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H.E. Mrs. Amira ElFadil, African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs Advances the Establishment of the Great Museum of Africa

H.E. Mrs. Amira ElFadil, African Union Commissioner for Social Affairs Advances the Establishment of the Great Museum of Africa

avril 27, 2017

Algiers, Algeria, 27 April 2017: The Commissioner for Social Affairs, H.E. Mrs. Amira ElFadil, held a meeting today with Minister of Culture, H.E. Mr. Azzedine Mihoubi, in the Ministry of Culture and discussed on the modalities of the establishment of one of the African Union Flagship Projects, the Great Museum of Africa.

During her meeting with the Minister, H.E. Mrs ElFadil was informed about the concrete steps taken by the Government of Algeria to build the museum.

Pertinent issues such as establishment of Technical and Advisory Committee to develop the roadmap for the implementation of the Great Museum of Africa were raised during the meeting. It was mentioned that AU Member States are encouraged to provide financial resources for the museum for the construction of the Great Museum of Africa.

H.E. Mrs. ElFadil was pleased to see from a distance, on the shores of Mediterranean Sea, the plot of land earmarked by Algerian government.

During their meeting, H.E. Mrs. El-Fadli and Honourable Minister, Mr. Mihoubi discussed other cultural issues such as the protection of African cultural heritage and empowerment of cultural institutions.

Following their meeting, they jointly inaugurated the opening of the 3rd Exhibition of the National Copyright and Adjacent Rights Authority. The event was colourfully organized and comprised of exhibitions and performance by different cultural groups. These include, musicians, artisans, cinema and theatre and literation among others. Other countries also such as Morocco, Tunisia, Cameroon, Ethiopia and France participated in the exhibition.

For further information, please contact:

Amb. Olawale Maiyegun (PhD), Director, Department of Social Affairs, Tel: +251 115 18
2210 , E-mail: MaiyegunO@africa-union.org;
Dr. Johan Strijdom, Tel: +213 657599460; E-mail: StrijdomJ@africa-union.org

Mr. Oumar Diop, Tel: +213 657619842 E-mail: DiopO@africa-union.org

Media Contact: Challal Djamel, chargé de la communication, Ministère du Travail, de l`Emploi et de la Sécurite Sociale – Algérie , Tel : 213 772330320, Email : chaldjamel@gmail.com

Rahel Akalewold (Mrs.) Information and Communication Directorate, Tel: +213 657619842 and +251911683737, E-mail: rahela@africa-union.org

More information:

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Websites: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia

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