An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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The Continental Experts’ Workshop on the Restitution of Cultural Property and Heritage Holds at the Museum of Black Civilization in Dakar, Senegal

December 02, 2021

In line with the implementation of the roadmap of the AU Theme of the Year for 2021: "Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building the Africa We Want", the African Union Commission -Department of Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social (HHS) in collaboration with the Government of Senegal and the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) organized the Continental Experts’ Workshop on the Restitution of Cultural Property and Heritage at the Museum of Black Civiliz

African Union to Adopt a Strategy on Mainstreaming the ACDEG and Develop Pedagogic Tools on the Rule of Law

December 02, 2021

As part of its mandate to implement the African Union's vision for the utmost respect of rule of law on the continent, the Constitutionalism and Rule of Law Unit of the Department of Political Affairs, Peace and Security (PAPS) of the African Union Commission

10TH High-Level Dialogue on Democracy, Human Rights and Governance in Africa: Trends, Challenges And Prospects

WORLD AIDS DAY JOINT OPINION PIECE “Ending the Inequalities Obstructing Progressive HIV Response in Africa”

December 01, 2021

Today, the African Union (AU) Commission, UNAIDS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria join the rest of the world to commemorate World AIDS Day 2021 under the theme “End Inequalities. End AIDS”.


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