Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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  1. Statement of the Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission, H.E Mr. Erastus Mwencha at the 3rd Forum on China-Africa Media Cooperation, Beijing, People’s Republic of China

    ... sanctions on Zambia for supporting those fighting the Apartheid regime and made it difficult to import and export their goods through ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:21

  2. Déclaration du Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine, Moussa Faki Mahamat, à l'occasion de la célébration du centenaire de Nelson Mandela

    ... de ses compatriotes sud-africains du joug du régime de l'apartheid. Madiba a rejeté toute forme de culte de la personnalité. En ...

    Press Release - admin - 2019-03-15 17:30

  3. Keynote address by Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission, to the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) Africa Regional Conference Lagos, Nigeria, 12 August 2013

    ... to liberate our continent from slavery, colonialism and apartheid had in its ranks thousands upon thousands of young women and men, who ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:23

  4. Statement of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission H.E. Mr. Moussa Faki Mahamat, on the Occasion of the Launching of the Intergovernmental Authority for Development Authority for Development High-Level Revitalisation Forum on South Sudan

    ... Madiba, while 2017 was that of another hero of the anti-apartheid struggle and apostle of tolerance. I am here referring to Oliver ... personally and directly the iniquity and inhumanity of the apartheid system. But that only strengthened his commitment to ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:20

  5. Discours du Président de la Commission de l’Union africaine, Monsieur Moussa Faki Mahamat, à l’occasion du lancement du Forum de Revitalisation de Haut Niveau de l’Autorité Inter-Gouvernementale pour le Développement sur le Soudan du Sud

    ... que 2017 a été celui d’un autre héros de la lutte anti-apartheid et apôtre de la tolérance. Je veux parler d’Oliver Tambo.  ... sa chair l’iniquité et l’inhumanité du système d’apartheid.  Mais cela n’a fait que renforcer son engagement en faveur de ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:20

  6. Opening Statement delivered by Ambassador Lazarous Kapambwe, Advisor to the AU Chairperson to Namibian Civil Society Organizations at the ECOSOCC Sensitization and Motivation Campaign in Hotel Safari Windhoek, Namibia

    ... we learned in the struggles from slavery, colonisation, apartheid and subjugation, it is that victory comes from unity and involvement. ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:22

  7. Africa Day - 25 May

    ... in May 25, 1963 in the fight against colonialism and apartheid, as well as the progress that Africa has made, while reflecting upon ...

    Event - admin - 2018-06-02 00:33

  8. The AU Honours African Women during the Commemoration of International Women’s Day

    ... especially the fight against colonialism, the elimination of apartheid and eradication of gender inequalities, discrimination and injustices ...

    Press Release - admin - 2018-04-20 12:11

  9. Intervention by H.E. Dr. Nkosozana Dlamini Zuma Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the International Conference on the Prevention of Genocides Brussels, Belgium 1 April 2014

    ... committed against Africans as a result of genocide, slavery, apartheid and colonialism, and to ensure Never Again. I will conclude by ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:22

  10. Statement by H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, Chairperson of the African Union Commission at the Opening Ceremony of the 5th Meeting of the African Union Ministers of Women’s Affairs and Gender

    ... people born after 1994 are asking: “what was this apartheid? You mean our women were minors”? This is because if one was not ...

    Speech - admin - 2019-03-11 16:26
