An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the 29th NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC), 25 May 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission
At the 29th NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC)

Addis Ababa, 25 May 2013

Excellency, Haile Mariam DESALEGN, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African Union

Excellency, Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairperson of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

Excellencies, Members of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD Agency

Distinguished Heads of Regional Economic Communities and International Organizations

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to address this breakfast Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee.

I warmly welcome Your Excellencies to the headquarters of the African Union, including the newly-elected members of this high-level Committee.

This 29th NEPAD Meeting is being held as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the OAU and the African Union.

Your Excellencies will agree with me that the theme of our anniversary - Pan Africanism and African Renaissance - represents an expression of the shared vision and collective political will of African leaders to make transformation happen.

Your Excellencies will recall when the 2001 Lusaka Summit adopted NEPAD it recognized that “issues such as the escalating poverty levels, underdevelopment and the continued marginalization of Africa needed a new radical intervention, spearheaded by African leaders.” As we use this time of celebrations to reflect and plan, we must assess how far we are in implementing this radical intervention.

There is no question that Africa is forging ahead in a positive direction, if we look at such indicators as economic growth, foreign direct investment and public investments by our governments.

And yet, the continental infrastructure deficit remains huge. Africa’s total electricity generated equals that of Spain, even though we have twenty times the people.

Data from 2009 show that only 28% of Africa’s population has access to electricity, compared to 70% in other parts of the developing world; and less than 20% of our roads were tarred in the same year.

Our industrial capacity is still extremely limited. Growth of the last decade is still mainly driven by global demand for Africa’s minerals, oil and agricultural products; and the number of countries where manufacturing accounts for more than 15% of their GDP are still very few.

We therefore still need radical interventions, as Heads of State and Government pledged in Lusaka. As we develop our 50th Anniversary Declaration and our Agenda 2063, we must consider the interventions required to place Africa on a sustainable and rapid path to prosperity.

This must include much more ambitious plans to connect Africa with modern infrastructure, to connect all our capitals with rail and road; to address our energy, water and ICT needs and to develop our marine and agricultural sectors.

All these issues can only be done if we act together, with a Pan African vision of integrating our economies, promoting Africa-wide businesses and integrating our markets.

Most importantly, Africa cannot expect its development to be carried by others. Taking our destiny in our own hands means mobilizing Africa’s domestic resources to drive its development.

Einstein said that we cannot keep on doing the same things, and expect different results.

As we enter the next fifty years, let us be resolute in our sustained efforts to build an integrated, people-centered and prosperous Africa, at peace with itself.

I thank you

May 25, 2013

Statement by H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission On the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity, Millennium Hall, 25 May 2013

Statement by H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission
On the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity

Addis Ababa
25 May 2013, Millennium Hall

Your Excellency, the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African Union;
Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government;
Heads of Delegation;
The Secretary General of the United Nations;
Your Excellencies Former Presidents;
Honorable Ministers;
The Executive Secretary of the ECA;
Heads of AU and UN Organs;
Members of the Permanent Representatives Committee;
Distinguished Guests;
Fellow Citizens from the Motherland and in the Diaspora
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a great honor to welcome Your Excellencies, fellow Africans, the African Diaspora and all present in the city of Addis Ababa to the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Organization of the African Unity (OAU) and now the African Union.

We pay tribute to the pioneers of Pan-Africanism, on the continent and in the Diaspora, and to the Founders of the OAU for their wisdom and foresight to lay the foundations for the unity and solidarity of Africa.

We congratulate all African and Diaspora women, youth, workers, business, professionals, farmers, artists, intellectuals and civil society, for their commitment to the African cause.

We salute the heroines who fought in the struggles against slavery, colonialism and apartheid, who founded the Pan African Women’s Organisation in 1962 and who demonstrated in words and action that human rights are indivisible and that the liberation of women is not an act of charity.
We lower our banners as we remember those who made the supreme sacrifice in the struggle for the liberation of Africa, and who restored our dignity.

These early generations embodied the Pan African values of selflessness, solidarity and service to the people, as in the part of the Oath taken by Amilcar Cabral in 1969 when he said:-
“I swear that I will give my life, all my energy and all my courage, all the capacity that I have… until the day that I die, to the service of my people, of Guinea and Cape Verde... and to the service of the cause of humanity… This is what my work is.”

Esteemed Guests and Fellow Africans
Africa’s struggle against colonialism, oppression and apartheid experienced solidarity and international support from all freedom-loving people of the world.

The OAU exhibited the spirit of internationalism as it championed the African cause and supported the struggles of oppressed people in other parts of the world.

We are therefore pleased to celebrate with all our friends from across the globe, and continue to reinforce our solidarity and cooperation.

Today, across the length and breadth of Africa and in capitals of the world, Africa Day is being celebrated. Our 50th anniversary is a beacon of the spirit of internationalism, solidarity and cooperation.

Fellow Africans
Today we re-dedicate ourselves to the total restoration of our dignity and independence.

We pledge to restore the dignity of the African child, man and woman. We pledge to free ourselves from malnutrition and hunger, war and conflict, ignorance and disease, unemployment and poverty.

We pledge to take our destiny in our own hands, because “power resides in hard work, scientific investigations, in intellectual curiosity, in creative greatness and freedom, in the fullest exploration of our human powers, and in the truest independence.”

We pledge to foster stronger bonds – educational, cultural, political and economic – with the Diaspora.

As we start the journey of the next fifty years, we are clear about the task before us: to educate our populace, and ensure healthy bodies and minds; to modernize and expand Africa’s infrastructure and connect our peoples and countries; to grow our agriculture and agro-businesses so that we can feed ourselves and the world; to use our natural resources to industrialise and grow our shared prosperity; to invest in science, technology, research and innovation as enablers of rapid progress; and finally to empower women and youth as the drivers of Africa’s renaissance.

As we therefore develop Agenda 2063, we call on all Africans and the Diaspora to contribute to this journey, so that Africa takes its destiny into its own hands, so that we become masters of our own fate.

We are proud to be African. In this great task, let us think like men and women of action. And act like men and women of thought.
My Brothers and sisters, this is your time.
This is Africa’s time.
Let us seize the moment.

Asante sane
Merci beaucoup,
I thank you.

May 25, 2013

Closing Remarks by The Commissioner of Trade and Industry on the Occasion of the Pan African Business Conference in Addis Ababa, 24th May 2013


My first task is to thank our Key note Speaker for this session, Dr. Donald Kaberuka. His vision for the continent and role of the Private Sector in Africa is inspirational, pragmatic and results-oriented in line with the African Development Bank’s private sector development strategy. The Commission under the visionary leadership of H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma has identified eight strategic priorities for the current term including the important task of leaving a legacy of a long term strategic framework for the continent. The AUC, UNECA and AfDB as Africa’s premier institutions, have committed to work closely in order to facilitate the development of “Agenda 2063: A shared Framework for Inclusive Growth and Sustainable Development”. It is precisely in this context that the Pan African Business Conference marks the beginning of stakeholder engagement that will take place during the coming months. The outcome of this meeting which has been shared with us by the Pan African Chamber of Commerce, through Mr. Kebour Ghenna, will be placed on record as one of the contributions to the thematic issues of trade and investment, jointly facilitated by the Department of Trade and Industry and the Department of Economic Affairs of the AUC. We will continue with thematic consultations after the Summit.
The dialogue which took place here today is also a pre-cursor of a platform that the Commission will be launching in the coming months called the African Business Council. When the Heads of State and Government adopted the Boosting Intra-African Trade and Continental Free Trade Area, they created some structures to support the realization of the continent’s goals and targets. In the medium term, the continent will double intra-African trade from 2012 until 2022 (from 10 – 12% to 20-25%). It will also establish the African Business Council which will comprise of continental and regional business organisations, civil society organisations representing inter alia women and youth. The ABC will play an advisory role to the African Union policy organs, namely the Conference Trade Ministers and the High Level African Trade Committee comprising of Heads of States from the countries that are chairing the Regional Economic Communities. They are the champions of Boosting Intra-African Trade and will work to resolve the political challenges that prevent fast progress towards the Continental Free Trade Area by 2017 and progress on intra-African trade. This model is already taking place in East Africa and COMESA where the Business Councils present their recommendations directly to the policy organs for consideration in decision making at the regional level.
The African Union Commission has adopted a number of continental frameworks in Agriculture (CAADP), Accelerated Industrial Development of Africa (AIDA), Infrastructure (PIDA), Intra-African Trade and CFTA (BIAT/CFTA) all recognize the important role of the private sector. The AUC and RECs are scaling up important initiatives such as the Investment Monitoring Platform in partnership with UNIDO. Based on deliberations here we believe that we should move beyond a partnership between Private Sector and Public Sector Actors only, we need to include the People in the equation.
My final duty is to thank all those who contributed in different ways to the successful outcome to this meeting. First and foremost I want to thank all the speakers and moderators for the quality of their presentations and discussions. Each session was organized by one of the co-organisers. The partnership between Pan African Chamber of Commerce and the African Union has been strengthened and we wish to thank them for the initiative and their organization to make the event a success. UNDP and UN Global Compact have been supportive and they have brought much value through their financial and non-financial support for this event. Also, I am informed that there are a number of sponsors that we need to recognize because their financial contributions made the event possible. I should not forget to thank my colleagues at the AUC who coordinated this event, the UNECA for the use of this facility and the host Government of Ethiopia for their support. It is only through partnerships that we can realize the full potential for Africa, and AUC is committed to transform from being a Union of member states to being a people-centred Union.
This is a new beginning, and we look forward to strengthened partnerships, greater coownership of continental frameworks and decisions, and more importantly, joint accountability for the success of our continent in the coming 50 years.
I thank you for your attention and hope you enjoy the 50th Anniversary Celebrations in Addis Ababa.

May 24, 2013

Statement by H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission On the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity, Millennium Hall, 25 May 2013

Statement by H. E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission
On the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity

Addis Ababa
25 May 2013, Millennium Hall

Your Excellency, the Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African Union;
Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government;
Heads of Delegation;
The Secretary General of the United Nations;
Your Excellencies Former Presidents;
Honorable Ministers;
The Executive Secretary of the ECA;
Heads of AU and UN Organs;
Members of the Permanent Representatives Committee;
Distinguished Guests;
Fellow Citizens from the Motherland and in the Diaspora
Ladies and Gentlemen

It is a great honor to welcome Your Excellencies, fellow Africans, the African Diaspora and all present in the city of Addis Ababa to the celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Organization of the African Unity (OAU) and now the African Union.

We pay tribute to the pioneers of Pan-Africanism, on the continent and in the Diaspora, and to the Founders of the OAU for their wisdom and foresight to lay the foundations for the unity and solidarity of Africa.

We congratulate all African and Diaspora women, youth, workers, business, professionals, farmers, artists, intellectuals and civil society, for their commitment to the African cause.

We salute the heroines who fought in the struggles against slavery, colonialism and apartheid, who founded the Pan African Women’s Organisation in 1962 and who demonstrated in words and action that human rights are indivisible and that the liberation of women is not an act of charity.
We lower our banners as we remember those who made the supreme sacrifice in the struggle for the liberation of Africa, and who restored our dignity.

These early generations embodied the Pan African values of selflessness, solidarity and service to the people, as in the part of the Oath taken by Amilcar Cabral in 1969 when he said:-
“I swear that I will give my life, all my energy and all my courage, all the capacity that I have… until the day that I die, to the service of my people, of Guinea and Cape Verde... and to the service of the cause of humanity… This is what my work is.”

Esteemed Guests and Fellow Africans
Africa’s struggle against colonialism, oppression and apartheid experienced solidarity and international support from all freedom-loving people of the world.

The OAU exhibited the spirit of internationalism as it championed the African cause and supported the struggles of oppressed people in other parts of the world.

We are therefore pleased to celebrate with all our friends from across the globe, and continue to reinforce our solidarity and cooperation.

Today, across the length and breadth of Africa and in capitals of the world, Africa Day is being celebrated. Our 50th anniversary is a beacon of the spirit of internationalism, solidarity and cooperation.

Fellow Africans
Today we re-dedicate ourselves to the total restoration of our dignity and independence.

We pledge to restore the dignity of the African child, man and woman. We pledge to free ourselves from malnutrition and hunger, war and conflict, ignorance and disease, unemployment and poverty.

We pledge to take our destiny in our own hands, because “power resides in hard work, scientific investigations, in intellectual curiosity, in creative greatness and freedom, in the fullest exploration of our human powers, and in the truest independence.”

We pledge to foster stronger bonds – educational, cultural, political and economic – with the Diaspora.

As we start the journey of the next fifty years, we are clear about the task before us: to educate our populace, and ensure healthy bodies and minds; to modernize and expand Africa’s infrastructure and connect our peoples and countries; to grow our agriculture and agro-businesses so that we can feed ourselves and the world; to use our natural resources to industrialise and grow our shared prosperity; to invest in science, technology, research and innovation as enablers of rapid progress; and finally to empower women and youth as the drivers of Africa’s renaissance.

As we therefore develop Agenda 2063, we call on all Africans and the Diaspora to contribute to this journey, so that Africa takes its destiny into its own hands, so that we become masters of our own fate.

We are proud to be African. In this great task, let us think like men and women of action. And act like men and women of thought.
My Brothers and sisters, this is your time.
This is Africa’s time.
Let us seize the moment.

Asante sane
Merci beaucoup,
I thank you.

May 25, 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the 29th NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC), 25 May 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini ZUMA, Chairperson of the African Union Commission
At the 29th NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee (HSGOC)

Addis Ababa, 25 May 2013

Excellency, Haile Mariam DESALEGN, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African Union

Excellency, Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal and Chairperson of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

Excellencies, Members of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee

Chief Executive Officer of the NEPAD Agency

Distinguished Heads of Regional Economic Communities and International Organizations

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am honored to address this breakfast Session of the NEPAD Heads of State and Government Orientation Committee.

I warmly welcome Your Excellencies to the headquarters of the African Union, including the newly-elected members of this high-level Committee.

This 29th NEPAD Meeting is being held as we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the OAU and the African Union.

Your Excellencies will agree with me that the theme of our anniversary - Pan Africanism and African Renaissance - represents an expression of the shared vision and collective political will of African leaders to make transformation happen.

Your Excellencies will recall when the 2001 Lusaka Summit adopted NEPAD it recognized that “issues such as the escalating poverty levels, underdevelopment and the continued marginalization of Africa needed a new radical intervention, spearheaded by African leaders.” As we use this time of celebrations to reflect and plan, we must assess how far we are in implementing this radical intervention.

There is no question that Africa is forging ahead in a positive direction, if we look at such indicators as economic growth, foreign direct investment and public investments by our governments.

And yet, the continental infrastructure deficit remains huge. Africa’s total electricity generated equals that of Spain, even though we have twenty times the people.

Data from 2009 show that only 28% of Africa’s population has access to electricity, compared to 70% in other parts of the developing world; and less than 20% of our roads were tarred in the same year.

Our industrial capacity is still extremely limited. Growth of the last decade is still mainly driven by global demand for Africa’s minerals, oil and agricultural products; and the number of countries where manufacturing accounts for more than 15% of their GDP are still very few.

We therefore still need radical interventions, as Heads of State and Government pledged in Lusaka. As we develop our 50th Anniversary Declaration and our Agenda 2063, we must consider the interventions required to place Africa on a sustainable and rapid path to prosperity.

This must include much more ambitious plans to connect Africa with modern infrastructure, to connect all our capitals with rail and road; to address our energy, water and ICT needs and to develop our marine and agricultural sectors.

All these issues can only be done if we act together, with a Pan African vision of integrating our economies, promoting Africa-wide businesses and integrating our markets.

Most importantly, Africa cannot expect its development to be carried by others. Taking our destiny in our own hands means mobilizing Africa’s domestic resources to drive its development.

Einstein said that we cannot keep on doing the same things, and expect different results.

As we enter the next fifty years, let us be resolute in our sustained efforts to build an integrated, people-centered and prosperous Africa, at peace with itself.

I thank you

May 25, 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity, 25 May 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission

On the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity and the Debate of the Assembly on Pan Africanism and the African Renaissance

Addis Ababa, 25 May 2013, AUC Main Hall

Your Excellency Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African Union,

Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the African Union,

Your Excellencies former African Heads of State and Government,

Your Excellencies Members of the Executive Council of the African Union,

Your Excellencies former Secretaries-General of the Organization of African Unity and Dear Brothers,

Your Excellency Vuk Jeremic, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations,

Your Excellency Ban-Ki moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations,

Your Excellencies Heads of African Regional Economic Communities

Your Excellencies Heads of AU Specialized Organs and International Agencies,

Members of the Permanent Representatives Committee of the African Union,

Members of the Diplomatic Corps,

Distinguished Guests,

Fellow Africans on the motherland and in the Diaspora,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to warmly welcome Your Excellencies and all present to the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and African Union and to this very critical debate on Pan Africanism and African Renaissance.

We committed ourselves to honour this historic commemoration, by having celebrations that are memorable, global, people-centered and will leave a lasting legacy. Part of that legacy is to reclaim the African narrative - the narrative of our past, present and future - and to tell our own stories.

Your Excellencies, Esteemed Guests, Fellow Africans

The Founders of the OAU followed in the footsteps of sisters and brothers, stolen and sold from African shores and through struggles, broke the shackles of slavery. They followed in the footsteps of our people from across Africa - North to South, East, West and Central that resisted colonialism and subjugation. They followed the declaration of independence of the first Black Republic of Haiti, more than two hundred years ago. Pan Africanism united and inspired our people across the continent and globe, never to accept oppression.

There are few narratives that more evocatively captures Africa’s past, as the extract from Ben Okri’s Infinite Riches:
It was indeed a splendid road. It had been built by the natives, supervised by the Governor-General. He dreamt that on this beautiful road all Africa’s wealth, its gold and diamonds and diverse mineral resources, its food, its energies, its labours, its intelligence would be transported to his land, to enrich the lives of his people across the green ocean.

Deep in his happy sleep the Governor-General dreamt of taking the Golden Stool of the Ashante king, the thinking masks of Bamako, the storytelling rocks of Zimbabwe, the symphonic Victoria Falls, the shapely tusks of Luo elephants, the slumbering trees of immemorial forests, the languorous river Niger, the enduring pyramids of the Nile, all the deltas rich with oil, the mountains rifted with metals apocalyptic, the mines shimmering with gold, the ancestral hills of Kilimanjaro, the lexicon of African rituals, the uncharted hinterland of Africa’s unconquerable spirits.

He dreamt of taking Africa’s timber-like men, their pomegranate women, their fertile sculptures, their plaintive songs, their spirit-worlds, their forest animals, their sorceries, their myths and their strong dances.

He dreamt that the natives would transport all these resources tangible and intangible, on their heads, or on litters, walking on the great road, in an orderly single file, across the Atlantic Ocean, for three thousand miles.

He dreamt of having all these riches transported to his land.

Some of them would be locked up in air-conditioned basements, for the benefit of Africa, because Africans did not know how to make the best use of them, and because his people could protect them better. He dreamt of having them in the basement of a great museum, to be studied, and to aid, in some obscure way, the progress of the human race.

He dreamt of the great road on which all the fruits and riches of African lives would be directed towards sweetening the sleep of his good land.

He did not dream of the hunger he would leave behind.

Pan Africanism and the dream of Africa’s renaissance were in direct opposition to the dream represented by the Governor-General. It was these contending dreams of the Founders of Pan Africanism of freedom, liberation, solidarity, self-determination and independence that united and help to defeat slavery, colonialism and apartheid.

Your Excellencies,

Today, as we debate Pan Africanism, fifty years after the OAU was formed, we have to ask some tough questions about our dream for Africa for the next fifty years and the Pan Africanist values that continue to inspire us.
In the Jubilee book that we distributed today, we have the speeches of the OAU Founders of 1963, and statements from Your Excellencies, our Heads of Government and States in 2013 on how you see Africa’s past, present and future.

Many of the themes we are concerned with today also occupied the OAU Founders in 1963.

Firstly, the Founders swore their solidarity when they vowed that all of Africa shall be free, recognizing that they cannot be free when their brothers and sisters were still under the yoke of colonialism and apartheid. They therefore in word and deed, through support to the liberation movements and by advocating in international forums, fought for the total liberation of all Africans.

Today, there is an impression that solidarity is a thing of the past. And yet in Somalia, when not so long ago the world gave up as a hopeless cause, it was African sons and daughters who fought and laid down their lives to create peace and keep the peace, placing it onto the road to recover. This is but one example in our recent history.

There is no greater example of solidarity than in the sacrifices of African peacekeepers across the continent, and at some point in the near future we must build a memorial in honour of those who lost their lives from all over the continent. When we therefore talk about African solutions to African problems, it is because we know that we can only permanently silence the guns, if we act in solidarity and in unity.

Secondly, we have with some notable exceptions, largely achieved self-determination. However, the self-reliance and economic independence that our Founders spoke of remain elusive, and social inequalities are on the rise. The Pan African commitment to independence and self-reliance remains important today – as we seek to integrate, to expand and modernize our infrastructure, to industrialise, to develop our human capital and our agriculture.

Thirdly, we must accelerate our integration. “It appears obvious”, one of the Founders said, “that the irresistible pressure of technology must lead to the constitution of economically powerful geographical blocks…we have the choice of participation in the modern world as a solidly constructed group… or standing aside from the main economic stream.”
We must therefore act with greater speed and a sense of urgency to create Free Trade Areas and towards an African Common Market, create the five regions as building blocks of the Union, and facilitate the free movement of peoples and goods.

Fourthly, our greatest resource is our people, especially our young population, whose energy, creativity and courage must drive Africa’s renaissance. Investment in their education and training and more generally in science, technology, research and innovation therefor remain critical to drive Africa’s modernization and development in all spheres. In this regard, the role of African business, entrepreneurs and professionals must be strengthened, so that they too contribute to the Pan African vision. Our women must be empowered as a critical ingredient to the continental development.

Finally, to quote yet another of our Founders “…never before has unity of action been more desirable and urgent; never before have nations faced such a challenging and splendid opportunity for concerted action.”

We must therefore renew the vision of Pan Africanism and the ideal of Renaissance to extricate ourselves from cynicism and fatalism. Africa must build confidence in itself, in its ability and obligation to be drivers of its destiny.

The people of any civilization are its greatest resource, and if the collective mindset is attuned towards self-belief, solidarity and self-reliance, then that civilization will triumph against all odds.

These, Your Excellencies, are but some of our thoughts and we look forward to the debate and conversations.

Bonne fête à tout le monde.

I thank you

May 25, 2013

Closing Remarks by The Commissioner of Trade and Industry on the Occasion of the Pan African Business Conference in Addis Ababa on the 24th May 2013

Closing Remarks by The Commissioner of Trade and Industry on the Occasion of the Pan African Business Conference in Addis Ababa on the 24th May 2013

May 24, 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity, 25 May 2013

Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission

On the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity and the Debate of the Assembly on Pan Africanism and the African Renaissance

Addis Ababa, 25 May 2013, AUC Main Hall

Your Excellency Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and Chairperson of the African Union,

Your Excellencies Heads of State and Government of the Member States of the African Union,

Your Excellencies former African Heads of State and Government,

Your Excellencies Members of the Executive Council of the African Union,

Your Excellencies former Secretaries-General of the Organization of African Unity and Dear Brothers,

Your Excellency Vuk Jeremic, President of the General Assembly of the United Nations,

Your Excellency Ban-Ki moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations,

Your Excellencies Heads of African Regional Economic Communities

Your Excellencies Heads of AU Specialized Organs and International Agencies,

Members of the Permanent Representatives Committee of the African Union,

Members of the Diplomatic Corps,

Distinguished Guests,

Fellow Africans on the motherland and in the Diaspora,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am pleased to warmly welcome Your Excellencies and all present to the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the founding of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), and African Union and to this very critical debate on Pan Africanism and African Renaissance.

We committed ourselves to honour this historic commemoration, by having celebrations that are memorable, global, people-centered and will leave a lasting legacy. Part of that legacy is to reclaim the African narrative - the narrative of our past, present and future - and to tell our own stories.

Your Excellencies, Esteemed Guests, Fellow Africans

The Founders of the OAU followed in the footsteps of sisters and brothers, stolen and sold from African shores and through struggles, broke the shackles of slavery. They followed in the footsteps of our people from across Africa - North to South, East, West and Central that resisted colonialism and subjugation. They followed the declaration of independence of the first Black Republic of Haiti, more than two hundred years ago. Pan Africanism united and inspired our people across the continent and globe, never to accept oppression.

There are few narratives that more evocatively captures Africa’s past, as the extract from Ben Okri’s Infinite Riches:
It was indeed a splendid road. It had been built by the natives, supervised by the Governor-General. He dreamt that on this beautiful road all Africa’s wealth, its gold and diamonds and diverse mineral resources, its food, its energies, its labours, its intelligence would be transported to his land, to enrich the lives of his people across the green ocean.

Deep in his happy sleep the Governor-General dreamt of taking the Golden Stool of the Ashante king, the thinking masks of Bamako, the storytelling rocks of Zimbabwe, the symphonic Victoria Falls, the shapely tusks of Luo elephants, the slumbering trees of immemorial forests, the languorous river Niger, the enduring pyramids of the Nile, all the deltas rich with oil, the mountains rifted with metals apocalyptic, the mines shimmering with gold, the ancestral hills of Kilimanjaro, the lexicon of African rituals, the uncharted hinterland of Africa’s unconquerable spirits.

He dreamt of taking Africa’s timber-like men, their pomegranate women, their fertile sculptures, their plaintive songs, their spirit-worlds, their forest animals, their sorceries, their myths and their strong dances.

He dreamt that the natives would transport all these resources tangible and intangible, on their heads, or on litters, walking on the great road, in an orderly single file, across the Atlantic Ocean, for three thousand miles.

He dreamt of having all these riches transported to his land.

Some of them would be locked up in air-conditioned basements, for the benefit of Africa, because Africans did not know how to make the best use of them, and because his people could protect them better. He dreamt of having them in the basement of a great museum, to be studied, and to aid, in some obscure way, the progress of the human race.

He dreamt of the great road on which all the fruits and riches of African lives would be directed towards sweetening the sleep of his good land.

He did not dream of the hunger he would leave behind.

Pan Africanism and the dream of Africa’s renaissance were in direct opposition to the dream represented by the Governor-General. It was these contending dreams of the Founders of Pan Africanism of freedom, liberation, solidarity, self-determination and independence that united and help to defeat slavery, colonialism and apartheid.

Your Excellencies,

Today, as we debate Pan Africanism, fifty years after the OAU was formed, we have to ask some tough questions about our dream for Africa for the next fifty years and the Pan Africanist values that continue to inspire us.
In the Jubilee book that we distributed today, we have the speeches of the OAU Founders of 1963, and statements from Your Excellencies, our Heads of Government and States in 2013 on how you see Africa’s past, present and future.

Many of the themes we are concerned with today also occupied the OAU Founders in 1963.

Firstly, the Founders swore their solidarity when they vowed that all of Africa shall be free, recognizing that they cannot be free when their brothers and sisters were still under the yoke of colonialism and apartheid. They therefore in word and deed, through support to the liberation movements and by advocating in international forums, fought for the total liberation of all Africans.

Today, there is an impression that solidarity is a thing of the past. And yet in Somalia, when not so long ago the world gave up as a hopeless cause, it was African sons and daughters who fought and laid down their lives to create peace and keep the peace, placing it onto the road to recover. This is but one example in our recent history.

There is no greater example of solidarity than in the sacrifices of African peacekeepers across the continent, and at some point in the near future we must build a memorial in honour of those who lost their lives from all over the continent. When we therefore talk about African solutions to African problems, it is because we know that we can only permanently silence the guns, if we act in solidarity and in unity.

Secondly, we have with some notable exceptions, largely achieved self-determination. However, the self-reliance and economic independence that our Founders spoke of remain elusive, and social inequalities are on the rise. The Pan African commitment to independence and self-reliance remains important today – as we seek to integrate, to expand and modernize our infrastructure, to industrialise, to develop our human capital and our agriculture.

Thirdly, we must accelerate our integration. “It appears obvious”, one of the Founders said, “that the irresistible pressure of technology must lead to the constitution of economically powerful geographical blocks…we have the choice of participation in the modern world as a solidly constructed group… or standing aside from the main economic stream.”
We must therefore act with greater speed and a sense of urgency to create Free Trade Areas and towards an African Common Market, create the five regions as building blocks of the Union, and facilitate the free movement of peoples and goods.

Fourthly, our greatest resource is our people, especially our young population, whose energy, creativity and courage must drive Africa’s renaissance. Investment in their education and training and more generally in science, technology, research and innovation therefor remain critical to drive Africa’s modernization and development in all spheres. In this regard, the role of African business, entrepreneurs and professionals must be strengthened, so that they too contribute to the Pan African vision. Our women must be empowered as a critical ingredient to the continental development.

Finally, to quote yet another of our Founders “…never before has unity of action been more desirable and urgent; never before have nations faced such a challenging and splendid opportunity for concerted action.”

We must therefore renew the vision of Pan Africanism and the ideal of Renaissance to extricate ourselves from cynicism and fatalism. Africa must build confidence in itself, in its ability and obligation to be drivers of its destiny.

The people of any civilization are its greatest resource, and if the collective mindset is attuned towards self-belief, solidarity and self-reliance, then that civilization will triumph against all odds.

These, Your Excellencies, are but some of our thoughts and we look forward to the debate and conversations.

Bonne fête à tout le monde.

I thank you

May 25, 2013

Statement by Carlos Lopes UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity, 25 May 2013

Seminar on the theme "Pan-Africanism and African Renaissance”

Statement by Carlos Lopes, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary of ECA

25 May 2013, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


The twenty-fifth of May 1963 was a truly momentous day in Africa. It certainly marked the establishment of the Organization of African Unity but there is much more than symbolism to this date.

It was the culmination of over a century of pan-Africanist struggle to assert the dignity of the African peoples. It showcased the desire of unity by the African people and their desire to overcome the balkanization of the continent. It was a repudiation of negative stereotypes and racialist interpretations of African history. Indeed, it underscored the common commitment of Africans to achieve freedom and end decolonization and apartheid on the African continent. The establishment of the OAU was about Africans taking pride in the continent.

It is accordingly quite in order to mark 25 May as a special day on the continent. A golden jubilee is nevertheless a very special milestone. This is attested to by the high turnout of African Heads of Sate and Government at this occasion. It is also attested to by the presence of Heads of State and Government from all parts of the world. Indeed, the Secretary-General of the United Nations who came for the January Summit is also here with us today.

The special nature of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the OAU is also borne out by the extensive number of activities and events to mark the occasion. African intellectuals have deliberated on the true importance of the theme of the celebrations. Yesterday, we had an intergenerational dialogue with children and youth. Our women have marked the occasion just as our workers, business community, artists and faith based groups have mobilized themselves in celebration.

Today, is however only the beginning of a year-long celebration of the African Renaissance. The purpose of this celebration goes beyond the sheer joy of achieving a major milestone. We are acknowledging the contribution of the African Diaspora to the framing of pan-Africanist ideals. We are commemorating the achievement of the key objectives of our founding fathers, including freedom, decolonization and the end of racial domination. We are celebrating Africa’s heroes and heroines who articulated pan-Africanist ideals, led the struggle for independence and where the need arose became focused and unwavering liberation fighters. We are, of course, also marking the economic and social progress that Africa has made since 1963, in spite of all the odds. We are indeed underscoring the transformation of the OAU to the African Union at the turn of the century.

Yet, we must be the first to admit that there is still a lot more to be done. African integration remains incomplete. Development challenges still abound. Peace and security are still very much scarce commodities in parts of the continent. The narrative about Africa is still very much generated from outside. There is need to frame a common vision and roadmap. This is the meaning of an African Renaissance. This, of course, is also what the African Vision 2063 project is about.

However, my role this morning is to use this occasion to elicit reflections from our Panelists and Leaders alike on the achievements and challenges of the past fifty years. It is also an opportunity for us all to assess where Africa stands today especially in the context of mega-trends such as the emergence of new economic powers; recession in the developed world; urbanization, changing demographics; climate change; digitalization and changing security threats. I also hope that taking all these factors into consideration, we shall benefit from some insights into the contents of a vision for Africa’s peace and prosperity over the next fifty years.

Mesdames et Messieurs les Chefs d’État et de Gouvernement,

Voici une chance unique de faire aussi la différence en termes de format de notre dialogue. Je vous invite comme a bien dit feu le sage Amadou Hampaté Ba a atteindre un bout commun en empruntent des voies différentes. Je vous propose que les interventions soient reparties en quatre domaines principaux: 1) la meilleur utilisation des opportunités économiques, 2) le besoin d’avoir des stratégies pour l’avenir du continent, 3) les défis de la gouvernance et le besoin de changer le discours sur l’Afrique, et 4) les questions d’inclusion. On est pas loin des thèmes habituelles du Mécanisme Africain de Révision par les Pairs ou de la Proclamation en train d’être discuté au sein de l’Union Africaine. Le moment venu on ouvrira les inscriptions et je compte sur votre choix sur un de les quatre grands piliers.

Excellences j’ai vu une fois le Président Obasanjo couper la parole a un collègue. Il l’a fait avec sa joie habituelle et l’intervenant a sourit. Je ne suis pas sûre que j’aurais la même chance si j’osais le même défi, car je n’ai pas son âge ni sa sagesse et j’ai envie de m’approcher de l’horizon 2063 autant que possible. C’est la raison pour laquelle je me sens conforté par l’aide de la technologie qui limite le temps de parole à trois minutes, après quoi je vous assure que ce n’est pas moi mais une autorité suprême électronique qui coupera le son. Je dis bien le son, car on ne peut pas vous couper la parole, Excellences. Vous symbolisez la parole africaine, avec ou sans technologie. Ceci dit avec cette aide nous aurons le temps d’écouter toutes les voix.

Excellencies, Ladies and gentleman,

As the famous Ghanaian writer Ai Kwey Armah said «The time has come for us to pause for breath. It is not that our remembrance fatigues us, no.
This is no halt brought on by the tiredness of flesh or any weakening of our minds.

In our remembrance this is no stagnant stop but a necessary part of our memory’s flow in the telling of the way.

For this time that has come, it is a time to be filled not with hallow sounds loud with emptiness.

We have reached the time when we must speak of consciousness”

Let me now introduce members of the Panel, who are:

Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank
(Mega Trends)
Mr. P.J. Patterson, former Prime Minister of Jamaica
Dr. Amina Mama, a Nigerian writer, gender expert and academic
(Diversity/Govern ourselves/Conflict)
Tendai Wenyika, Secretary General of the Pan African Youth Union
(Future is Youth)

May 25, 2013

Opening Remarks by H.E. Mr. Hailemariam Dessalegn, Prime Minister of Ethiopia and the Chairperson of the AU on the Occasion of the Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Organization of African Unity , 25 May 2013

May 25, 2013


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