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Journée de la femme africaine

Journée de la femme africaine

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juillet 31, 2021

About Africa’s Women Day.

Africa’s Women’s Day is observed annually across the continent on 31 July and is a day earmarked to recognise and affirm the role of women’s organising in achieving the political freedom of Africa and advancing the social and economic status of women on the continent.

Africa’s Women’s Day was proclaimed as a day to be commemorated during the first conference of the Pan-African Women’s Organization (PAWO) which was held in July 1962 in Dar es Salaam Tanganyika (now known as Tanzania).

Africa’s Women’s Day offers a national, continental and global opportunity to recall and affirm the significant role of African women in the evolution of a strong Pan-African identity, with shared values, objectives and vision for the future, as well as women being key contributors towards achieving Africa’s inclusive growth and sustainable development agenda anchored in the AU vision of an integrated prosperous and peaceful Africa

Jeanne Flora Kayitesi | Programme Officer | Women, Gender and Development Directorate | African Union Commission | E-mail kayitesijf@africa-union.org

Ms. Doreen Apollos | Communication | Directorate of Information and Communication| African Union Commission | E-mail ApollosD@africa-union.org


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