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Africa seeks Win-Win Partnership with US through Enhanced AGOA
African ministers responsible for trade from AGOA eligible countries, united in their pursuit of economic prosperity, called for the renewal and enhancement of AGOA at the 2024 AGOA Annual forum that took place in Washington DC from 24-26 July. Recognizing the potential of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) to boost intra-African trade, the ministers urged the US to allow for cumulation with all AfCFTA signatories to strengthen the complementarities between AGOA and the AfCFTA.
AU-SAFGRAD Holds A High Level Panel Discussion On Agro Food System Transformation
AU-SAFGRAD organized a high-level Panel discussion on the margins of the African Agribusiness Incubation Conference and Expo (AAICE) which was held 23-26 July 2024, Lusaka, Zambia. The panel discussed the Policy and institutional environment for developing competitive agro-food system transformation through value-addition in Africa. The event was organized as part of the regional internalization activities for the Guidelines for inclusive Agricultural Value Chains Development (iAVCD) in Africa.
The CAADP Post -Malabo Agenda Development gains momentum with the validation of Technical inputs from Experts.
The CAADP Malabo has encountered challenges including climate change, pandemics, and global economic disruptions, impeding progress. To address these issues, the African Union Commission and the African Union Development Agency-NEPAD, together with stakeholders, are working to finalize the Post-Malabo Agenda. As part of this process, two lines of effort have been developed and are being implemented: Stakeholder Engagement and Dialogues, as well as Research and Analytical Work.
Intergenerational Dialogue addresses complexities of leadership and influence faced by African women and girls.
Despite progress in recent years, the number of women in leadership positions across various sectors of development remains relatively low. This disparity not only limits the exposure of female leaders but also creates a gap in opportunities for women to engage in mentorship relationships with their peers. In Africa, women and youth comprise the majority of the population, accounting for about 75% of the continent.
Eliminate barriers that hinder the realization of women’s right to education: Pan-African Women’s Day Commemoration.
Africa has made tremendous progress in advancing access to education for girls and women, however, the continent continues to face challenges and barriers that hinder the realization of women’s right to education. The existing barriers include, among others, child marriage and early unintended pregnancies, violence against women and girls, poverty, inadequate and unsafe learning environments and infrastructure such as lack of sanitation, as well as harmful gender stereotypes.
Read-out of African Ministers 24 July 2024
Ministers and Experts from across Africa Meet to Discuss, Evaluate & Endorse Strategies to Boost Social Development, Labour, Fair & Ethical Employment
Government ministers and over 300 experts from across Africa are meeting in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, during the Fifth Ordinary Session of the Specialized Technical Committee on Social Development, Labour, and Employment (STC-SDLE-5), to discuss, evaluate, and endorse strategies aimed at boosting social development, labour, and ethical employment.
Explore Africa’s Future: Africa Blue Economy Week 2024 Set to Make a Splash
The African Union Commission (AUC), in collaboration with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and key stakeholders, is thrilled to announce the Africa Blue Economy Week (ABEW-24) and the Commemoration of the Africa Day of Seas and Oceans. Taking place from 23 to 25 July in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, the event is set to boost inclusive and sustainable blue growth across Africa.
Strengthened Collaboration Needed to Enhance Interoperable Systems in Disaster Preparedness
Strengthening collaboration among different stakeholders and enhancing the interoperability of multi-hazard early warning systems for early action across the continent is needed.