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1st African Space Week

1st African Space Week

juin 19, 2021 to juin 25, 2021


In 2013, the African Union adopted the Africa Agenda 2063 as the main compass to guide its strategic focus for the following 50 years. The African scientific community has developed Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA-2024) as the scientific implementation leg of the Agenda 2063. Both the Agenda 2063 underscore the critical role of space in addressing development challenges, and hence identified an African Outer Space programme as one of the flagships. This is also well reflected in the pillars of STISA-2024. This is a strong indication from the highest authorities to stamp their commitment to an African coordinated space process. Since then, the Commission has continually engaged the African space actors through the development of the African Space Policy, the African Space strategy, the Statute for establishment of an African Space Agency and the choice of the Republic of Egypt to host the African Space Agency. In the same vein, the Commission has continued engaging through the organisation of several African space working group and stakeholders dialogue meetings.  On the occasion of the third African Space Dialogue meeting in Dakar, Senegal (12-14 June, 2019) stakeholders proposed that the Commission considers an annual forum for African space industry including public and private sector, academia, non profit organisations, etc.


The name assigned to this forum is the African Space Week which has been conceived to be a gathering of all players including the space actors, the decision makers and end-users. With many countries registering huge interest in space activities, the need for more cooperation, knowledge dissemination and awarenes increases. Furthermore, the African Space Strategy emphasizes on strengthening the intra-African and international collaboration in space activities. Thus the space actors in Africa need to be afforded more opportunities conducive for collaborations. The African Space Week will be structured to build the appropriate environment for such collaborations.


  1. To build a community of actors in space that is continuously engaged and raise awareness on the importance of space;
  2. Providing a platform for strengthening intra-African and international collaborations in space activities;
  3. Providing capacity development opportunities for nurturing competencies of African space managers, experts, reserachers, professionals and students from public and private sectors as well as civil society including youth and women in space domains;
  4. Introducing a dialogue for resource mobilization to support Africa Space sector.

Structure of the Workshop

The African Space Week is made up of two parts:

  1. A pre-event with two streams in which mainly diplomatic community, policy makers, development agencies will be engaged:
    1. A Climax of TEDX talks on space in Africa.
    2. Capacity Building on Space Policy, Law and Regulatory instruments.
  2. The Space Week per se: The African Space Week will spread over five days of keynote speeches, Agora Talks, interactive sessions, plenaries, panel discussions, parallel working groups, side-events, exhibitions and posters’ session. Proposed agenda can be found in the Annex 1. Each of the four space segment (Earth Observation, Navigation and Positionig, Satellite Communication, Astronomie and Space Science) will be discussed through the following five themes during the African Space Week:
  • Policy, Strategy and Law & Regulation;
  • Governance, partnerships, funding and all resources mobilization mechanisms;
  • Synergy for efficient Programmes development and implementation on services,
  • Capacity building and utiliszation (Infrastructure and Human Capital development) with a focus on academia;
  • Private sector: challenges and opportunities.

Expected Results

The following results are anticipated to arise from the African Space Week gathering:

  1. African decision-makers and space community and stakholders understand more the importance of space in African daily lives. Specifically they:
    1. Have discovered and identified potential use of space applications and tools for the sustainable socioeconomic development of Africa and, the necessity and challenges related to the African space capabilities including data, infrastructure and human capital development and utilization;
    2. Have understood the different Outer Space related Treaties & Conventions and other policy and regulatory instruments that have impact of their responsibilities and that guide their decision making process and activities;
    3. Are strengthened for an efficient International cooperation for the benefit of the African citizens.
  2. African space community and partners understood the necessity of collaboration in space arena in:
    1. Building on the success stories and on the existing efficient programmes and projects;
    2. Involving private sector, academia and civil civil society.
  3. African space stakeholders have had opportunities to strengthen and enhance their competencies and know-how in space science applications, policy, law and regulatory instruments and goverance.
  4. A sutainable community of practice for the policy makers and development agencies


Private sector, academia, government representatives, space agencies and national space institutions, professional networks, international and regional organisations among others. 


  • The event is convened by AUC with some key interested partners.
  • Funding is sourced from AUC and different partners[1] (private sector, national institutions, academia, professional netwroks, international partners)
  • Transportation and conference packages will secured.


The African Space Week is expected to steer enthusiasm of African citizens, industry and governments as well as international partners and stakeholders investment in space. At the same time, it is expected that the African space sector will be more focused on areas of niche, while endeavouring to create synergies of the existing initiatives.

[1] Secure Word Foundation can be considered as one of the key partners



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