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Africa - Turkey


Africa-Turkey Partnership

The Summit establishing the Africa-Turkey Partnership was held in Istanbul, Turkey, from 18-20 April 2008. The Summit was the outcome of preparatory meetings held successfully in Ankara and Addis Ababa. The objectives of the Summit were to consolidate and develop areas of cooperation at all levels and in all areas; establish between Africa and Turkey a stable, long-term partnership based on mutual interests and equality and to enhance promotion of Africa-Turkey cooperation in specific areas of interests.

            The first Summit adopted two outcome documents, namely the Istanbul Declaration and the Framework for Cooperation, which spelt out the areas of cooperation between the two parties. An Implementation Plan 2010-2014 has been jointly developed that took into account the strong bilateral relations between many African countries and Turkey.

The Africa-Turkey Partnership has enormous potentials, but its rate and scope of implementation will need to take off because, as of now, not much progress has been made in terms of the implementation of the Istanbul agreement.