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First Virtual Conference on Drug Demand Reduction and Epidemiology in Africa

First Virtual Conference on Drug Demand Reduction and Epidemiology in Africa

septembre 16, 2020 to novembre 10, 2020

WHO: The African Union Commission, the International Society for Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), the Department of Social Development of the Republic of South Africa (DSD), the US State Department's Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), the Organization of American States Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (OAS/CICAD), and the South African National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (SANCA) are organising the first virtual Conference on Drug Demand Reduction and Epidemiology in Africa.

WHAT: First Virtual Conference on Drug Demand Reduction and Epidemiology in Africa


Plenary 1

16 Sept. 2020

Official Opening and Setting the Scene for Drug Demand Reduction in Africa

Plenary 2

22 Sept. 2020

Evidence-based Prevention: Policy and Practice

Plenary 3

06 Oct. 2020

A Focus on Treatment and Recovery

Plenary 4

20 Oct. 2020

Epidemiology and Its Role in Drug Demand Reduction

Plenary 5

04 Nov.2020

Role of Legislators and Traditional Health Practitioners in Drug Demand Reduction

Plenary 6

10 Nov.2020

Review and Reflections: A Panel Session

TIME: 15:00- 17:10 pm (EAT) / 13:00-15:10 time / 08:00 - 10:10 (EST)

WHERE: Webinars

Speakers for the Official Opening on 16 September 2020 include:

  • H.E Ms Amira Elfadil, Commissioner for Social Affairs, African Union Commission
  • Ms Hendrietta Bogopane-Zulu , Deputy Minister, Republic of South Africa Department of Social Development (DSD)
  • Joanna Travis-Roberts, Chief Executive, ISSUP Global
  • Brian Morales, Branch Chief Counternarcotics, Office of Global Programs and Policies (INL/GPP)
  • Ambassador Adam Namm, Executive Secretary, Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission (CICAD), Organization of the American States (OAS)

Note to Editors:

Overall Objective:

The overall objective is to provide a platform for sharing experiences and best practices in Drug Demand Reduction and Epidemiology and review Progress by African Union Member States in implementing evidence-based services in drug use Prevention, Treatment and Care.


The conference will bring together national and international experts in the field of substance use prevention, treatment, and epidemiology to provide presentations on a broad range of related topics, including:

  • Continental Perspective on Drug Use in Africa
  • African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (2019-2023)
  • Global Perspective of Drug Use, treatment and recovery
  • Global Initiatives by the U.S. Department of State/Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (DOS/INL)
  • Epidemiology and its Role in Drug Demand Reduction
  • The role of traditional leaders in Drug Demand Reduction

Journalists are invited to cover the conference. Participants will register through a landing page on the ISSUP website - the page is linked to GoToWebinar registration. Participants should click a registration link for each plenary they want to attend. The link to the website with the registration information is: https://www.issup.net/about-issup/issup-workshops/africa-2020/conference-registration

The link to register for the Official Opening and the first session on 16 th of September 2020 is: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1461392099852542476

The African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control and Crime Prevention (2019-2023) is the fifth strategic framework to guide drug policy development on the continent. Through this action plan, the African Union continues to promote a multi-sectorial, balanced and integrated approach to drug control cognisant of global challenges relating to drugs including health, socio-economic wellbeing, crime, terrorism and security. Africa has not only become a major transit route in the global trade in narcotics, but also a major consuming region, presenting major challenges not only to health care systems but also to the overall social, economic and security milieu. Drug use constitutes a significant health risk and there is an enormous unmet need for treatment of substance use disorders, in particular drug dependence, as a multi-factorial health disorder affecting the brain, and often following the course of a chronic, relapsing disease. The African Union has been working with Member States to develop their capacity in implementing drug demand measures which include up scaling prevention, treatment and care for drug use disorders as well as drug epidemiology.


The International Society of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Professionals (ISSUP) is a global, not for profit, non-government organisation to support the development of a professional prevention and treatment workforce. ISSUP has over 20 National Chapters globally, including in South Africa.

ISSUP serves as a focal point for information about substance use prevention and treatment. ISSUP's contribution is informed by science and research, promoting evidence based, high quality and ethical approaches and practice to substance use prevention and treatment. It does this through its unique website, providing access to up to date information and support for the substance use prevention and treatment community. ISSUP offers training and networking opportunities as well as resources that support the professionalisation of the global substance use prevention, treatment and recovery workforce.

ISSUP's work is informed by its vision of a connected, trained, knowledgeable, and effective international network of substance use prevention and treatment professionals undertaking and promoting high-quality, evidence based, and ethical substance use prevention and treatment.

For further information about the conference, please contact:

Africa Union Commission:

Dr Jane Marie Ong'olo, Head of Social Welfare, Vulnerable Groups and Drug Control and Crime Prevention, African Union Commission, OngoloJM@africa-union.org

Dr Abel Basutu, Senior Drug Control Programme Officer, BasutuA@africa-union.org

ISSUP Global

Livia Edegger, Deputy Director

International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), livia.edegger@issup.net

+44 779 510 6725

ISSUP South Africa

Mr. Roger Weimann, ISSUP South Africa, E-mail: roger@sancacec.co.za

For Media inquiries, please contact:

1. Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou | Head, Information Division, Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | Tel: +251(0) 911361185 | E-mail: yamboue@africa-union.org

2 . Mr. Gamal Ahmed A. Karrar| Senior Communication Officer| Directorate of Information and Communication, African Union Commission | E-mail: GamalK@africa-union.org


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