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Press briefing of the Commissioner for Peace and Security, AU Commission (Monday 15th June 2015 at 12h00)

Press briefing of the Commissioner for Peace and Security, AU Commission (Monday 15th June 2015 at 12h00)

juin 15, 2015
Press briefing of the Commissioner for Peace and Security, AU Commission (Monday 15th June 2015 at 12h00)

Within the frame work of the 25th AU Summit, H.E. Ambassador Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security, AU Commission, will on Monday 15th June 2015 at 12h00 hold a media briefing on the following issue:
- Peace and Security issues in Africa
The briefing will be held in the Media Briefing Room (-2 floor), at the Sandton Convention Center, in Johannesburg, South Africa.
Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing
Media contact
Mr. Molalet Tsedeke; Media Center Coordinator
Directorate of Information and Communication; AU Commission
Tel: +27-84-7094277; E: mail: molalett@africa-union.org
For further information contact
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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