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Press briefing on update of : the operationalization of the African Medicines Agency and the African Union Theme of the Year for 2022

Press briefing on update of : the operationalization of the African Medicines Agency and the African Union Theme of the Year for 2022

juillet 15, 2022

WHAT: Press briefing on update of:

  • the operationalization of the African Medicines Agency
  • the African Union Theme of the Year for 2022

The briefing will be held within the framework of the ongoing 4th Mid-Year Coordination Meeting (MYCM).

WHO: H.E. Amb. Minata Samate Cessouma, Commissioner for Health, Humanitarian Affairs and Social Development (HHS);

WHEN: Friday 15th July 2022 from 11H00 -11H30 CAT /12H00-12H30 EAT

WHERE: Press Conference Hall (AG09), at the Kenneth Kaunda wing of the Mulungushi International Convention Center (KKICC).

You can also follow on livestream: https://livestream.com/accounts/2466140/events/10547506

Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing

Media contact

Molalet Tsedeke; Media Coordinator; Directorate of Information and Communication AU Commission; Tel/WhtsApp: +251-911 630 631; E: mail: molalett@africa-union.org


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