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L'UA déploie des observateurs à long terme et des experts techniques en vue des élections tripartites du 21 Mai 2019 en République du Malawi

L'UA déploie des observateurs à long terme et des experts techniques en vue des élections tripartites du 21 Mai 2019 en République du Malawi

mai 06, 2019

Addis Ababa, 6 May 2019: The African Union Commission (AUC) has deployed Long Term Observation (LTO) and technical assistance missions for the 21 May 2019 tripartite elections in the Republic of Malawi. The LTO mission comprises seven long term observers while the technical assistance mission is composed of six technical and training experts.

The LTO mission is deployed from 1 May 4 June 2019 to conduct comprehensive assessment of the electoral process. Close towards the polls, it will be joined by a short term observation mission from 14 to 26 May 2019.

The technical assistance mission will provide technical and training support to Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) personnel at constituency levels during this preparatory phase of electoral operations. The AU experts will also support MEC in training of roving political party monitors. This assistance is in response to the request to the African Union Commission by the Election Management Body (EMB).

The deployment of the African Union Election Observation as well as Technical Assistance to EMBs in the Malawi is in line with the provisions of the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance as well as other continental normative instruments on the conduct of democratic elections in the AU Member States. The complementarity of electoral support to Member States through election observation and technical assistance seeks to contribute to the conduct of peaceful, democratic and credible elections in line with international, continental and regional standards of democratic elections.

For more information please contact:

Election Observation Mission Coordinator:

Samuel Atuobi
Senior Political/Elections Officer
Department of Political Affairs
Email: atuobis@africa-union.org

Technical Assistance Mission Coordinator:

Robert Gerenge
Principal Advisor, EMBs
Department of Political Affairs
Email: gerenger@africa-union.org


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