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DES FUTURS VOLÉS : L'impact de la corruption sur les enfants en Afrique - Un nouveau rapport rend compte du sort des enfants africains touchés par la corruption.

mars 18, 2019

March 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Corruption in Africa is robbing children of their right to a meaningful productive life, a new study shows. The study captures the sentiments of 33,000 children from around the continent, who expressed fear that the rising corruption is severely affecting their access to education and health. It cites informal payments in the form of outright bribes, gratitude payments or off-the-books fees, as one of the biggest forms of corruption affecting service provision for children in the education and health sectors.

Déclaration du Président de la Commission sur l'attaque contre une base de l'armée Malienne

mars 18, 2019

Addis Ababa, 18 March 2019: The Chairperson of the Commission of the African Union, Moussa Faki Mahamat, strongly condemns the terrorist attack against a base of the Malian army in the village of Dioura, in the Mopti region, in the centre of the country, on the night of 16 to 17 March 2019, resulting in the deaths of many soldiers.

The Chairperson offers his heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families and wishes a speedy recovery to the injured. He expresses the African Union unwavering solidarity with the Government and people of Mali.

Message de condoléances pour le vol Ethiopian Airlines Et302 qui s'est écrasé le dimanche 10 mars 2019 en Ethiopie

mars 11, 2019

Date: 11 March 2019

Message of Condolence on Ethiopian Airlines Flight Et302 Which Crashed on Sunday 10 March 2019 In Ethiopia

The African Union Economic Social and Cultural Council expresses its deep sympathies with those who lost loved ones aboard Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 which crashed on Sunday 10 March 2019 in #Ethiopia.

We are particularly saddened by the loss of two African diaspora experts who were traveling on board the flight to participate in ECOSOCC meetings in #Nairobi.

Réunion du Rectorat de l'Université panafricaine et du Bureau exécutif des anciens élèves de PAU

mars 11, 2019 to mars 12, 2019

Yaoundé, Cameroon 11-12 March 2019: Following the first General Assembly of the Pan African University Alumni Association (PAUAA) that was held from 12-13 December 2017, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which resulted in the adoption of the Statute of the PAUAA and the election of the Bureau, a meeting of both the PAU Rectorate and PAU Alumni Executive Bureau was held at the PAU Rectorate Headquarters in Yaoundé Cameroon on 11-12 March 2019 whose aim was to stimulate the Executive Bureau of the Association to be more functional and effective.

Déclaration de S.E. Prof. Sarah Anyang Agbor Commissaire, Ressources Humaines, Science et Technologie Commission de l'Union Africaine Le 1er mars 2019 4ème Journée Africaine de l'Alimentation scolaire 27 février au 1er mars 2019 Abidjan, Côte d'ivoire

Your Excellency, the Vice President of the Republic of Cote D’Ivoire, His Excellency Mr. DANIEL KABLAN DUNCAN; We cannot thank you enough Your Excellency. Thank you so much for gracing this day and giving it an elegant and VVVVIP status.
My sister, elegant and charismatic Honourable Minister of National Education, Technical and Professional Training of the Republic of Cote D’Ivoire, H.E. Mrs. Kandia Camara;
Your Excellencies Ministers of Education, Health, Agriculture and Finance of African Union Member States here present; I am proud of your engagement and commitment;

mars 01, 2019


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