solidarity. Every African country must send health workers, no matter how small the number, because in the spirit of solidarity it gives strength to our brothers and sisters in the three countries, that we are with them in this fight
We now have to work with the governments concerned and with our African and international partners to ensure that we raise the resources to ensure the effective deployment of these health workers as soon as possible in the three countries. I am glad that we had the discussions with the UNSG and the President of the World Bank this morning on this matter.
Ladies and Gentlemen
We are also mobilizing other sectors of the African communities, such as the African business sector; we are talking to the Confederation of African Football and the cultural sector, to do their bit to contribute towards this joint effort of solidarity. We will be meeting African business on 8 November 2014 in Addis Ababa. We believe that the mobilisation of all sectors of African society for this solidarity efforts are critical, we cannot only rely on our governments.
Since the Emergency Executive Council of the AU of early September 2014, we worked tirelessly to break the isolation of the countries, so that we have flights resuming to Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone, with effective screening procedures. We already discussed this matter with Ghana, the Chair of ECOWAS, and with Cote d’Ivore, who has already resumed flights to Guinea and soon to Sierra Leone and Liberia.
As we said at the occasion of the session of the Council: we must not create more adverse conditions for the countries affected than what the disease is already wreaking on them. We will therefore continue work in this regard, including with shipping companies and countries who are refusing docking for ships that have been to the three countries, often to drop much needed supplies and goods.
Finally, working with our African strategic partner institutions, the UNECA and the ADB, we are also looking beyond the Ebola crisis, to ensure that there are plans in place to enable the countries to swiftly recover, and to once more get back on track on the road to ensure development for their people, integration with the continent and shared prosperity for all.
Let me conclude by thanking our partners who are here today at the AU Headquarters, the UN Secretary General, the World Bank President, and representatives from the EU Commission, the ADB and the Islamic Development Bank.
I thank you

October 28, 2014

Statement of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma to the IGAD Foreign Ministers Meeting, on the Occasion of the Launch of the Horn of Africa Development Initiative 27 October 2014

27 October 2014

UNECA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Excellency, UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon
Excellency, President of the World Bank Dr. Jim Yong Kim
Excellencies, IGAD Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Leaders of Delegations
Our Host, Executive Secretary of the UNECA
AUC Deputy Chairperson Erastus Mwencha and Commissioner for Economic Affairs, Dr. Maruping
Excellency, IGAD Executive Secretary, Ambassador Mahboub Maalim
Representatives of the African Development Bank, the Islamic Development Bank and the EU Commission
Excellencies, Delegations from the UN Family
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am honoured to be present at this meeting with the IGAD Foreign Ministers, the World Bank, the UN and other partners at the launch of the Horn of Africa initiative.
The Horn of Africa faced challenges over the last few decades, and yet it has many opportunities: its people, mineral resources, energy, land and oceanic resources.
We congratulate the UN, World Bank and IGAD Foreign Ministers as this initiative comes at the right time, as Africa discusses how to consolidate peace and development, and build shared prosperity in all regions.
The African Union, IGAD and other regional players, are therefor strengthening initiatives to bring about peace in all countries of the Horn of Africa and the rest of the continent; and working with the UN family and others to help address the humanitarian situation in the region.
More broadly, as we consistently say, peace and development must go hand in hand. This includes the priorities we set out in Agenda 2063, investing in people their health. We have seen the lesson from the Ebola Virus epidemic, that health is critical, and that we see health and education not just as social expenditure, but critical to economic development. In addition, we must expand investments in education, sanitation and water; developing infrastructure especially transport, energy and ICT; regional integration; agriculture and food security; and investing in young people and women. We dedicated 2014 as the year of Agriculture and Food security, which is critical to economic development. For the Horn of Africa this is also critical, where we often face hunger, and to reverse the trend where we use our meager resources to import food, when we have the land and other resources to be a net exporter of food.
For all of these things to be taken to a different level, we must ensure that there is peace in the Horn of Africa that refugees are able to return home, rebuild their lives and communities in an environment that is secure, stable and peaceful. Central to this is security sector transformation and most importantly, establishing inclusive, legitimate and accountable governance that can deliver much needed basic services, infrastructure and economic development in all parts of the region. I hope this initiative will indeed address these initiatives, I agree that it should include capacity building and strengthening the capacity of governments in the region.
We therefore welcome the Horn of Africa initiative launched today, and look forward to working with our partners, the UN system and the World Bank on making sure that the Horn of Africa has lasting peace and security, but inclusive government that can deliver basic services and accelerate investments in the region’s people, especially youth and women.
As the AU and IGAD, we will work with our partners on expanding the national and regional infrastructure projects, contributing to agriculture, food security, climate change adaptation and mitigation and economic development and industrialization, as well as accelerated integration in the region, towards the Africa we want which is peaceful, integrated, people-centred and prosperous.

Ladies and Gentlemen
The Ebola Virus Disease crisis exposed the challenges we face in fragile countries. At the epicenter of the disease, the countries that just emerged from conflicts could therefore not lodge the response required.
As the AU, we focus on solidarity amongst our self, in particular the mobilization of health workers in support of the three countries, and to mobilise all our countries to be combat ready, to respond appropriately if there is a case.
We wrote to all our Heads of States and we already seen a response from a range of our Members states, EAC, ECOWAS, Nigeria, Botswana, DRC, Ethiopia and others. Through the AU Emergency Mission for Ebola in West Africa (AWEOSA), we have already deployed volunteers to the three countries, and we learnt important lessons from this early deployment. Our strength is solidarity and we must therefore continue to work together.
We all need to do more. I thank you

October 27, 2014

Message by H.E. Dr. Aisha Abdullahi (Amb.) Commissioner for Political Affairs on the Occasion of Commemoration of the Africa Human Rights Day, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia




21 OCTOBER 2014

The African continent has witnessed decades of numerous human rights challenges resulting from a diverse range of factors, which include, inter alia, war, poverty, impunity, corruption, autocratic governance. It is against this background that Member States of the then Organization of African Unity (OAU), solemnly resolved to promote and safeguard freedom, justice, equality and human dignity in Africa by putting in place instruments to enforce these values.

The African Human and Peoples’ Rights System with its various instruments and mechanisms paved the way for the advancement of human rights promotion and protection in Africa. It also led to the creation of strategic measures to accelerate the attainment of respect for the right to development as well as measures to assist Member States to respond to development as a human rights issue. Such instruments have an undeniable moral force and provide practical guidance to States in their conduct. The value of the African Union Human and Peoples’ Rights Instruments and Mechanisms rests on their recognition, acceptance and effective implementation by Member States and indeed they may be seen as declaratory of broadly accepted goals and principles within the African Community.

The protection and promotion of Human Rights are keys for sustainable development on the continent and are an integral part of the African Shared Values. The promotion and protection of human rights has been a priority for Member States of the African Union and has been articulated as a priority in a number of the AU Instruments and Pronunciations. The principles and objectives of the AU’s Constitutive Act of 2000 emphasise the need to promote and protect human rights on the continent. This Act includes a number of provisions placing human and peoples’ rights on top of the agenda of the organization. In its Article 3 (h), the Act states that African leaders are determined to “promote and protect human and peoples’ rights in accordance with the African Charter on Human and

People’s Rights and other relevant human rights instruments”. In Article 4 (m), the Act commits African leaders to the “respect for democratic principles, human rights, rule of law and good governance”.

The African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) was adopted by the OAU on 27 June 1981 and entered into force on 21 October 1986, a day which is celebrated annually as the Africa Human Rights Day. This instrument forms the foundational stone for the African Human and Peoples’ Rights System. The African Charter is unique to other regional human rights instruments in that it not only covers internationally accepted human rights norms and standards, but also recognizes the values and principles that are unique to the African continent. It covers Civil and Political Rights, Economic Social and Cultural Rights, Peoples' and Group Rights as well as a set of duties of the individual to society.

The Africa Human Rights Day is an opportunity for AU Member States to affirm their commitment to the fight against impunity in Africa in conformity with Article 4(h) of the AU Constitutive Act which authorises the Union to intervene within each Member State in cases of war crimes, genocide, mass atrocities and crimes
against humanity. It is on this basis that commemorating Africa Human Rights Day is an opportunity to urge all African Union Member States to honor their obligations under the African Human and Peoples’ Rights System and take all necessary measures to ensure the respect, promotion and protection of all human rights.

This year’s theme of “Human Rights for All, for a Peaceful and Secure Africa” is timely and pertinent. Implicit in the theme is the recognition, on the one hand, that Africa still faces huge challenges of conflict, instability, poverty and diseases; but on the other hand, the theme is reflective of a ray of hope that through the promotion of human and peoples’ rights in Africa, sustainable peace and development can be achieved.

As we commemorate Africa Human Rights Day this year, I wish to reflect on the Decision of the African Union Summit (Assembly/AU/Dec. 423 (XIX)), which mandated the African Union Commission, in close consultation with the AU

Members States and the Regional Economic Communities, to identify Africa’s priorities for the post-2015 Development Agenda. This was followed by the Summit Decision (Assembly/AU/Dec.475(XXI)), of May 2013, which decided to establish a High-Level Committee (HLC) of Heads of State and Government to sensitize and coordinate the activities of African leaders and build regional and inter-continental alliances on the Common African Position (CAP) on the post-2015 Development Agenda.

The CAP highlights substantive issues of importance to Africa and arrives at a consensus on Africa’s key priorities, concerns and strategies to be reflected in the outcomes of the post-2015 negotiation process. The CAP identifies Africa’s development priorities which are grouped into six pillars as follows: (i) structural economic transformation and inclusive growth; (ii) science, technology and innovation; (iii) people-centred development; (iv) environmental sustainability natural resources management, and disaster risk management; (v) peace and security; and (vi) finance and partnerships. Indeed, the post-2015 Development Agenda presents a unique opportunity for Africa to articulate its common priorities, opportunities and challenges.

Going beyond the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), it is important to tackle the necessary instruments and mechanisms required for a new set of wider goals. It is also important to bring the right of the African people to development to the forefront of the negotiations as a human rights issue in order to achieve the social and economic rights stipulated in the global and continental human rights instruments.

Another challenge to note at this point is the lack of political will by the development partners to take full responsibility for addressing the right to development as a human rights issue. In fact, in many cases the debate is not on whether development is a right or not, but it aims at responding to the controversial question of whether development and economic and social rights are competitive or complementary goals. Therefore, the efforts by the AU Members States to develop the Common African Position on post- 2015 Development Agenda, is an accurate conception, which treats the right to development as an economic and social right.

Today, we are all witnesses to the international trend where the indivisibility and interdependency of human rights has become the norm. The notion of justiciability of economic, social and cultural rights which divided the world during the years of the Cold War, is beginning to be embraced by many countries. The concepts of the right to development and the right to peace, hitherto regarded as mere academic talk, have today been admitted as indispensable to the effective enjoyment of all human rights. Africa indeed can and has led the way in shaping the international human rights discourse.

On another hand, I wish to report that the Department of Political Affairs is relentlessly pursuing the implementation of the Action Plan of the Human Rights Strategy for Africa, which was adopted in 2011. The key objective of the Strategy is to address current weaknesses within the human rights system in Africa, as well as to bring about convergences and synergies in the workings of the human rights institutions and actors on the continent. The Strategy focuses on Transitional Justice to deal with issues of post conflict reconstruction, peace and development. The Department of Political Affairs is collaborating with the relevant AU Organs, partners and other stakeholders to finalize the development of an AU Transitional Justice Policy Framework for Africa, which will be endorsed during the June Summit of 2015.

As we commemorate the Africa Human Rights Day, I wish to seize this opportunity to express my sincere condolences to bereaved families and those affected by the Ebola outbreak in the western region of Africa. At the same time, I wish to express appreciation to all who have worked and continue to address this serious health problem with its devastating socio-economic and political ramifications.

The time has come for all stakeholders promoting and protecting human rights on the continent, and in particular, Member States, to take stock of what they have done to establish a culture of respect for human rights on the continent, and what they can do to enhance the enjoyment of human rights and peace in Africa. It is important to bear in mind that there is no peace without respect for human rights, and security and development can only thrive where there is durable peace.

The level of responsibilities varies from one stakeholder to another, but we should always commit ourselves both individually and collectively towards

“Human Rights for All, for a Peaceful and Secure Africa” in the spirit of the

Africa Agenda 2063, Africa’s long-term development vision over the next fifty years.

I thank you.

October 21, 2014

Report of the Chairperson of the Commission on the Situation in Somalia on the occasion of the 462nd Meeting of the Peace and Security Council


The present report is submitted pursuant to the relevant decisions of Council. It provides an update on the main developments that took place in Somalia during the period under review, the implementation of the mandate of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and other related issues. The report concludes with observations on the way forward.


The overall political developments in Somalia remain encouraging, with evidence of progress in the State formation process, constitutional review and preparations for elections by 2016.

a) State Formation Process

Since the signing of the August 2013 Addis Ababa Agreement establishing the Interim Jubba Administration, there has been some progress in the implementation of this Agreement. Furthermore, agreements have been reached regarding the establishment of two other States, namely the South-West and Central States. On 23 June 2014, the South West-6 Group and a delegation of South-West-3 Group signed a historic Agreement at Villa Somalia to set up an Interim South-West Administration that would include the regions of Bay, Bakol and Lower Shabelle. A Technical Committee was set up to prepare the roadmap for the creation of an interim South-West Administration. While some stakeholders, including the President of the six-region State, Madobe Nunow, and the Minister of Interior Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), Abdullahi Godah Barre, have refuted its legitimacy, the Baidoa Agreement has attracted the backing of both the international community and some key FGS figures.

The FGS also held consultations with representatives of the central regions, including the “Regional State of Galmudug”, the “Administration of Himan&Heeb” and the leadership of Ahlu Sunna wal Jamaa, resulting in the signing, on 30 July 2014, of an Agreement in which they committed themselves to form an administration for Mudug and Galguduud. The United Nations (UN), the European Union (EU), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and the AU signed the Agreement as witnesses. The “Himan&Heeb” leaders, who had not signed the Agreement at the same time as the other parties, eventually signed it on 6 August 2014

The disputed Sool Region continues to experience tension after Somaliland forces seized Taleex town, on 12 June 2014, and disrupted a conference organized by leaders, elders and supporters of the self-declared “Khatumo State”. Susequently, the Puntland Government reinforced its military presence in the contested region. The “Khatumo” leaders relocated to Saaxdheer, an area in the Sool region. On 14 August 2014, Ali Khalif Galayr was elected as the new President of the “Khatumo State”.
Relations between the FGS and Puntland remain strained. On 31 July 2014, Puntland announced a freeze on all cooperative relations and activities with the FGS in reaction to the signing of the Agreement on State formation in Galguduud and Mudug. On 2 August 2014, the President of Puntland, Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, suspended co-operation with the FGS and withdrew 10 Parliamentarians following the Government’s endorsement of the new “Central State” in Mudug and Galgudud regions. Puntland officials objected to the announcement by the Government of an administration for Mudug and Galguduud, which is located in Puntland and has been at peace in the past 16 years.

On 18 August 2014, the Puntland authorities offered a 30-day consultation period between Puntland and the FGS in an effort to resolve differences. On 10 October 2014, Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed travelled to Puntland and, on 11 October, alongside Puntland President Abdiweli Mohamed Ali Gaas, launched talks between the FGS and Puntland in a bid to resolve political differences on the interpretation of the Provisional Constitution, sharing of power and resources, and the formation of the Central State. The two parties further agreed to put in place confidence-building measures.

b) Constitutional Review, Electoral Process and other issues

Progress has been registered in the constitutional review process in Somalia. On 21 May 2014, the Somali Parliament formed a Sub-Committee tasked with finalizing the Provisional Constitution and preparing electoral legislation for the 2016 elections. The Committee was given 13 months to finalize the Provisional Constitution and establish suitable laws in readiness for elections in August 2016. On 29 May 2014, the Council of Ministers approved the nomination of five individuals to serve as Commissioners on the Independent Constitutional Review and Implementation Commission (ICRIC).

In preparation for the elections, the FGS established an ad hoc Parliamentary Electoral Committee to draft a bill on the National Independent Electoral Commission (NIEC) and to review comparative electoral systems. The ad hoc Committee draws members from both the Parliament and the FGS. It has yet to agree on the legislation to establish the NIEC.

Following consultations with various stakeholders, the FGS, on 30 June 2014, issued a revised version of the “Vision 2016” plan for the political transformation of Somalia. On the same day, the Federal Parliament passed the Judicial Service Commission Law. The Commission is the supreme administrative organ of the Somali judiciary, and is a prerequisite to the establishment of the Constitutional Court, the country's highest court.

c) Stabilization Processes

Progress is being made in the stabilization of the country. Local administrators who were selected by the Ministry of Interior and Federalism have taken over responsibility for regional governance from the Somali National Army (SNA) and AMISOM, as part of the ongoing stabilization efforts. Similarly, Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed chaired the third phase of the New Deal Summit (Somali Development and Reconstruction Facility - SDRF) meeting, with the participation of representatives of the international community. The meeting discussed the current security situation in Somalia, and also served as a platform to promote continued dialogue between the FGS and international partners.

The FGS is putting in place appropriate legislation to combat terrorism. On 10 July 2014, the Somali cabinet approved a draft Counter-Terrorism (CT) bill designed to strengthen the fight against insurgency within Somalia. The CT bill provides additional powers to the courts to better equip them to deal with terrorism related cases, using effective legislative measures to ensure that appropriate sentencing can be handed down for terrorist acts.

On 16 September 2014, a reconciliation conference was held in Kismayo. The objective of the conference, which was opened by President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, was to engage with key stakeholders from Middle and Lower Jubba and Gedo regions on outstanding issues and to agree on the final power sharing modalities to establish a Jubbaland State. The conference was followed by the integration of Colonel Adan Shire ‘Bare Hirale’ into the peace process. Colonel Bare Hirale and the Interim Jubba Administration led by Ahmed Madobe reached a three-point Agreement brokered by the FGS and IGAD. In the Agreement, Colonel Bare Hirale agreed to participate in the second phase of the Jubba reconciliation conference and to integrate his forces within the SNA. A Committee was formed to bring Colonel Bare Hirale’s militia to the outskirt of Kismayo until the Agreement is fully signed. The FGS hopes to finalize the establishment of a federal unit in Jubbaland by December 2014.

d) International Support

On 13 August 2014, the United Nations Security Council made a historic visit to Mogadishu. The Security Council delegation met with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, Prime Minister Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed, senior members of the Government, the Federal Parliament and leaders of the Interim Administration of Jubba and Galmudug. The delegation welcomed recent political agreements to form interim regional administrations. It also expressed its expectation that the FGS would urgently establish a national independent electoral commission, lead a process to revise the Provisional Constitution and hold a referendum on it by the end of 2015, and subsequently hold elections in 2016.

On 18 September 2014, the United Kingdom and Somalia co-chaired a meeting on the SNA in London. The meeting discussed ways to enhance support to the SNA in joint operations with AMISOM. On 24 September 2014, the UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon, hosted a high-level meeting on Somalia in the margins of UN General Assembly. The meeting welcomed the progress made and reaffirmed its support to Somalia.


Despite the peace and security gains recorded in those areas recovered from Al-Shabaab, the overall security situation in Somalia remains volatile. Al-Shabaab continues to carry out a dual-track asymmetric campaign focused on the conventional targeting of vulnerable AMISOM and SNA defensive positions and emplacement of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) at AMISOM and SNA supply lines. On 21 February 2014, a group of 9 Al-Shabaab militants launched a complex attack on Villa Somalia. During the attack, 14 people were killed, including Government officials. On 5 July 2014, Al-Shabaab attacked the Federal Parliament, killing 4 people and injuring 7 others.

On 8 July 2014, Al-Shabaab attacked Villa Somalia, killing 3 and injuring 2 AMISOM soldiers. On 30 August 2014, Al-Shabaab attacked the National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) prison in Mogadishu, killing three NISA personnel. Seven of the attackers were also killed during the attack. On 8 September 2014, Al-Shabaab attacked an AMISOM convoy on its way to Afgoye (Lower Shabelle), killing 6 civilians and injuring 4 AMISOM personnel. On 1 Sept 2014, a US air strike killed Al-Shabaab leader, Ahmed Abdi Godane, in Barawe. Al-Shabaab confirmed the death of its leader and named Sheikh Ahmad Abu Ubeyda as his replacement.

AMISOM is working closely with the FGS in Mogadishu, as well as the interim local administrations in the recovered areas, to reassure the local population. The two AMSIOM Formed Police Units (FPUs) deployed in Mogadishu continue to carry out joint police operations with the Somali Police Force (SPF) in the capital. These operations have contributed to reducing significantly the asymmetric threat levels in Mogadishu through search and cordon, random checkpoints, community policing initiatives and community outreach programmes, which have resulted in the recovery of weapons, Explosive Ordinances (EODs) and IEDs, as well as the arrest of many suspected Al-Shabaab insurgents.

The cycle of violence, drought and rising food prices in Somalia continue to have devastating consequences on the Somali people. According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), over 3.2 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. Malnutrition has reached alarming levels. The overall rainfall levels recorded during the April-June rainy season were less than half of normal levels. There are about 1 million Somali refugees and over 1.1 million internally displaced people.


The strength of AMISOM uniformed personnel deployed across the six Sectors stands at 22,056 out of the authorized strength of 22,126; the difference arises from rotations of the various contingents. The troops in theatre are composed of 6,220 Ugandan soldiers; 5,338 Burundian soldiers; 4, 395 Ethiopian soldiers; 3,664 Kenyan soldiers; 1,000 Djiboutian soldiers; 850 Sierra Leone soldiers; and 75 Staff Officers in the Force Headquarters. The Police component has 383 officers deployed in the Mission area, consisting of 96 Individual Police Officers (IPOs), 280 officers in the FPUs from Nigeria and Uganda, as well as 7 officers who make up the Police Senior Leadership Team (PSLT). A detachment of 5 IPOs each has been deployed in the towns of Dhobley, Baidoa, Beletweyne, Jowhar and Kismayo. There are 97 civilian personnel in the Mission, comprising 52 personnel and 45 local Somali personnel. The majority of the internationally recruited staff and the Somali national staff are deployed in Mogadishu.

a) Military Operations

Following the adoption of the revised Concept of Operations (CONOPS) and the completion of the necessary relocation of troops and equipment across the new Sectors, the first phase of the joint AMISOM-SNA expansion operation, code-named Operation Eagle, was launched on 3 March 2014. The Operation, which ended on 30 March 2014, resulted in the recovery from Al-Shabaab of eight districts, namely Rab Dhuure, Wajid, Xuduur, Bulo Burto, Warshik, Qoryooley, Maxaasand and Ceel Buur. The Operation denied Al-Shabaab freedom of movement, forcing this group to relocate elsewhere.

Phase 2, code-named Operation Indian Ocean, was launched on 25 August 2014, seeking to build on the progress made during Operation Eagle. Each Sector was assigned objectives with instructions to seize, secure and stabilize key districts along the coastline. In Sector 1, the SNA and AMISOM jointly captured Golweyn, on 30 August, Bulo Mareer and Kurtunwareey towns, in Lower Shabelle, on 30 and 31 August. On 6 October, the SNA and AMISOM forces captured Al-Shabaab’s “capital” and last stronghold, Barawe. In Sector 2, the SNA and AMISOM, en route to Jamame, captured the town of Bulo-Gudud (30 km of Kismayo), on 6 October. In Sector 3, the SNA and AMISOM recovered the town of Tayeeglow (Bakol region), on 25 August. In Sector 4, the SNA and AMISOM forces reopened the Beletweyne-Bulo Burto road and successfully escorted 18 trucks loaded with relief aid to Bulo Burto. The SNA and AMISOM forces are now planning to reopen the road between Bulo Burto and Jalalaqsi. In Sector 5, on 30 August 2014, the SNA and AMISOM cleared and secured the towns of Fidow and Jalalaqsi. The SNA and AMISOM later captured the town of Raag Ceel and captured the town of Cadale on 1 October, which was previously used as a supply route by Al-Shabaab.

As a result of these defeats, Al-Shabaab withdrew its forces to the rural areas and the Middle Juba region, in order to preserve its equipment and personnel for a long asymmetrical struggle. Al-Shabaab still controls some areas inland from Kismayo and Barawe, particularly the towns of Dinsoor, Baardheere, Bu’aale, Jamame and Jilib, as well as rural areas around these towns. In the short term, Al-Shabaab will continue its attacks, seeking to create chaos and disruption at every opportunity. Al-Shabaab is also likely to remain a threat to Somalia’s immediate neighbors and the Troop and Police Contributing Countries (T/PCCs) to AMISOM.

In the Kismayo Sector, Colonel Barre Hirale surrendered to the Government along with 114 militiamen. Furthermore, an estimated 800 Al-Shabaab have defected in different Sectors following the Government’s offer of a 45-day amnesty to Al-Shabaab fighters at the launch of Operation Indian Ocean.

b) Support to the SNA

In addition to the joint operations being conducted with the SNA, the AMISOM military component is continuing to train and mentor the SNA in the areas of command and control, logistics, unit tactics and medical capabilities. During the reporting period, AMISOM trained 116 SNA soldiers in basic static guard duties and 29 young officers as platoon commanders, while the SNA advanced infantry company (Danaab) completed its induction and basic training. All the trainings were conducted at the Jazeera Training Center in Mogadishu. AMISOM, working with the EU Training Team (EUTM), began the CONOPS Refresher training course in all Sectors. About 7,214 SNA are undergoing the training course. In addition, courses are being prepared for the reintegration of troops returning from training abroad, senior officers refresher course and a generic six-month training programme for resident battalions. However, there is lack of fundamental basic equipment at all training centers, such as beds and training weapons.

c) Police Operations

During the period under review, AMISOM police component continued to provide varied support to the SPF in terms of training, mentoring, operational support and capacity enhancement in Mogadishu, Baidowa, Beletweyne, Kismayo and Dhobley. Pre-deployment assessments were conducted in Jowhar and Dhobley, and deployments of AMISOM police were done accordingly in the two areas during August and September 2014. Joint assessments in the newly-recovered areas, such as Tiyeglow, Kurtunwaarey and others, were also conducted following “Operation Indian Ocean”.

With regard to training, AMISOM police has conducted a community-based policing course for one hundred and sixty (160) police officers, including sixty-nine (69) women, with the objective to enhance the capacity of the SPF in proactive policing, in partnership with the concerned communities. AMISOM police has also developed the necessary curricula for required training programmes on sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), in collaboration with UNICEF, and basic police training, in collaboration with the SPF. The curricula for training 200 SPF and 200 community leaders in Mogadishu is being finalized for the Banadir Neighborhood-Watch Project. AMISOM police has also conducted human rights training of trainers for 25 SPF officers; a refresher course for 110 SPF officers in patrols, cordon and search; and professional standards and investigation courses for 35 SPF officers. Furthermore, AMISOM police is currently conducting basic recruitment training for 500 SPF officers, which is expected to end by the close of the year. For the first time, AMISOM police has decentralized training activities to areas outside the capital.

AMISOM police has appointed a Gender Affairs Coordinator, in an effort to improve the management of gender-related issues and support SPF in gender approach to the ongoing reform process and management of SGBV cases. In line with the SPF strategic plan, a needs assessment was carried out at SPF headquarters in Baidoa and Jowhar, to identify gaps in the establishment of women’s desks at police stations. In addition, plans are under way to implement the SPF Gender-Based Violence Strategy, which was jointly developed with AMISOM police and all relevant stakeholders from the FGS. In terms of mentoring, AMISOM police is continuing to co-locate with the SPF in Baidoa, Kismayo, Dhobley, Beletweyne and Mogadishu, where Somali police officers are provided with on-the-job training on core policing functions.

Regarding operational support, the two AMSIOM FPUs deployed to Mogadishu are carrying out joint police operations with the SPF in the capital. During the period under review, the SPF EOD and Canine Team was established, and it is working closely with UNMAS as a Quick Reaction Unit to respond to serious crimes in Mogadishu. Furthermore, with funding from the Italian Government, ten Toyota Pickup Vans were provided to the SPF to enhance its operational mobility. In support of the reform, restructuring and development process in the SPF, AMISOM police, with funding from the Italian Government, completed phase one of renovation works at the SPF Headquarters. AMISOM police also facilitated the renovation of the Medina Police Hospital, and provides medical services to the SPF. AMISOM police also provides advice to the SPF in a number of relevant areas. Finally, thanks to support from partners, AMISOM police initiated a project for the construction of a police station at Mogadishu International Airport.

During the month of August 2014, the AMISOM police and SPF jointly launched a community awareness and response program as a mechanism to involve the community in responding to the persistent asymmetric attacks in Mogadishu and other areas. The aim of this programme is to sensitize members of the public on the need to partner and work with the police, in order to fight crime and also improve on community safety and security.

d) Humanitarian Liaison

In line with the revised CONOPS, AMISOM Humanitarian Liaison Office (HLO) is working towards enhancing AMISOM’s relations with the humanitarian community, in order to facilitate the provision of support to the needy populations, particularly in those areas recovered from Al-Shabaab. To this end, AMISOM has established a Joint Operational Information Sharing Forum (JOISF), which brings together relevant stakeholders. Furthermore, the AMISOM HLO, together with the FGS, has carried out field assessments in the newly-recovered areas. The assessment reports have been instrumental in helping the humanitarian community understand the complexity of the needs of the populations in the newly-recovered areas, as well in providing valuable insights into the general situation on the ground. These assessments also facilitate the planning and implementation by AMISOM of Quick Impact Projects (QIPs) in the newly recovered areas.

The initial assessment findings indicate that there are significant humanitarian needs in all areas visited. It is expected that, through the JOISF process and with information provided by more assessment missions, humanitarian partners will better understand the needs of the affected populations, and be able to access them and provide for their needs in a coordinated way.

e) Gender

The AMISOM Gender Office is continuing efforts to implement the AMISOM Gender Mainstreaming Strategy to enhance the implementation of the Mission’s mandate. To this end, during the reporting period and in addition to establishing gender offices in Beletweyne and Kismayo, the Gender Office has convened sensitization forums on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse. Furthermore, as part of the celebrations marking the International Women’s Day 2014, the Gender Office convened a meeting under the theme “Celebrating the Female Peacekeepers and their Contribution to Peace and Stability in Somalia”.

f) Human Rights

During the reporting period, AMISOM, cognizant of its obligations under international humanitarian law (IHL), human rights law and relevant AU policies and guidelines, has continued to make considerable efforts to ensure that its operations are conducted in compliance with applicable IHL. The Force Commander issued a “Force Commander’s Legal Directives on Operations” to all the Sector Commanders, requiring them to adhere strictly to the UN Secretary-General’s Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP) in the conduct of operations. In terms of training, AMISOM, with the support of UNSOA and UNSOM, continued to conduct AU-UN mandatory Pre-Deployment Training (PDT) in IHL and human rights law. The pre-deployment training is reinforced with additional mission-specific training on key principles of IHL for senior AMISOM officers. In addition, since 2012, AMISOM conducts training courses in IHL for junior and senior officers of the SNA.

Pursuant to UN Security Council resolution 2124 (2013), which requires UNSOM, UNSOA and AMISOM to collaborate in the implementation of the UN Secretary-General’s Human Rights Due Diligence Policy (HRDDP), the three institutions have established a Joint Working Group on HRDDP. The Working Group held its inaugural meeting in Mogadishu on 15 February 2014. Subsequently, the Working Group developed a report on existing AMISOM, SNA and UNSOM mechanisms, highlighting gaps and making recommendations on further measures to ensure better compliance with the HRDDP.

AMISOM is committed to fully implementing the relevant provisions of the 2003 UN Secretary-General’s Bulletin on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse. It has adopted a policy on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA). Regarding the allegations of SEA contained in the recent report by Human Rights Watch, the Commission, taking such allegations seriously, has already embarked on a process to carry out a thorough investigation.

Regarding the Civilian Casualty Tracking and Response Cell (CCTARC), AMISOM and UNSOA have established focal points to the CCTARC. In September 2014, a consultant was recruited to mentor the Cell. In addition, the Commission recruited a CCTARC Data Entry Officer. The Cell, which has began its operations, is complemented by the development of a Civilian Casualty Matrix.

g) Civil Affairs

AMISOM Civil Affairs unit continues to complement military operations in support of the FGS efforts to extend State authority by facilitating community confidence-building measures. Ahead of the launch of phase one of Operation Eagle and Operation Indian Ocean, AMISOM Civil Affairs unit engaged community elders at different levels in order both to provide the necessary situational analysis and to mobilize the communities in support of the military operations. Furthermore, AMISOM Civil Affairs unit is working to implement QUIPs, with a particular focus on health, water, infrastructure and education.

The Civil Affairs unit is also working with the FGS Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs to sensitize members of Somali civil society on Government policies, particularly regarding Vision 2016. From 18 to 21 August 2014, the FGS and AMISOM organized a conference in Kigali aimed at identifying the role of civil society organizations in supporting inclusive political dialogue and initiating processes of social reconciliation to restore trust between communities. The participants agreed to create a Somalia Civil Society Consortium that will work with the FGS to implement Vision 2016. The AMISOM Civil Affairs unit working with the Ministry of Youth and Sports, developed programmes aimed at engaging the Somalis youths in dialogue, reconciliation, security and development.


UNSOA has continued to provide AMISOM with the necessary logistical of support for the implementation of the revised CONOPS. To ensure the effectiveness of the support delivered, strategic-level, senior mission leadership meetings continued to be held, while, at the operational level the revitalized Joint Support Operations Center (JSOC) effectively coordinates the planning and delivery of all logistical support to AMISOM uniformed and civilian personnel deployed in all the six Sectors. During the reporting period, UNSOA provided the requisite support for phase one of Operation Eagle, beginning with the conduct of Relief-In-Place operations across the six Sectors, except for some challenges experienced in Sector 2.

In addition to the support being provided to ongoing joint operations by AMISOM and SNA troops, UNSOA continues to deliver routine support to the three components of AMISOM across the six Sectors of the Mission area. However, the delivery of support to a number of locations is being carried out by air because of concerns over IEDs on the main supply routes. It is, therefore, imperative to increase the current fleet of UN medium lift helicopters, in order to facilitate timely delivery. Following an offer by the Government of Chad to supply AMISOM with combat and utility helicopters, a joint AU-UNSOA technical team travelled to Chad, from 8 to 14 October 2013 to assess the helicopters and the crew. Discussions are underway with the Government of Burundi to realize its offer to provide eight military helicopters to AMISOM.

UNSOA has also begun the construction of facilities at Sector hubs in Baidoa and Beletweyne. UNSOA continues to provide increased Communications and Information Technology Services (CITS) support to AMISOM. Regarding medical support, UNSOA carried out 35 medical evacuation, transfer, redeployment and repatriation flights. However, Sector medical facilities need to be brought up to Level 2 standards, in order to facilitate close medical support in the Sectors. A shortage of specialist doctors, who should be deployed by the Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), remains a challenge to achieving Level 2 standard in the Sector hubs. On transportation, UNSOA supplied AMISOM with thirty-six assorted motor vehicles, while an additional one hundred and eleven vehicles will soon be delivered to replace those donated to AMISOM in 2009 from the liquidated UN Mission in Eritrea and Ethiopian (UNMEE). However, UNSOA continues to face challenges with the maintenance of the Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs). UNSOA is taking steps to address these challenges.

In line with the relevant provisions of UN Security Council resolution 2124 (2013), UNSOA has put in place mechanisms for the phased roll-out of the targeted logistical support to the SNA, and has also commenced the provision of logistical support to SNA using funds contributed to the SNA Trust Fund, which, to date, received only two and a half million USD ($2.5 million) in contributions and five million USD ($5 million) in pledges. Given that the projected six month- and twelve month-requirements by the SNA stands at twelve and twenty two million USD respectively, it is imperative that the required funding is forthcoming, in order to guarantee the provision of this critical support to the SNA.

Finally the AU and the UN have begun a review of the AU-UN Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed in 2009 for the delivery of logistical support to AMISOM. The aim of the joint review is to strengthen acknowledged areas of weakness and to enhance those aspects that have worked well.


Somalia continues to make progress in spite of the numerous challenges facing it. It is critical, therefore, that the Somali stakeholders continue their efforts, while the international community should enhance its support to Somalia.

The FGS has to be given adequate financial and other support to implement its Vision 2016 agenda. At the first meeting of the High-level Partnership Forum (HLPF) on the implementation of Somalia New Deal Compact, held in Mogadishu on 24 February 2014, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamoud appealed to partners to fulfill their pledged support, in order to enable the Government implement its commitments under the Compact. The FGS needs financial resources to implement its Roadmap, including the stabilization and establishment of State authority across the country, as well as in the newly recovered areas, ahead of the general elections in 2016.

The Roadmap adopted by the FGS demonstrates its commitment to complement and to build upon the security gains being recorded thanks to the joint AMISOM and SNA military operations. The political leadership of Somalia and all other stakeholders should continue to show selfless leadership, resolve and unity of purpose to consolidate the progress made. In this regard, it is critical for the Government to undertake adequate sensitization on the stabilization strategy and state building process under the Local Government Act and Provisional Federal Constitution. Recent outreach efforts and the positive outcomes of the engagements by the President and the Speaker of Parliament in Baidoa, as well as the Prime Minister’s engagements in Bulo Burto, Jowhar and Kismayo, are vivid demonstrations of how effective such sensitization could be in facilitating peace building and state building. At the same time, efforts to ensure constructive engagement between the FGS and Puntland should be encouraged.

The joint AMISOM and SNA operations have resulted in the recovery of sixteen districts, but seven districts remain under Al-Shabaab influence, and their recovery will be the main objective in the next military phase. While applauding the successes recorded so far, it is necessary to also take stock of the challenges that AMISOM and the FGS continue to be faced with going forward. In particular, AMISOM remains short of adequate air assets, which are critical for the movement of troops in-theatre and medical evacuation, as well as for the delivery of logistical support to forward locations. The operational state of the available APCs also needs to be addressed urgently. There is also a shortage of troop carriers, armored vehicles, fuel and water trucks, and ambulances.

An effective, well-resourced and motivated SNA is critical to the achievement of the objectives being pursued. The SNA has demonstrated bravery and growing professionalism during the ongoing joint operations with AMISOM forces. It is, therefore, imperative that all identified capability shortfalls of the SNA be addressed, in order to further enhance their effectiveness in future joint operations with AMISOM. The international community should contribute generously to the Trust Fund in support of the SNA, in order to meet the amount required to cover the costs for targeted logistical support to the SNA.

I would like, once again, to commend the SNA and AMISOM for the progress they continue to make on the ground. I pay tribute to the troop and police contributing countries for their continued commitment and the sacrifices made. I am grateful to all the partners extending support to AMISOM and the SNA. I reiterate my appreciation to IGAD for its critical role and engagement in support of the peace and reconciliation efforts in Somalia.

October 16, 2014

Opening Statement of H. E. Mrs. Fatima Haram Acyl Commissioner for Trade and Industry of the African Union Commission On the occasion of the 4th AUC – PAQI Strategic Meeting

Distinguished Participants from PAQI
All AUC Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a great pleasure and honor for me to welcome you all to the 4th AUC – PAQI Strategic Meeting following the successful hosting here in Addis Ababa of the 3rd meeting earlier in March this year. On the conclusion of the meeting held in March, Dr. Hermogene and his team debriefed me specifically on the agreement between our organizations to plan jointly for the period 2015 – 2017. Indeed, the timing of our meeting today is ideal as we look ahead to the future. We already have our AUC Strategic Plan for 2014 – 2017 and PAQI can help deliver on some of our key flagship projects including our work on the Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) and the Agenda 2063. Indeed, the importance of quality infrastructure in the economic development of the continent cannot be understated. I trust we all agree - poorly designed technical regulations and standards limit consumer choice and hamper trade yet so many studies clearly show our traders face huge challenges in this regard. Technical regulations and standards challenges form a great share of both reported and unreported non-tariff barriers to trade in Africa.

Dear Participants, to give some background to our relationship with PAQI - Let me take this opportunity to inform the meeting that PAQI was officially launched in August 2013 by the AUC Director of Trade and Industry following the signing of a PAQI MOU by ARSO, AFRIMETS, AFSEC, and AFRAC with the support of the AUC. PAQI pillars are already recognized by the relevant international organizations in their respective fields of operation.

PAQI organizations participated in our Stakeholders Retreat held in Johannesburg, South Africa, in February this year where we discussed and developed Joint work streams on areas of potential strategic partnerships and delivery. ARSO also invited us to their 20th Annual General Assembly Meeting held in June 2014 in Kigali organized by the Government of the Republic of Rwanda, through Rwanda Bureau of Standards, on 23rd – 27th June 2014 under the theme “Standardization as a driver for Improving Africa’s Competitiveness”. We also met and participated in a working visit to UNIDO in July this year where we discussed issues affecting industrialization on the continent. Indeed, we have a very good history of cooperation and working together, we can only strengthen this moving forward.

Colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, allow me to make a special mention of our Department’s sincere appreciation and gratitude to the invaluable support given by the German government through the German Federal Metrology institute (PTB) and the PAQI Secretariat in making this meeting a success. We are indebted to their generous support for bringing key experts from their respective base countries to the African Union Commission, here in Addis Ababa. I am also told PTB has made it possible that we will indeed have coffee and lunch. Indeed, we are grateful for this.

Turning to the purpose of our meeting today, I wish to reiterate that the meeting today is testimony to the common and shared vision our organizations have for a more integrated Africa that can produce goods and services, feed its own people, generate jobs for its growing young people and maintain healthy populations and safe workplaces. One key outcome of this meeting is the Joint strategic plan between PAQI organizations and the AUC Departments. This plan will be accompanied by a clear implementation matrix that outlines timely and tangible realistic deliverables and results with dedicated roles and responsibilities amongst our organizations.

I can inform that the DTI has secured some resources from the EU towards standards issues in our 2015 Budget. We appreciate this support and our engagement with our sister Departments and PAQI will even make it better. Our earlier engagements on the possibility of PAQI assisting mobilize technical assistance support for the DTI’s Industry division; particularly on matters relating to Standards have seen some positive developments. I am very happy to inform that this visit by PAQI is also meant to introduce and familiarize the proposed Expert Ms. Evah Oduor to the AUC family. We are again greatly delighted to add to our staff a very experienced and knowledgeable woman and we hope that she will contribute immensely to our work both at the Departmental and AUC levels.

Quality infrastructure is cross cutting and hence the reason we have a broad representation here by our Sister Departments from the AUC. This is crucial in our joint planning, reporting, monitoring and evaluation processes.

It is my sincere hope that based on their Comparative Competencies, PAQI institutions will align their work programmes and activities in line with the key AUC sectors which are: Agriculture, infrastructure, transport, energy, environments, natural resources, health, trade and Industry sectors. I am aware that in the proposed implementation matrix, PAQI assigned its activities to some AUC programmes such as BIAT/CFTA, AIDA, CAADP, PIDA and PMPA which are programmes that need great support for the development of Africa.

Our partnership in making this joint planning more visible and effective should see us building capacity in our Member States and RECs through sensitization, training, working with the private sector, partnerships with education institutions for curriculum review and research institutes and laboratories. I would also encourage that we work closely with ARSO on their African Trade Portal as we also have started work on establishing the AU Trade Observatory as part of the CFTA Architecture. We would also like to see a scaling up of innovative initiatives like ARSO’s Standards Awards, among others.

The political support towards quality infrastructure is there. In this regard, the CAMI 20, the Conference of African Ministers of Industry held in June 2013 in Nairobi, Kenya, made a declaration on quality infrastructure, recognizing the Pan-African Quality Infrastructure (PAQI) as the continental platform for all matters related to standardization, metrology, and accreditation in order to strengthen the competitiveness of Africa’s goods and services and contribute towards the industrialization of the continent and its sustainability.

In conclusion, Ladies and Gentlemen, the newly developed PAQI structure, as the latest addition to the AU family is underlined by a shared objective to improve quality in Africa, increase regional integration as well as promote and enhance intra-Africa trade for our Small and Medium Enterprises through establishing a harmonized policy on standardization and quality assurance on goods and services on the continent. This will generate jobs, incomes and livelihoods for our people. Therefore, planning together, we will succeed.
I wish you all fruitful deliberations and I thank you for your kind attention.

October 09, 2014

Statement of the Commissioner’s for the 1st Bureau Meeting for CAMI 20

Your Excellences,
All protocol observed,

• I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for having put aside your heavy schedules to come and attend this Bureau Meeting. Let me also take this opportunity to that the Government of Kenya for having offered to host the Bureau Meeting and for the warm hospitality accorded to us since arrival in this beautiful city which is also famous for its tourism attraction.

• I would also wish to thank our implementing partners; the RECs, UNIDO and other stakeholders for supporting the African Union Commission and the Department of Trade and Industry in implementing the decisions of our Ministers as well as the decisions of the Executive Council and Summit. The road map ahead of is clear and it was defined by the treaties that established the OAU and now AUC particularly the Abuja Treaty for the establishment of the African Economic Community by 2025.

• Excellency, as we all are aware, last year in May, the African Union Commission celebrated its Golden Jubilee of establishment. To commemorate the historic event the African Union t Commission conducted wide and inclusive consultations about what the future of Africa. The Africa We Want in the next 50 years. Consolidating on the achievements of the past 50 years, a cross section of people including the youth, women, diaspora etc gave their expectations about the future of Africa in the next 50 years.

• The outcome of these wide consultations is the Agenda 2063 which is "A global strategy to optimize use of Africa's resources for the benefits of all Africans". It is an approach to how the continent should effectively learn from the lessons of the past, build on the progress now underway and strategically exploit all possible opportunities available in the immediate and medium term, so as to ensure positive socioeconomic transformation within the next 50 years.

• This Bureau meeting is thus being held in a period where the African Union member States are in the process to re-orient their development planning to align with the Agenda 2063 and to work towards achieving social and economic structural transformation using the abundant natural resources. It is indeed a period where we, as Africans, are defining a “Paradigm Shift” to ensure that we move away from a Continent that is traditionally exporting its resources in raw and unprocessed form to a continent that is highly industrialised and economically independent

• To achieve the AU vision of “An Integrated, prosperous and peaceful Africa, driven by its own citizens and representing a dynamic force in the global arena”, significantly more action is still required on a number of fronts” and now the Agenda 2063, the continental initiatives and frameworks that have been adopted by the Africa African Union Heads State need to be implemented. These frameworks include among others, the Action Plan for Boosting Intra-African Trade, the achievement of the Continental Free Trade Area supported by the Action Plan for Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa AIDA, the Action Plan for the African Mining Vision AMV, the African Agri-Business and Agro-Industries Development Initiative, 3ADI, and the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Action Plan PMPA. These initiatives are not only critical for achieving an integrated Africa but also for ensuring that at the national level governments achieve their development visions and objectives of creating jobs, creating wealth, protecting the environment and ultimately achieving an inclusive growth and a sustainable development.

• All the frameworks and initiatives as indicated above which are coordinated by the AUC Department of Trade and Industry, if and when implemented, will lead to the achievement of the visions and goals of the African Union member States both at the national, regional and continental levels. We need to ensure that we work towards a commodity based industrialisation as this is the only way that we will create jobs for our growing youth population, create wealth and thus eradicate poverty.

• The Conferences of Ministers meet every after two years to deliberated on how to implement the decisions of the Heads of State and Governments and of the Executive Council and to also make recommendations for consideration by the same executive policy organs about how to achieve the objectives for which such frameworks and initiatives were developed.

• The role of the CAMI Bureau is therefore critical because we are responsible for ensuring that the decisions and recommendations emanating from the Ministerial Conferences are implemented and then reporting back to the Ministerial Conference every after two years. We meet to monitor the implementation of the recommendations and decisions.

• This makes the role of this 1st Bureau Meeting of CAMI 20 even more critical because one of the key recommendations of CAMI 20 was to take stock of the implementation of the CAMI decisions all the way from CAMI 17 to CAMI 20. Your excellences, you are therefore going to consider a report from the senior officials that has considered matrices of the implementation of all these decisions among other items that were on the agenda.

• This Bureau of CAMI 20 is also presiding over the end of the traditional Conferences of Ministers because as from next year these Ministerial Conferences will be replaced by the “Specialised Technical Committees”(STCs) where the Ministers responsible for Trade, the Ministers responsible for Industry and The Ministers responsible for Mineral Resources Development will be meeting in one session. This looks quite sensible because then the Industrialisation policy will be well placed to ensure coherence, however, in practical terms this will require well planning ahead to ensure that the individual Ministry’s Objectives and visions are not overshadowed by other Ministries.

• To this end the Bureau of CAMI 20 will have to strategically position the Ministry of Industrialisation to ensure that the policies, decisions and recommendations that will come from STCs will support Africa’s Commodity based industrialisation. We need to use our comparative advantage to industrialise, but to achieve this there are a number of issues that we need to address and which should not be lost when we get structured under the STCs. These include, among others:

o Mechanisms for financing industrialisation- this is key because to finance industrialisation requires inward thinking. It is the financing of our domestic industries, the SMIEs and SMIs that will shape Africa’s Industrialisation. Donor funding cannot on its own finance industrialisation in Africa but we can only use such funds to leverage our own funds.
o Coherent Policies for industrialisation: to ensure that key national policies including fiscal policies, investment and finance policies, procurement policies etc are supporting industrialisation
o Private sector engagement that ensures public private partnerships will be critical. Particularly ensuring that our small and medium enterprise and industries especially in the Mining and Agri-Business and Agro-Industries and integrated into the regional and global value chain. Public private partnership in financing industrialisation based development will also be critical
o Gender supportive strategies and Policies: this is also very important as we believe that women will play a critical role in Africa’s industrialisation drive. To this end I wish to inform you that this year my Department in partnership with the AUC Bureau of the Chairperson and supported by UNDP held a high level African Women Business Linkages Forum here in Nairobi from 18th – 20th August. This forum brought together over 120 High Level Business Women in AFroica to network and make linkages and astonishingly one of the key outcomes is an African Women in Mining Association.

• Mr. Chairman, all these will be fully explored during the Strategic Stakeholders Retreat wich will start tomorrow 23rd and end on 26th and we do believe that joint planning for effective implementation of these decisions is paramount. We also wish to institutionalise the retreat so that every year we AUC, the Regional Economic Communities and our key implementing partners and stakeholders, meet at least twice a year to plan together and review implementation.

• Your excellency I do not wish to pre-empt the Senior Official Report which you will be considering, but I wanted to highlight a few key issues that we are requesting your consideration for effective implementation of the Assembly, Executive Council and Ministerial decisions.

• With these few remarks I would like to thank you once again and wish you, Your Excellences fruitful deliberations

I thank You

• H.E Dr. Dlaminin Nkosozana Zuma wrote an email from the Future

October 09, 2014

Statement by H.E Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture the African Union Commission at the Opening Ceremony of the Fourth Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-4)



October 8, 2014
9:30-10:30 am

Your Excellency, Ms. Hakima El-Haite, Minister Delegate to the Ministry of Energy, Mining, Water and Environment in charge of Environment and Energy of the Kingdom of Morocco

Your Excellency, Dr. Abdalla Hamdok, Deputy Executive Secretary of Economic Commission for Africa

Your Excellency, Ms. Yacine Fal, African Development Bank (AfDB) Resident Representative in the Kingdom of Morocco

Honourable Ministers

Representatives of the International Organizations

Members of the Diplomatic Community

The Press Corps

Distinguished Delegates and Participants

Ladies and Gentlemen

I feel honored to make this statement on behalf of the Africa Union Commission. I wish, first of all, to convey to you warm greetings and best wishes from the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, HE Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma.

I would also like to register my appreciation for the warm welcome and hospitality extended to the delegation of the African Union Commission since arrival in this beautiful city of Marrakech. I wish to also commend the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, the African Development Bank (AfDB) and other Partners for the cooperation and support with the African Union Commission in implementing our joint ClimDev-Africa Program and all the efforts deployed in convening this Fourth Conference on Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA-4).

Our meeting today is taking place just after the UN Climate Summit held on 23rd September 2014 in New York and before the UNFCCC COP 20 in Lima, Peru that will take place few weeks from now. I am highlighting this to show that our Conference is timely, and avails us the opportunity to share ideas and strengthen our resolve to communicate our shared vision on climate and enhance our collaboration for concrete interventions in African Member States.

Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Delegates and Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

The World Leaders at the just concluded UN Summit on Climate Change in New York do promise efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions, reduce and ultimately halt tropical deforestation, and increase the share of electric vehicles in cities. They also heralded initiatives to increase the use of renewable energy, with a particular focus on a group of countries in Western and South Africa. A new coalition of governments, business, finance, multilateral development banks and civil society leaders announced their commitment to mobilize upwards of $200 billion for financing low carbon and climate resilient development.

Moreover, The Secretary General of the United Nations praised a plan that builds on an earlier promise from wealthy nations to raise $100 billion to help developing nations shift to renewables and adapt to extreme environmental conditions. Therefore, this is now our moment for action.

Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Delegates and Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

The theme of our conference is: "Africa Can Feed Africa Now: Translating Climate Knowledge into Action." This theme is especially relevant because 2014 marks the 10-year anniversary of the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP), and “Year of Agriculture and Food Security in Africa as the declared in 2012 by the African Heads of State and Government.

Given the seriousness of the problem that Africa’s agriculture is yet to match the needs of a growing population, climate change is expected to complicate efforts in finding solutions to the problem as it causes severe disruptions to agricultural production systems, the environment, and the biodiversity that supports food production systems. Africa must therefore look into options that can turn climate challenges into opportunities, especially those that improve agricultural performance and enhance capacity to facilitate broad-based poverty reduction and food security for all.

Agriculture will remain a key driver of African economic growth, with a prime responsibility of providing employment opportunities for a rapidly growing and predominantly youthful population. The agricultural value chain therefore provides multiple entry points and pathways for advancing Africa’s transformative agenda toward a green economy and low carbon development.

However, empowering people with climate change information and knowledge is a crucial key issue in enhancing the performance and sustainability of agriculture sector in Africa, hence Africa can feed Africa and that is the key role of ClimDev-Africa Program.

Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Delegates and Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

The agricultural sector in many African countries has been evolving rapidly in response to dynamic population growth and movements, and as a result of regional or national policies and more pronounced interventions by private and external actors. Accurate, objective and timely information is needed by all stakeholders involved in agriculture and development to address issues such as the early identification of risks and the assessment of the severity of emergencies, in order to better plan and monitor national/regional agriculture and trade policies and, ultimately, to reach the objectives of improved food security and sustainable agriculture.

The nexus between water, energy and food security is another key issue for Africa as it amalgamates management and governance across sectors and scales. This linkage helps climate mitigation measures to be more “water smart”, climate adaptation measures to be less energy intensive and avoids detrimental consequences for food production and other vital ecosystem services.

This nexus approach between water, energy and food security will open the gateway for integrative responses especially for systems with inseparable relationships that require interconnected solutions. The uncertainty and complexity characterizing climate impacts on dynamic systems such as agriculture, water and energy systems often generate cascading effects across system boundaries whenever one of the interacting components is impacted.

Meanwhile, ensuring water, energy and food security in Africa must support a multi-faceted policy approach by governments, private sector and development partners in working together in addressing interrelated issues concurrently and unlocking the investment in infrastructure, capacity building and transfer of technologies required in seizing the opportunities arising from changing climate. Regional cooperation will be an important key player in the process for growth and development in our continent.

Honourable Ministers
Distinguished Delegates and Participants
Ladies and Gentlemen

I am sure that strengthening our partnerships and working more closely with different development sectors will move the African growth and development agenda forward faster.

It is my sincere hope that our conference will continue to consolidate Africa’s partnership to face issues of climate change and is a key milestone towards building the much desired partnership and translating climate information and knowledge into the effective required actions.

I look forward to the productive outcomes of this Fourth Conference of Climate Change and Development in Africa as I am confident from the high attendance of the participants that it would proffer some of the crucial ways for Africa to be food and nutrition secured to feed the teeming populace in our continent.

I wish you fruitful and rewarding deliberations and I thank you all for your kind attention!

October 08, 2014


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