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Handing Over Ceremony African Union Specialized Technical Committee (STC) NO.8 Sub-Committee on Public Service and Administration.

Handing Over Ceremony African Union Specialized Technical Committee (STC) NO.8 Sub-Committee on Public Service and Administration.

avril 28, 2017

Nairobi, Kenya 28th April 2017: The handover ceremony between outgoing President of (STC) NO.8, H.E Mr. Ange Aime Wilfrid Bininga, (Congo) Minister of Public Service and Administration Sub-committee and the in-coming President, Hon. Sicily K. Kariuki (Mrs) EGH, (Kenya) Cabinet Secretary, Ministry Of Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs took place on Friday, April 28th 2017, in Nairobi Kenya. The ceremony took place in the presence of H.E the Commissioner for Political Affairs - African Union, Mrs. Minata Samate Cessouma, and Dr Evans Kidero, Governor, Nairobi City County and other key technical experts of the STC 8.
In his welcome remarks, the Governor, Dr. Evans Kidero, firstly congratulated H.E Ms. Cessouma Minata Samate on her appointment as the African Union Commissioner of the Department of Political Affairs, applauded the outgoing STC 8 President for all his hard work during his tenure and welcomed the ne incoming STC 8 President.
“The rapid growth of African cities as the result of urban migration and stated that, in Africa, over half of the population lives in urban areas, even though Africa is still predominantly a rural region with forty percent (40%) of its people living in urban areas. Over the next 35 years, African Asia will be the most rapidly urbanized region in the world, and by 2050, about 56% of the African population will live in urban areas to resolve this matter of rapid urbanization”, Dr. Kidero pointed out in his speech at the (STC) NO.8 handover ceremony. The Governor further recommended that, an integrated approach at both national and regional level be taken and policies should be revised that will address this challenge, for the future of African cities. He concluded by stating that, the focus of the AU STC 8 on decentralization is very important, especially on decision making and service delivery to the people, and must be prioritized to strengthen the whole system of government and the whole continent must be keen to adopt.

Addressing delegates during the opening ceremony, HE. Mrs Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner for Political Affairs expressed on behalf of the Commission her profound gratitude in the Republic of Kenya to have agreed to host the present handover ceremony between the outgoing and incoming Presidents of the Sub-Committee on the Public service and Administration of the AU- STC n°8. She congratulated His Excellency Aimé Angel Wilfrid Bininga on his personal investment and on the work accomplished at the AU-STC8 Sub-Committee on Public Service and Administration and further stated the achievements realized under the leadership of H.E Mr. Ange Aimé Wilfrid Bininga, which were as follows:-

• The commemoration at the continental level of the African Public Service Day (APSD) under the theme: "The Role of the Public Service in the Empowerment of Women, Innovation and Delivery of Accessible Services in Africa" on June 23 2016, in Brazzaville; Congo;
• Regional Awareness Workshops to promote the signing and ratification of the African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration;
• The celebration of the African Anti-Corruption Day under the theme "Understanding the Impacts of Gender in the Fight against Corruption and the Role of Women in Promoting Transparency and Accountability";
• Assessment missions in the Central African Republic and Somalia on post-conflict reconstruction and development focusing on the Public Service, and
• The All Africa Public Service Innovation Award (AAPSIA) held in Addis Ababa, on 09 December 2016.

The Commissioner concluded her remarks by conveying her sincere congratulations and heartfelt wishes for success in her new and exciting duties to the Honorable, Sicily K. Kariuki, Minister of Public Service, Youth and Gender of Kenya, and for the trust placed in her by her peers as the third Vice-Chairperson of the new Bureau of The STC 8, cumulatively as Chair of the Sub-committee on Public Service and Administration.

In his final speech, the out-going AU-STC8 President H.E Mr. Ange Aime Wilfrid Bininga, expressed his deep appreciation to all those who have supported the Congolese presidency over the past two years, in particular the Commissioner for Political Affairs and her Staffs from the AU-STC 8 Secretariat for their hard work in supporting the committee to achieve the above successes as mentioned by the Commission in her remarks.
In closing H.E Mr. Ange said “I remain convinced that the leadership of Hon. Sicily K. Kariuki (Mrs), EGH, as Chair of our sub-committee on Public Service and Administration will provide an additional boost to all of his businesses.

Hon. Sicily K. Kariuki (Mrs), EGH, The New President of the Public Service and Administration, on addressing the delegations, stated, “The focus of Public Service and Administration in African Union comes at opportune time when Africa is rising and enjoying economic growth, despite the rising tide against global dynamics which include poverty and inequality. In recognition of these and other challenges the AU member state have set out ambitious commitments contained in the common Africa position on the post agenda 2030 and agenda 2063, both set to realize sustainable development and leave no one behind.”
She underlined that, both of these regional frameworks recognize the role of public service and administration as a critical enabler for transformation to economic growth and poverty reduction. “In Africa, improved productivity, effective service delivery and innovation can potentially contribute exponentially to the countries’ growth domestic product, with particularly positive ethics. In other parts of the developing world, notably Singapore, South Korea and Malaysia, massive improvement in public service delivery and administration, have enabled, combined with other social economic activities such as, education, health and manufacturing the kind of growth we witness today, and that path lies open for African countries”.
She further recommended that, service delivery systems be implemented and build, which will not only ensure efficiency, but also ensure quality, speed, convenience and dignity in service delivery. “To enable us to move forward, it is my intention to work alongside other member states to champion the work of the STC 8 in areas ranging from innovation, values and principles, good governance and performance management among others”. She also mentioned that, she recognizes the efforts of the AU Heads of States for having the African charter on values and principles of Public Service to citizens and Administration whose objective is to enhance good governance and service to citizens of Africa. And in closing, she encouraged more members to ratify the charter beyond the current fifteen, as well as championing implementation of the charter which will also include having a sound reporting framework.
For further inquiry, please contact:

Mr. Issaka Garba Abdou | Senior political officer- Head of the STC8 Secretariat | Department of Political Affairs | African Union Commission| Tel: +251115182611|E-mail: garbaabdoui@africa-union.org
For more information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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