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AUC signs MOU with Book of African Records for The African Factbook project

AUC signs MOU with Book of African Records for The African Factbook project

décembre 08, 2016

Joint Press Release



AUC signs MOU with Book of African Records for The African Factbook project



The African Union Commission, led by Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, and the Book of African Records, today signed an MoU for the research and production of a publication titled The African Factbook. The agreement was signed at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa by Mrs Leslie Richer, the AUC Director for Information and Communication and Ambassador Kwame Muzawazi, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Book of African Records.

 The objective of the MoU is to collaborate in the publication, on a yearly basis, of The African Factbook, which shall contain useful facts about Africa and the African peoples for the purpose of information dissemination, education, entertainment, reference, statistics and documentation.

 Book of African Records is a research and educational institution that collects, collates, authenticates and promotes African facts, records and information and the collaboration with the AUC is in line with the AU Pan African Vision of Agenda 2063 and Aspiration Five (5), which seeks to enhance the strong cultural identity , common heritage, values and ethics of Africa.  The African Factbook will be one of the tools of communication available to build a common understanding of key facts about Africa in order to build continental pride in the history, culture, economic successes and achievements of Africans across various spheres of society.

 During the signing ceremony, the partners reiterated the need to work collaboratively through research and locally produced knowledge that is relevant and supportive of the African narrative and enhances Africa's influence and position on African and global issues.

 The premiere edition of the Book of African Records was presented to African heads of state during the 27th AU Summit in July 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda.

 The first edition of The African Factbook is expected to be published in December 2017.

 For further information contact

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dic@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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Addis Ababa | Ethiopia


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