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The African Union 6th Pan African Forum on Migration kicks off in Dakar

The African Union 6th Pan African Forum on Migration kicks off in Dakar

September 11, 2021

The African Union (AU) in collaboration with the Republic of Senegal, with support of the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the International Labour Organization (ILO), today launched the 6th  Pan African Forum on Migration (PAFOM6) in Dakar under the theme: “Strengthening Labor Migration Governance in Africa in the context of a pandemic for accelerated socioeconomic development and continental Integration” to provide a more focused engagement with all relevant Migration stakeholders including Regional Economic Communities (RECs), AU Member States, private sector, academia, parliamentarians, African diaspora community and civil society organizations in Africa and to discuss among others; achievements and challenges of free movement of persons regimes in Africa and examine the urgency to promote effective labour migration governance.

The PAFOM6 was opened officially by H.E. Madame Aïssata TALL SALL, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Senegalese Abroad, the Republic of Senegal, in the presence of H. E. Moise SARR, the State Secretary in charge of Senegalese Abroad. H.E. Madame Aïssata TALL SALL thanked the AU Commission for organizing the Pan African Forum on Migration and welcomed on behalf of His Excellency Macky SALL, President of the Republic, all participants to the meeting. She further highlighted the need to strengthen governance of labor migration framework in Africa through measures to be adopted towards socio-economic development and the acceleration of continental integration. “Indeed, the integration of migrant workers in development would promote the development of skills and the establishment of linkages that create values”, said Madame Aïssata TALL SALL.

The Minister concluded by calling upon AU Member States to support Senegal during the one-year Chairmanship period for PAFOM to address common concerns related to the migration issues.

Mrs. Cisse Mariama Mohamed, Director for Social Affairs delivered the opening remarks on behalf of H.E. Mrs Amira Elfadil, Commissioner for the Department of Health Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS) of the African Union Commission. She started by thanking the Government of Senegal, especially through tireless efforts of Amb. Christian Joseph Assogba and his team for making tremendous effort to host this meeting. “Further, I wish to thank all participants, both in attendance in person and online, for attending the meeting. We need to continuously strive to develop innovative ways to adapt to the new norm that, brought about by the pandemic; while taking extraordinary precautions and observations of the laid down health safety protocol as provided by our health experts”, said Mrs. Cisse Mariama Mohamed. The Director noted that over 80% of the labour migration movement experienced within the continent, and there is need for a better and enhanced collaboration between all AU Member States and stakeholders on issues of labor migration governance and the general human mobility in Africa to develop sustainable labor migration policy framework to enhance predictability in decision making and general operations in this area. “There is need for us to identify the gaps and opportunities that exist within the area of labor migration governance, with the view of advancing sound labour and employment policies to safeguard migrant workers’ rights, protection and access to benefits”, further added Mrs. Cisse Mariama Mohamed.

She underlined the importance of the operationalisation of the African Centre for the Study and Research on Migration, Continental Operations Centre in Kartoum & the African Observatory on Migration for evidence-based labour migration policies in Africa and called upon the AU Member States to produce accurate and high-quality labour migration data and statistics to support the development of evidence-based policies and key decisions.

Mrs. Cisse Mariama Mohamed concluded by emphasizing the need to ensure that necessary policy and legal frameworks are established to strengthen data sharing amongst agencies producing and using labor migration data. “These frameworks and mechanisms are key in improving the collection, utilization and dissemination of relevant migration data and statistics among agencies at national level”, said Mrs. Cisse.

Ms. Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon – ILO Assistant Director-General and Regional Director for Africa in her opening remarks, delivered virtually, reiterated the ILO’s commitment to decent work and social justice for all workers, including migrant workers. “The 2019 Abidjan Declaration on Shaping the Future of Work in Africa reaffirms this, along with the ILO’s Strategy on Labour Migration in the Africa, a long-term vision for achieving a brighter future for African migrant workers”, said Ms. Cynthia Samuel-Olonjuwon. She underlined the devastating and traumatic impact of COVID-19 on migrants’ workers, and highlighted that the policy coherence and institutional partnerships with the AU Commission and coordination between stakeholders with a mandate on migration, labour migration and employment policies will be of utmost importance to ensure coherence, and results on the ground.

Representative of IOM, Ms. Aissata KANE, Senior Regional Advisor to the Director General of IOM for Sub-Saharan Africa addressing the opening session saluted the commitment and dedication of all member states delegates present in advancing the migration agenda in their respective countries and regions, even in the most difficult times and as the world faces the challenges of the pandemic.”None of this would have been possible without the leadership of the African Union Commission and the active engagement of its Member States”, said Ms. Aissata KANE. She noted that the theme of PAFOM this year is relevant as there is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected developing economies, particularly in Africa, and the closure of borders and the socio-economic effects of COVID-19 have had a particularly dramatic impact on the lives of migrants.

During the two-day Forum, participants will discuss, among others, the following issues:

  • Supporting Member States (MS) and Regional Economic Communities (RECs) in strengthening Labor Migration in Africa: Overview of the ongoing Labor Migration Initiatives and Programs including the Joint Labor Migration Program in the continent;
  • The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Labor Migration Governance in Africa: Challenges, Lessons learnt and opportunities;
  • Strengthening national, regional and interstates collaboration and interstates dialogue on labor migration Governance in Africa;
  • Strengthening labor migration research, data and statistics for evidence based policy formulation and implementation in Africa;
  • Promoting protection of migrant workers in Africa: Strengthening the protection and policy framework of African Migrant workers in the continent and beyond;
  • Promoting skills development, mobility, mutual recognition of skills, qualifications and competencies of migrant workers in Africa; and
  • The Nexus between Labor Migration and mobility and the African Continental Free Trade Area


For further information:


1. Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar | Senior Communication Officer | Information and Communications Directorate, African Union Commission | E-mail:

2. Ms. Sarah Abdel-Mohsen Elsayed | Communication Officer | Department of Health, Humanitarian affairs and Social Development | African Union Commission | Email:

3. Mr. Babacar Ba | Technical Adviser | Government of Senegal | Ministry of Foreign Affairs | Email:


Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission I E-mail: I Website: I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter |


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