Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Documents récents

  • Strategic, Business and Operational Framework for an African Diaspora
    octobre 01, 2021
  • septembre 20, 2021
  • Mapping Study on the Role and Faces of African Diaspora Humanitarianism during COVID-19
    Étude cartographique sur le rôle et les aspects de l’humanitarisme de la dia
    mars 20, 2021

    L’étude cartographique sur le rôle et les aspects de l’humanitarisme de la diaspora africaine pendant la pandémie COVID-19 a cherché à déterminer la manière dont les différents groupes de la diaspora africaine s’engagent avec leurs pays d’origine, par le biais d’initiatives transnationales qui soutiennent les familles et les communautés en réponse à la pandémie COVID-19.

  • African civil society response to the COVID-19 outbreak; Initiatives and Lessons
    septembre 24, 2020

    The African Union’s CIDO-supported webinar series focused on community let initiatives from several African countries aiming at bringing attention to their efforts in alleviating the Covid-19 outbreak’s impact.

  • Diaspora Division factsheet
    Diaspora Division factsheet
    septembre 19, 2020

    The African Union Commission (AUC) envisions “an integrated continent that is politically united based on the ideals of Pan Africanism and the vision of Africa’s Renaissance”. Through its Citizens and Diaspora Organization (CIDO) the AUC seeks to nurture strategic relationships between the continent’s diaspora and Member States of the African Union. Initiatives to this end will be implemented under the Diaspora Engagement Project.

  • Citizens and Diaspora Organizations (CIDO) Newsletter
    juillet 22, 2020

    It is my pleasure to welcome you to our very first newsletter. The Citizens and Diaspora Organizations Directorate (CIDO) has the mandate of linking citizens and diaspora organizations to the African Union (AU) and its organs. CIDO implements various initiatives to facilitate the engagement of citizens and diaspora organizations in the AU’s processes and programmes and to make the AU a people-centred union.

  • iDove STOCKTAKING REPORT 2017-2019
    Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism - iDove Stocktaking Report 2017-2019
    juillet 17, 2020

    The global threat to peace and security that emanates from violent extremism requires the development of innovative approaches to prevent the growth of local and global security risks. Security responses bear high financial and human costs; they do not tackle the root causes of radicalization and violent extremism and have the potential to exacerbate polarization within and between societies.

  • Factsheet: Mobilizing Africa’s Workforce for Development
    Factsheet: Mobilizing Africa’s Workforce for Development
    juin 24, 2020


    The African Union recognizes the critical role that Africa’s labour movement can play in the growth, development and prosperity of the continent. In 2009, through its Citizens and Diaspora Organizations Directorate (CIDO), the AU established the AU-OATUU (African Union-Organisation of African Trade Union Unity) partnership forum as part of efforts to implement the strategic pillar on Shared Values.

  • Factsheet: CIDO - GIZ Cooperation
    Factsheet: CIDO - GIZ Cooperation
    juin 24, 2020

    Highlights of the cooperation with the GIZ-project “Support to the African Union on Migration and Displacement”

  • Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)
    Factsheet: Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove)
    juin 24, 2020

    Violent extremism is a global issue. Whether it has polit- ical, ideological, racist or religious roots, the problem of youth radicalisation affects African and European socie- ties alike. The common response of using coercive hard power to counter violent extremism has only limited ef- fect and comes at a high cost, both financially and in terms of human lives.

  • Factsheet: Fostering the Engagement of the Faith Community in Development
    juin 24, 2020


    In recognition of the critical role that the faith community plays in peace, security and development in Africa and globally, the African Union Commission, through its Citizens and Diaspora Organizations (CIDO) Directorate, the directorate responsible for non-state actors, continue to foster collaboration with the faith community. This collaboration has been on-going since 2010 and has taken several formats:

  • Factsheet: Leveraging the Diaspora for Continental Transformation in Development
    juin 24, 2020


  • CIDO ADFC Business Framework Report - Abridged final - May 2019
    African Union Legacy Project on Diaspora Investment, Innovative Finance and Soci
    septembre 24, 2019

    In 2012 at the Global African Diaspora Summit (GADS) in South Africa, the African Union Heads of State and Government agreed to the creation of a diaspora investment fund, as a legacy project.

  • Interfaith Dialogue on Violent Extremism (iDove) Intercontinental Youth Forum
    février 23, 2017
  • End of Year Report- Implementation of CIDO Work Programme 2016
    janvier 03, 2017
  • Diaspora for Development Technical Work Session with the Australian Pan African
    décembre 25, 2016
  • AU-UN Technical Workshop on CSO Accreditation, New York, USA
    décembre 06, 2016
  • Report of the 3rd Ordinary Session of the Standing Committee of ECOSOCC, Nairobi
    novembre 19, 2016
  • ECOSOCC Bureau Meeting. Lusaka. Zambia
    novembre 06, 2016
  • ECOSOCC Clusters Operationalization: Constitutive Meeting of the Core Group for
    juin 28, 2016
  • ECOSOCC Clusters Operationalization: Constitutive Meeting of the Core Group for
    juin 28, 2016
  • ECOSOCC Clusters Operationalization: Constitutive Meeting for the Operationaliza
    juin 28, 2016
  • 2nd Extraordinary Session of the 2nd Permanent General Assembly of the Economic
    juin 24, 2016

    2nd Extraordinary Session of the 2nd Permanent General Assembly of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC)
    13-15 April 2016
    Lusaka, Zambia



    The 2nd Extraordinary Session of the 2nd Permanent General Assembly of the Economic Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC) was held at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre, Lusaka, Zambia from 13-15 April 2016.

  • ECOSOCC Clusters Operationalization: Operationalization of the Rural Economy and
    juin 07, 2016