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The 3RD African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum

The 3RD African Union Interfaith Dialogue Forum

November 13, 2018 to November 15, 2018




WHAT: The Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) of the African Union Commission in collaboration with King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center for Intelligence and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) will be organizing a three day meeting during the peace month in Chad under the theme “Faith in Action”.

WHEN: 13th to 15th November, 2018

WHERE: Hilton Hotel, Sabanga Cornish Road,Bp 6073,Chad (CHAD)

WHO: Organized by the Citizens and Diaspora Directorate (CIDO) of the African Union Commission in collaboration with King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Center for Intelligence and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID).

Highlights for media will include:

Ø A welcome address by Augustine Nunez Vicandi - Deputy Secretary General, KAICIID and AU – Amb. Jalel Chelba.

Ø Keynote Address and Official Opening by the Government of Chad.

Ø The forum will also provide an overview of the journey of IFDF Steering committee from 2016 to date, i.e. strategic plan.

Ø The objectives, agenda of the Dialogue Forum.

Ø provide an opportunity for inter religious councils to take stock on progress made thus far on the implementation of the African Union 2018 Theme of the year on Preventing and Combating corruption.

WHY: The AU- IFDF 3 will convene on a three day meeting during the Peace Month in Chad under the theme of ‘Faith in Action’ the role of Religious Leaders in Advancing Peace, Inclusiveness and Development in African Communities to raise awareness on AU instruments on Youth, Peace and Security and to push for its rapid implementation within and between Member States facing armed threats or actively working to prevent conflicts.


 Adoption of the AU Interfaith Dialogue Forum Strategic Plan

 Election of a new Steering Committee

 Popularize the role of religious leaders and Faith Based Organization and

discussion on three themes; preventing violent extremism, ecology and

winning the fight against corruption

Expected Outcomes

1. Dialogue among interfaith council leaders from each member state;

2. Presentation and discussion of examples of existing religious harmony and tolerance amongst religions and faiths in Africa on themes such as: ecology, corruption and violent extremism.

3. Collection and consolidation of best practices, data and connections;

4. Information sharing of experiences and best practices of interfaith dialogue;

5. Examination and mapping out of strategies and framework(s) for effective partnership between the AU and religious leaders in Africa to promote peaceful co-existence among different religions and cultures.

6. Advise the AU on the expansion practical measures opposing sectarian violence and supporting cultural and religious diversity.


* One representative per AU Member State chosen from each national interreligious councils. Recognizing that not all states have national interfaith councils, the states that do not have an established interreligious council will be invited to send one representative from a major interreligious organization in that state;

* Representatives of civil society organizations, scholars, women and youth among others.


Recognizing the need to build a structured partnership between African Union (AU) and Religious Leaders for advancing justice, peace, security and development in Africa, the African Union in partnership with African Religious Leaders organized a meeting in Abuja, Nigeria from 15 to 17 June 2010 and launched the AU- Interfaith Dialogue Forum.

The forum, organized as part of the African Year of Peace and Security, brought together religious leaders under the theme “Advancing Justice, Peace, Security and Development: Harnessing the Power of Religious Communities in Africa.” The gathering of around 70 diverse participants resulted in the “AU Interfaith Forum Declaration”, addressing the need for further collaboration between religious leaders and policy makers in the region and their unequivocal commitment to interfaith dialogue.

The situation of religions in Africa is currently at a delicate position. The continent is facing a lot of challenges due to the mobilization and politicization of religion leading to the rise of fundamentalist groups who breed and encourage violence as they claim to act in the name of religion.

It is within this framework that the African Union signed a memorandum of understanding with the King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID) to enhance partnership between religious leaders and the AU and initiate a structured platform of cooperation with this important segment of society. The platform is a functional alliance between political and religious leaders in service of the African continent who seeks to stir consciences towards practical action by preserving the values of respect, plurality, diversity, religious tolerance and peaceful coexistence.

Journalists are invited to cover the event.

The draft programme is attached:

For media enquires contact:

Mr. Stephen Kwaku Darko/ Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission/ E-mail:

For further information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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