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The 4th African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

The 4th African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

octobre 28, 2019 to octobre 31, 2019
The 4th African Union Specialized Technical Committee on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment


What: The 4th African Union Specialized Technical Committee (STC) on Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, focusing on the review of the Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (Beijing+25 Review).

Theme: “Realizing Women’s Rights for an Equal Future”

When: Expert Meeting: 28th -30th October 2019

Ministerial Meeting: 31th October -1st November 2019

Press Conference: 31st October / 11:00 am

Launch of the AU Strategy for GEWE: 31 October 1830hr – 2100hr

Time: 08.30 a.m.
Where: AUC Headquarters.

WHO: AU Ministers in Charge of Gender and Women’s Affairs and their Experts;
RECs and RMs; CSOs; UN Agencies; Development Partners


Globally, the year 2020 marks the 25th anniversary since the world adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA), a commitment that provides a framework for achievement of irreversible and measurable progress towards gender equality and women’s empowerment, without leaving anyone behind.The BPfA underscores commitment made at global, regional and sub- regional levels to ending discrimination, promoting women’s rights and advancing gender equality and the empowerment of women. These tenets have been acceded to in various continental and international instruments, including, among others, the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol), the Solemn Declaration on Gender Equality in Africa (SDGEA); and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

At regional level, 2020 marks the end of the African Women’s Decade 2010 – 2020, whose implementation themes mirror some of the 12 Critical Areas of Concern of the BPfA. The 5th anniversary of the 1st Ten Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 will also be celebrated in 2020. Agenda 2063 is both a vision, endogenous plan and a road map for Africa’s development in fifty years. It builds on and seeks to accelerate the implementation of past and existing continental initiatives for growth and sustainable development. Agenda 2063 has seven aspirations including one where development will be people-driven, relying on the potential of African people especially its women and youth and caring for its children. It embraces the commitments made in Beijing through BPfA.


Consider and adopt the Africa Beijing + 25 review report;
Consider and adopt documents as well as decisions to support accelerated implementation of the AU GEWE Agenda commitments;
Create public-awareness campaign through high-level media attention across Africa about the Beijing+ 25 review process and the AU GEWE Agenda in general.

For media enquiry and interview requests please contact:
Ms. Afrah Thabit / Communication Officer / Directorate of Information and communication E mail; Thabitma@africa-union.org Tell : +251911-200922
Ms. Susan Nyabena/ Junior Programme Officer/ Women Gender and Development Directorate. Email: nyabenaS@africa-union.org Tell : +0944-083113