Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Assembly of the African Union Sixth Ordinary Session


1 Assembly/AU/Dec.91 (VI) Decision on the Progress Report on AIDS Watch Africa
(AWA) - (Assembly/AU/6/ (VI)) 1
2 Assembly/AU/Dec.92 (VI) Decision on the Second Decade of Education for Africa
(2006-2015) and the Framework of the Plan of Action for the Second Decade – (EX/CL/224 (VIII)) Rev.2 2
3 Assembly/AU/Dec.93 (VI) Decision on the International Year of African Football – (Doc.
Assembly/AU.8 (VI)) Add.11 1
4 Assembly/AU/Dec.94 (VI) Decision on the Revised Charter for the Cultural Renaissance
of Africa 1
5 Assembly/AU/Dec.95 (VI) Decision on the Statutes of the African Academy of
Languages (ACALAN) 1
6 Assembly/AU/Dec.96 (VI) Decision on the Linkage Between Culture and Education 2
7 Assembly/AU/Dec.97 (VI) Decision on the Drought Situation in the IGAD Sub-Region 1
8 Assembly/AU/Dec.98 (VI) Decision to Declare 2006 as the Year of African Languages –
(Doc. EX.CL/223 (VIII)) 1
9 Assembly/AU/Dec.99 (VI) Decision on the Report of the Committee of Seven Heads of
State and Government Chaired by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1
10 Assembly/AU/Dec.100 (VI) Decision on the Election of Judges of the African Court on
Human and Peoples’ Rights 1
11 Assembly/AU/Dec.101 (VI) Decision on the 19th Activity Report of the African
Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights – (Doc. EX.CL/236 (VIII)) 1
12 Assembly/AU/Dec.102 (VI) Decision on the Election of one (1) Member of the African
Committee on the Rights and Welfare of the Child – (Doc.EX.CL/242 (VIII)) 1
13 Assembly/AU/Dec.103 (VI) Decision on the Hissène Habré Case and the African Union –
(Doc. Assembly/AU/8 (VI)) 1
14 Assembly/AU/Dec.104 (VI) Decision on the Report of the Chairperson of NEPAD Heads
of State and Government Implementation Committee - (Doc. Assembly/AU/3 (VI))) 1
15 Assembly/AU/Dec.105 (VI) Decision on UN Reform 1
16 Assembly/AU/Dec.106 (VI) Decision on Election of Ten (10) Members of the Peace and
Security Council of the African Union 1
17 Assembly/AU/Dec.107 (VI) Decision on the Review of Symbols – Flag of the Union, on
the Holding of Bilateral Summits Between Africa and other States and on the Non-Assimilation of North Africa into the Middle East with Regard to Nomenclature, Content and Concept – (Doc. Assembly/AU/8 (VI)) Add.1, 2 and 4 1
18 Assembly/AU/Dec.108 (VI) Decision on the Non-Submission of Decisions of the African
Union Summits to the Ratification Mechanisms of AU Member States – (Doc. Assembly/AU/8 (VI)) Add.3 1
19 Assembly/AU/Dec.109 (VI) Decision on the Establishment of a Pan-African Stock Exchange and on the Establishment of a Fund Within the African Union to Mitigate the Effects of the Increase in Oil
Prices on the African Countries – (Doc. Assembly/AU/8 (VI)) Add.5 and 6 1
20 Assembly/AU/Dec.110 (VI) Decision on the Establishment of an African Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organization (AFESCO) (Doc. EX.CL/243 (VIII) Add.10 1
1. Assembly/AU/Decl. 1 (VI) Declaration on the Outcome of the 6th WTO Ministerial
Conference Held in Hong Kong, China, - 13-18 December 2005 3
2. Assembly/AU/Decl. 2 (VI) Declaration by the Assembly of the African Union 1
3. Assembly/AU/Decl. 3 (VI) Declaration on the Activities of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union and the State of Peace and Security in Africa 2
Assembly/AU/Recommenda tion (VI)
Recommendation of the Committee on the Chairmanship of
the African Union 1

Mardi, janvier 24, 2006 - 11:00


février 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.