African Union Commission hosts luncheon to pay tribute to the national, continental and international efforts against Ebola
The Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI) Summit will be held in Africa for the first time
Commissioner Smail Chergui addresses the press on the Status of Peace and Security in the Continent
- janvier 31, 2016 Health, Humanitarian Affairs & Social Development (HHS), 26th AU Summit
African Heads of State Celebrate Progress Against Malaria ,African Leaders Malaria Alliance honors 13 countries for achievement and urges continued commitment
African Union Heads of State and Government Adopts the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA 2016-2025) as the Framework for Transformative Education and Training System
Organization of African First Ladies against HIV/AIDS calls upon All Stakeholders to Unite and Ensure Healthy Lives for All the People of Africa
African Union Heads of State and Government Adopts the African Space Policy and Strategy
Mrs. Mahawa Kaba Wheeler addressed the press on activities and theme on Women’s Rights