Special Page Front Page
78th Weekly Press Briefing on the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak
77th Weekly Press Briefing on the Coronavirus Disease Outbreak
Media Announcement for the Coverage of 2nd AU-EU Ministerial Meeting
KIGALI, RWANDA 25 - 26 October 2021
Online Registration for Journalists now open
The Directorate of Information and Communication (DIC) of the African Union Commission (AUC) hereby announces that the online registration for journalists interested to cover the Second African Union-European Union ministerial meeting, scheduled to take place from 25-26 October 2021, in Kigali, Republic of Rwanda, has been launched on the AU website.
Africa-Turkey Forum 2021 to focus on trade, Investment, Technology and Logistics.
The African Union Commission and the Government of Turkey have signed a Cooperation Framework Arrangement on the organization of the Third Africa-Turkey Economic and Business Forum. The Forum will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from 21 to 22 October 2021
Media Advisory - 39th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council
What: Official opening ceremony of the 39th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council of the 3rd Mid-Year Coordination Meeting between the African Union, the Regional Economic Communities and Regional Mechanisms.
Opening statements will be delivered by:
Media Announcement for Online Registration
39th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council and the 3rd Mid-Year Coordination Meeting 14-16 October 2021
The Directorate of Information and Communication (ICD) of the African Union Commission (AUC) hereby announces that the online registration for journalists interested to cover the 39th Ordinary Session of the Executive Council and the 3rd Mid-Year Coordination Meeting scheduled to take place from 14-16 October 2021 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia has been launched on the AU website.
The meetings are scheduled to take place as follows:
African Union Commission at the 2021 World Habitat Day Celebration
Every October, UN-Habitat and partners organize a month of activities, events and discussions on urban sustainability. This year, Urban October opened with World Habitat Day on 4th October. The theme for this year, ”Accelerating urban action for a carbon-free world” highlights how cities and towns are at the core of climate action to keep the 1.5 degrees goal within reach.