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AFREC Ramps up the Training of the Trainers Programme

AFREC Ramps up the Training of the Trainers Programme

mai 09, 2022

09 May 2022, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire: AFREC has ramped up its capacity building initiatives by continuing to increase the African pool of trainers in energy statistic, through the training of the Trainers (ToT) programme. 

With support from the Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP), a ToT programme is currently underway to build skills of trainers who benefited from a beginner training course which was undertaken in Cote d’Ivoire, in December in 2021.

The advance skills training aims to enhance knowledge and quality in energy data collection and processing at national and regional level. The one-week training which commenced on Monday, 09-13 May 2022 will also qualify eighteen (18) participating energy experts from various member states as trainers of others, whilst getting them on par with the previous pool of trainer’s who were trained between 2019 and 2021 at an advanced level.

Speaking on behalf of AFREC Executive Director, Mr Abdoulaye Oueddo, Senior Policy Officer for Energy Information System (EIS) at AFREC welcomed the participants and highlighted that the training is in line with the call from member states, to ensure that statistics forms the basis of all policy formulation, monitoring and evaluation for Africa’s energy sector development.

‘‘The capacity building programme supports the National Focal Points (NFPs) in the AU member states to strengthen National information system by coordinating energy data collection and validation at national level’’, he emphasised.

The training will also empower trainers with coaching and mentoring skills necessary for coaching other national and regional energy statisticians. 

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Notes to Editor

About the Training of Trainers (ToT) Programme

The training of trainers is AFREC’s capacity building programme designed to reduce skills gap in energy statistics and data processing. The programme was created as a result from a lack of qualified African experts in energy statistics and the constant reliance from international experts. As per its mandate, it is AFREC’s ambition that the programme will decrease Africa’s skills deficit in the area of energy statistics, and in turn improve energy data quality and accessibility across continent.

For more information, please contact:

  1. Ms. Ndahafa Nakwafila| Communication and Information Specialist| African Energy Commission (AFREC) | African Union| email: NakwafilaN@africa-union.org| Tel: +213 23 45 9198 | email: afrec@africaunion.org| Website: www.au-afrec.org |Algiers|Algeria Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter
  2. Mr. Maximilian Heil, Advisor for Communication and Policy | Africa-EU Energy Partnership (AEEP) | E-mail: Maximilian.Heil@aeep-secretriat.org Tel: +49 228 4460 3983 | www.africa-eu-energy-partnership.org I Bonn | Germany | Email: info@aeep-secretariat.org | Follow Us: Twitter
  3. Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@africanunion.org I Website: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia






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