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Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction Theme: “Towards Disaster Risk-Informed & Inclusive Sustainable Development”

Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction Theme: “Towards Disaster Risk-Informed & Inclusive Sustainable Development”

October 09, 2018 to October 13, 2018


What: Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction

When: Tuesday 9th – Sunday 13th October 2018

Where: LAICO HOTEL, Tunis, Tunisia

Who: The Africa-Arab Platform is organized by the Government of Tunisia, UNISDR, the African Union Commission and the League of Arab States.


The Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction will take stock of progress made in the implementation of the Sendai Framework and the regional strategies on disaster risk reduction, and to reaffirm political commitment to achieving its implementation. This will contribute to the realization of Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development, and the agenda 2063 for the Africa we want. The Platform will provide the regions with opportunities to share knowledge, experiences and best practices in advancing disaster risk reduction in the context of Africa and Arab Strategies, and the Sendai Framework.

The Africa and Arab Platforms for Disaster Risk Reduction are two distinct events that are organized separately by the two different regions biennially. Co-incidentally, Tunisia being a member of both the African Union and League of Arab States offered to host both events in Tunis this year. As a consequence, the platform was code-named as ‘Africa-Arab Platform’ to fit the purpose. However, apart from the joint plenary and joint Ministerial Communique, the two events will take place back to back. For Africa, this will be the 7th platform and 6th High Level meeting for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Expected outcomes:

The Africa-Arab platform will consider and adopt draft declarations proposed by the respective regions to reaffirm the Africa and Arab States’ political commitment to achieve the outcomes of the Sendai Framework in the two regions. In addition, a joint communiqué (Chair’s Summary) on the main theme of the event will also be adopted at the platform.

Inputs and agreement on the way forward for the development of the Africa Common Position to the 2019 Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction; (ii) Ministerial declaration and recommendations on implementation of the Africa Program of Action; and (iii) Stakeholder voluntary commitments on the implementation of the Africa Programme of Action.


The Africa-Arab Platform expected to host over 800 participants from Africa and Arab countries, including ministers responsible for disaster risk reduction, governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, United Nations and international organizations, and stakeholder groups including National Societies of Red Cross and Red Crescent Organizations, Children and Youth, Civil Society and Community Practitioners, Women, Parliamentarians, Local Authorities, Science and Technology and Academia, Private Sector, Media, Disability, etc.


The African region and the Arab States often face similar risks and hazards. By coming together, the two regions will strengthen their cooperation, share lessons and experiences and agree on ways to enhance future collaboration in the implementation of the Sendai Framework.

The Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction is a multi-stakeholder conference that brings together governments intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations, academia, women, youth, civil society, UN organizations and other stakeholders to build on past progress – and limit current and future threats to development – by prioritizing disaster risk management by all sectors and at all levels.

The Africa-Arab Platform will be organized by the Government of Tunisia in collaboration with UNISDR, African Union Commission and the League of Arab States.

The 7th session of Africa Regional Platform and 6th High Level Meeting, will be convened as part of the “Building Disaster Resilience to Natural Hazards in Sub-Saharan African Regions, countries and Communities Programme”, funded by the European Union and being implemented in Africa as part of a cooperation between the European Union and the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States.

Media representatives are invited to cover Africa-Arab Platform on Disaster Risk Reduction in Tunisia from 9-13 October 2013

For any media inquiry, please contact:

Ms.Afrah Thabit/ Directorate of Information and Communication/ +251911-200922

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Web Site: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia


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