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AUEOM Orientation and Briefing Programme kicks-off today in Kampala

AUEOM Orientation and Briefing Programme kicks-off today in Kampala

février 14, 2016

Kampala, Uganda, 13th February 2016 – As the African Union recognises that protecting the integrity of the electoral process is fundamental to the consolidation of democracy in Uganda, a three-day orientation and briefing programme for observers from 13-15 February 2016 kicks-off today. Forty one (41) short-term observers (STOs), representing institutions such as the Permanent Representatives’ Committee (PRC), the Pan-African Parliament (PAP), Election Management Bodies (EMBs) and Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) from the continent, participated in the orientation programme.

In her opening remarks, Her Ladyship Justice Sophia Akuffo, the Head of AUEOM to Uganda, welcomed the observers and underlined the need for high standards in observing elections. Her Ladyship Justice Sophia Akuffo highly appreciated the dedication of the African observers and their readiness in serving the continent.

Mr. Idrissa Kamara, AUEOM Coordinator, in the opening session of the orientation programme welcomed the observers, who are drawn from 28 African countries. He said that the short-term observers constitute the AUEOM’s coverage of Election Day procedures from opening of polling stations to voting and counting procedures. Mr. Kamara indicated that the programme will give an opportunity for African Union observers to interact with key stakeholders at the national level and to receive briefings on key aspects of the electoral process. Observers also will receive training on the African Union observation methodology, reporting, and code of conduct for observers before deployment to the field on 16 February 2016.

The AU Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) to Uganda is led by Her Ladyship Justice Sophia Akuffo, former President of the African Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and Judge of the Supreme Court of Ghana. She arrived in Kampala on 12 February 2016 to strengthen the AU Mission and to interact with key stakeholders in the country.

The objective of the African Union Election Observation Mission (AUEOM) is to make an independent, objective and impartial assessment of the Presidential, Parliamentary and Local Council Elections in the Republic of Uganda; which are scheduled for 18 February - in accordance with the national, regional and international standards for democratic elections.

The AUEOM is supported by a technical team of experts from the AUC, the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) and the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA).


African Union Election observation serves the following purposes:
* safeguarding the integrity of the electoral process;
* promoting the openness and transparency of the process;
* enhancing public confidence;
* diffusing potential tensions;
* deterring improper practices and attempts at fraud;
* increasing political credibility;
* contributing to the acceptance of election results; and
* disseminating and strengthening international standards and electoral best practices

The AUEOM pays attention to the procedures set out for the accreditation of citizen observers to establish that unnecessary obstacles were not imposed on CSOs in the process. The AUEOM also assesses the freedom of CSOs to engage the process and make pronouncements on the process. The Mission gathers information for its assessment through consultations and CSO reports on the electoral process.

The Secretariat of the AUEOM is located at Sheraton Hotel, in Kampala. Further enquiries about the Mission can be made to the Mission Coordinators, Mr. Idrissa Kamara: kamarai@africa-union.org | Mobile phone: +256782248978 and Mrs. Sharon Ndlovu: ndlovus@africa-union.org | Mobile phone: +256782248862.

For Media inquiries contact: Mr. Gamal Eldin Ahmed A. Karrar gamalk@africa-union.org | Mobile phone: +256787580390.

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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