Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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AUC Chairperson Outlines Priorities for The Next Four Years

AUC Chairperson Outlines Priorities for The Next Four Years

février 22, 2021
AUC Chairperson Outlines Priorities for The Next Four Years

For his second term as Chairperson of the AU Commission (2021-2024), Mr Moussa Faki Mahamat has outlined 8 key priorities that are in harmony with Agenda 2063:

  1. Finalise the institutional reforms and strengthen the leadership of the Commission
  2. Enhance administrative and financial accountability
  3. Silence the guns at continental level
  4. Successfully execute key integration projects
  5. Food self-sufficiency, reduce poverty by building resilience through agriculture and the blue economy; protect the environment
  6. Operationalise policies in favour of youth and women.
  7. Stimulate African thought on the obvious determining factors of crises
  8. Renew strategic partnerships

Read his vision statement