Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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  • Listening for Change: Participatory Evaluations of DDR in Mali, Cambodia and Alb
    octobre 19, 2024

    This report summarizes the findings of a large-scale comparative research project that sought to test the applicability of participatory monitoring and evaluation and its relevance as a methodology in DDR and arms reduction schemes. Mali was one of the focus countries in which the research was conducted.

  • Monitoring and Evaluation of Peace Operations with the Norwegian Institute of In
    octobre 19, 2024

    Report of a workshop organized by the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and the International Peace Institute (IPI) on the “Monitoring and Evaluation of

  • Multi-country Demobilization and Reintegration Program: End of Program Evaluatio
    octobre 19, 2024

    This comprehensive end of programme evaluation provides a detailed analysis of all components of the MDRP from design to p[reject implementation modalities. Chapter V (page 43) provides a synthesis of lessons learned and detailed summaries of individual projects are provided within the Annex.

  • A Hard Home coming Lessons Learned from the Reception Center Process in Northern
    octobre 19, 2024

    Report examining assumptions and evidence about the needs and experiences of children and adults returning from the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and transiting through Reception Centres established to provide initial support and counselling.

  • Reintegration Assistance for Excombatants: Good Practices and lessons for the M
    octobre 19, 2024

    Comprehensive and practical information on lessons learned from the design and implementation of reintegration programmes including models of support for reinsertion, vocational training and programme management. Case studies at Annex C on the Namibian experience of setting up 'development Brigades and institutional structures for DDR in Ethiopia.

  • The R-Phase of Reintegration; An Overview of key lessons learned and Practical E
    octobre 19, 2024

    The paper aims to map key lessons learned and practical experiences of DDR processes. It specifically focuses on reintegration an explores issues related to urban and rural reintegration, cash benefits, sequencing and national ownership. Useful discussion on Evaluation of DDR Programmes (Section 3.7)

  • Concepts and Experiences of Demobilisiation and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants:
    octobre 19, 2024

    Provides a systematic overview of individual stages and components of classic and linear DDR programs and issues that need to be considered by programme planners and implementers. Annex 4.2. (page 54 onwards) provides summary profiles of GTZ experiences in a number of countries up to 1996.

  • Assistance to War Wounded Combatants and Individuals Associated with Fighting Fo
    octobre 19, 2024

    Reviews and assesses support provided to XCs with disabilities in a number of African DDR programmes - including approaches to categorization of disability and intervention models. Comparative analysis drawn from programmes in Ethiopia, Liberia, Eritrea, Angola, Mozambique, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe in particular. Conclusion and recommendations start on p.29.

  • DDR of Ex-Combatants in a Peacekeeping Environment
    octobre 19, 2024

    Guidelines for policy and practice of DDR within a PSO - covering approaches, main issues, procedures, and post-conflict peacebuilding. Section 6 (starting on p.81) covers procedures for demobilization and reintegration and includes procedures for encampment, weapons decommissioning etc.

  • Case Studies in War-to-Peace Transition
    octobre 19, 2024

    Lengthy document structured around three case studies from Ethiopia, Namibia and Uganda. Comprehensive analysis of each including exploration of the political, security and social contexts, programme design and resourcing, institutional arrangements and assessment of impact.

  • Practice Note - DDR of Ex- Combatants
    octobre 19, 2024

    Although heavily focused on DDR interventions running alongside Peace Support Operations the document provides comprehensive (if now somewhat dated) practical guidance for DDR policy makers and practitioners covering all aspects of DDR programming. Explores linkages with SSR, national ownership, interrelationship between reintegration and work with IDP's and other conflict affected groups.

  • Security in post-conflict contexts: What counts as progress and what drives it?
    septembre 02, 2014

    This paper seeks to explore the issue as to how security and stabilisation programmes measure and attribute progress in what are often complex and non linear environments. Section 3.3 specifically highlights and considers DDR.

  • Designing Community Driven Development in Fragile and conflict Affected Situati
    septembre 03, 2013

    Summary of a broader stock taking study that was part of an overall an overall effort to develop a toolkit for designing Community Driven Development (CDD) operations in fragile and conflict affected situations.

  • How -to Guide Gender-Responsive Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration
    juillet 28, 2013

    Provides step-by-step instructions on how to practically translate gender considerations into DDR programming - contains a useful toolkit and resources including checklists, mechanisms for mapping personnel gender competencies, and approaches for ensuring M&E frameworks are gender-sensitive.

  • The War Within: A Critical Examination of Psychosocial Issues and Interventions
    mai 05, 2013

    Explores a variety of psychosocial issues impacting ex-combatants and communities and outlines recommendations for improving psychosocial support in future DDR programming. Case studies presented from Rwanda and Somaliland

  • Final Evaluation of Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Programme Ind
    mars 03, 2013

    Presents the findings, lessons learned, and recommendations of the final evaluation of the CPA DDR implementation in Sudan and South Sudan (2009-2012). Includes an exploration of linkages with wider recovery frameworks and individual program components. Comments on issues related to national ownership.

  • Impact Assessment of Health insurance, housing, monthly allowances and other ent
    août 20, 2012

    Review of support provided in Rwanda to disabled ex-combatants where a specific and comprehensive programme of benefits were pit in place to assist their reintegration - including health, social and subsistence support. Useful description (Section 5.1.2.) of approach put in place to screen and categorize levels of disability and link these to benefits and support.

  • Evaluation of Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Programm
    août 20, 2012

    Assessment of the Sudan DDR Programme (SDDRP) reintegration (R) Intervention in terms of its contribution to facilitating transition and integration of ex combatants.

  • From Civilians to Soldiers and from Soldiers to Civilians, Mobilization and Demo
    août 20, 2012

    This documents aims to provide a complex and in depth analysis of mobilization processes in armed groups and the dynamics that affect individual involvement in armed groups. It argues that there is a need to move beyond technical discussions on DDR and that programming should be better informed by an analysis of the dynamics of post-conflict security and how stakeholders can influence and impact on these.

  • A Framework Document for Evidence-Based Programme Design on Reintegration
    juillet 28, 2012

    Explores and presents a conceptual framework for working with evidence in the design of reintegration programs to support efforts towards greater local impact at field level.

  • Moving to Catch up: Migration of Ex-Combatants in Uganda Ex combatants migration
    août 20, 2011

    Report analysing mobility and migration among ex-combatants and push and pull factors in the Uganda context - considers implications for policy and programming.

  • Uganda Demobilization and Reintegration Project Beneficiary Assessment
    août 20, 2011

    Document reports findings of this project review. Includes a useful description of a four dimensional approach to assessing the success of reintegration efforts exploring factional, political, economic and social dimensions. Explores particular challenges faced be female ex-combatants in social reintegration and factors driving this.

  • Reintegrating Rebels into Civilian Life
    août 14, 2011

    PowerPoint Presentation presenting issues related to methodological approach and key findings related to social and economic reintegration of ex-combatants in Burundi - useful examples of definitional challenges and methods for assessing livelihoods and political reintegration.

  • Muilt- Country Demobilisation and Reintegration Program: End of Program Evaluati
    septembre 03, 2010

    End of project review for this ;athe multi-country DDR programme