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African Union Leadership Academy Concludes an Executive Capacity Development Program with the AU Commissioners in Cairo, Egypt

African Union Leadership Academy Concludes an Executive Capacity Development Program with the AU Commissioners in Cairo, Egypt

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août 13, 2018

Addis Ababa, 13 August 2018 - The African Union Leadership Academy concluded on 10 August 2018 a five-day executive development program with the Commissioners of the African Union (AU) Commission. The capacity development program took place in Cairo, Egypt from 6th to10th of August 2018.

Last year a survey and interviews were conducted with the respective Commissioners of the Commission, and other executive officials, including heads of Regional Economic Communities (RECs), with the goal of understanding the challenges and opportunities they face. One of the key outcomes of the survey highlighted, in spite of the preceding high-level professional experiences, the new roles of Commissioners involve distinctive sets of responsibilities and mandates, including managing and leading the process of institutional transformation of the African Union; in addition to dealing with diverse clientele that are different from the ones they dealt with in their previous preoccupation.

The capacity development program was designed to fill in the gap noted by the Commissioners in the exercise of their new portfolio. The program was particularly essential as most Commissioners are at the onset of their term in office. Collectively, this transformative leadership program will enhance the thinking and delivery capabilities of executives, affording new perspectives for handling complexity, and enabling them to adapt effectively in times of unprecedented change.

The capacity development program covered the following themes:
• Executive leader’s role in today’s increasingly complex work environment.
• Leading transformational change, and adaptive and complex thinking
• Mindful leader: Enhancing and building Focus, clarity, creativity, compassion, and courage

More specifically, the participants were introduced to leading edge techniques that can improve leadership within the Departments, built upon clear and communicated values, and a system that guarantees continuous improvement in approaches, during engagements with their personnel and external stakeholders. The presentations also touched upon requisite skills in managing unforeseen changes, focusing on results, and ensuring accountability within the workforce.

The program exposed senior management to practical innovative leadership approaches and tools, a step away from management theory. The five days program brought together best practices, thinking and experiences in a way that allows for the rapid adoption and deployment of these approaches. The program was highly interactive and drew practical examples from the respective Departments on various challenges faced and ways of addressing them.

Participants expressed satisfaction with the conduct of the program and its content, suggested the program should be more regular in order to effectively address issues as they emerge, consolidate on skills, knowledge and techniques, and take the opportunity to discuss inter-departmental collaborations.

Media contact:
Esther Azaa Tankou | Head of Information Division | Tel: (251) 911361185 | E-mail: yamboue@africa-union.org

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
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