An Integrated, Prosperous and Peaceful Africa.

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Africa Union Day Celebrations African Union Headquarters 15 September 2018 Addis, Ababa, Ethiopia

Africa Union Day Celebrations African Union Headquarters 15 September 2018 Addis, Ababa, Ethiopia

September 15, 2018


Introduction and Context

On 9th July 2002, 43 African leaders gathered in Durban, South Africa to launch the African Union (AU), a successor to the Organization of African Unity (OAU) created by the Sirte Declaration on 9.September 1999. The objective of the African Union is to unify the fifty-five (55) Member States and accelerate the process of continental integration to enable Africa play its rightful role in the global economy while addressing multifaceted social, economic and political problems within the continent. Since 2002, the African Union (AU) has witnessed substantial progress in various spheres of life and sectors.

Some of the flagship projects enshrined in the Continent’s blueprint which is Agenda 2063 have witnessed remarkable success as evidenced by the launch of the African Passport at the July 2016 Summit in Kigali, Rwanda, the Single African Air transport Market (SAATM) launched at the January 2018 Summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) launched at the March 2018 Extraordinary Summit on AFCTA, all of which are intended to spur the economic integration agenda of the Continent. However, the celebration of the AU Day calls for further reflection, notably on the challenges impeding the continental integration and total eradication of poverty as well as pockets of conflict that still exist on our continent.


The theme of the AU day 2018 is “African Union: Achievements, Challenges and Next Steps”. The AU day will present an avenue to celebrate some landmark achievements of the Union on various issues such as peace and security, continental integration, women and youth empowerment, eradication of diseases, inter alia. The celebration will also be an opportune time to reflect on the Union’s transformation and achievements and also renew commitments to realize the Africa we want as embedded in Agenda 2063. The AU day will further be an opportune occasion to promote the visibility of the African Union and its activities all over the African continent, diaspora and the countries where AU has its representative offices as well as regional offices. The African Union Commission is therefore calling upon all Africans to commemorate and celebrate the African Union Day.

The specific objectives of the event are to:
✓ Commemorate the African Union (AU) Day
✓ Reflect on the progress made, challenges faced and possible solutions to these challenges
✓ Promote African culture and respect for diversity through various African indigenous activities
✓ Commemorate the milestones of the African Union (AU).

Expected Outcomes
✓ The successes of the African Union since 2002 reflected upon and celebrated;
✓ The African Union and its activities promoted and popularized in Member States ;
✓ The commitment of Member States through political will renewed.

Celebration of AU day at AUC Headquarters
The participants are expected from the following:
✓ AU Member States
✓ AU Commission staff and their families
✓ RECs Liaison Offices
✓ Friends of Africa, Non-African States and International Organizations accredited to AU
✓ Civil society organizations accredited to AU

Proposed activities
✓ Official ceremony and debate on the theme of AU Day
✓ Sports competitions that involve Member States representatives as well as AUC employees
✓ African Fashion Show
✓ Bazaar showcasing different African artifacts and items
✓ Sharing of different African cuisines

Celebration of AU day at National Level
The participants would be expected from the following:
✓ Government officials
✓ Student fraternity
✓ Diplomatic corps
✓ Civil Society Organizations
✓ Members of the Press

Proposed activities at National Level
✓ Official ceremony and debate on the theme of AU Day
✓ Popularization of the AU and its activities through various media platforms such as Newspapers, radio and television stations inter alia
✓ School debates on the theme of the 2018 AU Day

THEME 2018: ““African Union: Achievements, Challenges
and Next Steps.”
DATE: SATURDAY, 15 SEPTEMBER 2018 (Tentative)
08:30 – 10:00 Sports Activities (Basketball, Football etc )
09:45 – 09:50 Arrival of Invited Guests: AUC Employees and their families, RECs, ECA, AfDB Officials, Press/Media
09:50 – 09:55 Arrival of AU Member States Representatives and Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps
09:55 – 10:00 Arrival of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AUC, H.E. Amb. Kwesi Quartey, Deputy Chairperson and Commissioners
10:00 – 10:05 AU Anthem by AU Choir
10:05 – 10:10 Welcome address by H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the AUC
10:10 – 10:15 Remarks from the Guest of Honour (TBD)
10:15 – 10:45 PART I – Panel Discussion on African Union: Achievements, Challenges
and Next Steps.” (Members of the Panel TBD)
10:45 – 11:30 Debate on the theme of AU day
11:30 – 11:35 AU Choir Music (5 min)
11:35 – 13:00 African Fashion Show “Showcasing the beauty of Africa” (Music by D.J)
13:00 – 13:00 Part II – Bazaar, Lunch and Entertainment
Venue: Multipurpose Hall, Tent & Lobby area
15:30 – 15:45 Award of Sports Trophies
• Basket ball
• Football
• Volleyball/Running
• Fun games
18:00 End of Celebrations

Department Resources

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