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2nd all Africa postharvest congress and exhibition

2nd all Africa postharvest congress and exhibition

September 17, 2019 to September 20, 2019
2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress

The 2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

“Postharvest Loss Reduction and Agro-processing: Drivers of Agricultural Transformation in Africa”

Journalists are invited to cover the Press Conference at 2:00-2:30 p.m. and the opening ceremony of the PHL Congress at 2:30 p.m. on September 17, 2019. 

What: The 2nd All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition

Date: September 17-20, 2019 

Venue: African Union Commission HQ, Addis Ababa

Who:  The Congress will be the attended by:

• AUC Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, H.E Amb. Josefa Sacko;
•      Representative of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia;
• Ms Jocelyn Brown-Hall,Deputy Regional Representative for Africa. FAO Regional Office for Africa (RAF)
• Dr. A. Adesina, President  AfDB;
• Dr. A. Kalibata, President ,AGRA

Also in attendance will be high level African leadership, Regional Economic Communities, farmers, traders, researchers, academia, innovators, policy makers, development partners, government departments, private sector/investors, civil society among others.

Focus and objective: Africa has remained the most food insecure continent in the world, with approximately 1 in 4 people undernourished. Over  the  years, most African governments  have  focused on  increasing production  to  meet  the  food  and  nutrition  needs  of  the  ever  rising  population  which  is  estimated to reach 2.5 billion by the year 2050.

Historical over-emphasis on increased agricultural production without complementary interventions to ensure  proper  utilization  of  the  food  produced  has  contributed  to  the  reported  increase  in  postharvest food  loss  and  waste  over  the  years.  Global  food  losses  and  waste  is  estimated at1.3  billion  metric tonnes (MT),equivalent  to  over 30%  of  the  total  food  produced  for  human  consumption,  and  it  is estimated that global food wastage could feed up to1.6 billion people annually. In Africa alone, the total  quantitative  food  loss  has  been  estimated to  be  over 100  million  MT/year.

These losses exacerbate food insecurity and have negative impacts on the  environment through   wasting   land,  water,  farm  inputs  and energy used in producing food that is not consumed. In addition, postharvest losses reduce income to farmers and contribute to higher food prices. Consequently, the African Union Heads of State and Government included in the 2014 Malabo Declaration, a call to reduce postharvest losses in Africa by 50 percent by year 2025. 
Therefore, the All Africa Postharvest Congress and Exhibition brings together diverse stakeholders including policy makers, private sector actors, development agencies, civil society, researchers, academics, farmers, processors to learn, share information, build networks and partnerships aimed at addressing the pertinent issue of postharvest loss reduction in the African context. 

Specific objectives of the Congress:
1. Raise awareness on food losses and waste through data and information sharing;
2. Showcase effective strategies, technologies, practices, initiatives for postharvest loss reduction;
3. Monitor and review progress on postharvest loss reduction initiatives against set targets;

4. Build and strengthen linkages and partnerships (including private sector engagement) for resource mobilization and other activities geared towards postharvest loss reduction;

The Congress is organized by the African Union Commission in collaboration with the  University  of  Nairobi, Stellenbosch University and Jomo Kenyatta  University  of  Agriculture  and Technology.

For more information and requests for interviews contact:

 African Union Commission
 Mr.  Komla Bissi

CAADP Advisor

Ms Carol Jilombo
CAADP Communications Officer


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