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The African Union Model Law


The African Union Model Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and Heritage

The AU Model Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and Heritage is a continental instrument which aims to assist Member States in developing national legislation or revising and strengthening their current national legislations on the protection of cultural property and heritage.

The process of developing the AU Model Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and Heritage was undertaken from 2015 to 2018. The Model Law was drafted by the African Union in collaboration with a Working Group on the Development of the African Union Model Law on the Protection of Cultural Property and Heritage which was composed of cultural and legal experts, historians, anthropologists and Members of Parliament (MPs). During the process, a compilation of cross referencing of national laws on the protection of heritage was produced. In addition capacity building exercises were undertaken to enhance the capabilities of the members of the Working Group. The drafting process was guided by the Office of the Legal Counsel of the African Union. The African Union Commission (AUC) with the finalised the drafting process of the Model Law in February 2018.