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The GMES and Africa Communication and Engagement Strategy is available online

The GMES and Africa Communication and Engagement Strategy is available online

avril 19, 2018

Communication and awareness raising is one of the pillars in the GMES and Africa Support Programme. The Programme has developed its Communication and Engagement Strategy.

The GMES and Africa Communication and Engagement Strategy, which elucidates the strategic approach the Program has envisioned in reaching out to and engaging its spectrum of stakeholders. It is meant to be a guide for both the Program Management Unit at the AUC, and for Consortia, who are expected to utilize it as a reference in formulating their own communications models. Further discussions and consultation with Consortia on streamlining their various communications archetypes will follow throughout the implementation cycle of GMES and Africa.

The English version of the strategy is being translated into French, which version will soon be ready and shared.  

Download the English version of the strategy here.


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