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AU Sensitization and Motivation Campaign in Cap-Vert for the 2nd ECOSOCC General Assembly

AU Sensitization and Motivation Campaign in Cap-Vert for the 2nd ECOSOCC General Assembly

août 26, 2014
AU Sensitization and Motivation Campaign in  Cap-Vert  for the 2nd ECOSOCC General Assembly


Praia, Cape Verde – 26 August 2014 - The African Union (AU) delegation on tour in four Member States of the Union, as part of the awareness and motivation campaign of the civil society for the election of the 2nd Assembly of the AU Economic, Social and Cultural Council (ECOSOCC), completed its African trip on Tuesday, 26 August 2014, which led it successively to Lome (Togo), Dakar (Senegal) , Cotonou (Benin) and finally to Praia (Cape Verde).

The meeting at the national head office of the NGO Platform in Cape Verde, Praia, gathered fifteen organizations, foundations and associations working in the social, humanitarian and environmental areas.

In his opening speech, Mr. Jose Eduardo Barroso, National Director for Political Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commended the African Union for organizing the sensitization meeting at the headquarters of the Platform of the Organizations in Praia for a stronger and more vibrant civil society. "This meeting will enable us to address the issue of our representation in ECOSOCC” , the national Director said, and added that the AU had excelled in setting up the body.
"We are grateful to the AU for this pioneering act that will serve as an example to all the others," Jose Eduardo Barroso said and called on the civil society of the country to better organize for future elections in order to occupy its rightful place in the ECOSOCC and contribute to add the voice of Cape Verde to those of other African countries. He finally reiterated the commitment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to provide all possible support for the fulfilment of the undertaking.

Mr. Jalel Chelba, Head of the Civil Society Division and Head of the AU delegation, highlighted the commitment of the civil society of Cape Verde and urged them to work more in close collaboration and in partnership with the ECOSOCC and the African Union Commission for the benefit of the African people by organizing and becoming more involved in the election process. "I hope that at the end of the campaign many of you will answer the call of duty and many of you will take part in the upcoming ECOSOCC elections so that the Civil Society of Cape Verde would be well represented within the next ECOSOCC Assembly," Mr Chelba emphasized.

Previously, the Representative of the Civil Society, Madam Anna Silva, had, on behalf of the NGO Platform, expressed great satisfaction for hosting the important preparatory meeting and paid tribute, in that regard, to the African Union Commission which initiated the campaign that is likely to strengthen the work of civil society players by empowering them to have access to ECOSOCC meetings and make their contribution.

Organizations present at the interactive working session expressed fears of being unable to meet the requirements of the eligibility criteria, particularly those on the African financial contribution. "The large majority of us do not enjoy financial autonomy. We depend on the financing of cooperation projects and receive no government contribution,” the representatives of many NGOs stressed and explained that the amount of their contributions is very low.

They however expressed their commitment to participate in the process and enable their civil society to occupy the seats of Cape Verde which had hitherto remained vacant within the ECOSOCC.

The decision was therefore taken to charge the NGO Platform, which has branches in the whole country and a great capacity for mobilization, to support the process. The mission which will be accomplished with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will include the dissemination of information and distribution of documents. The NGO Platform will, in this regard, act as a facilitator of the process at the national level.

The kickoff of the continental campaign, initiated in accordance with the Executive Council decision (EX.CL/Dec.849(XXV), adopted at the 23rd Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the AU, Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, was on 12 August in Lusaka, Zambia. The campaign will continue until September and will eventually cover the five regions of Africa.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. Jalel Chelba, Chef de Division de la Société Civile, CUA| Direction de la Citoyenneté et de la Diaspora| E-mail : Jalelc@africa-union.org
Mme Habiba Mejri Scheikh| Directrice de l’Information et de la Communication| Direction de l'Information et de la Communication AUC| E-mail: habibaM@africa-union.org

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