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Mrs Wynne Musabayana, Head of Communication African Union Commission Opening Remarks at The 2nd Africa Media Convention

Mrs Wynne Musabayana, Head of Communication African Union Commission Opening Remarks at The 2nd Africa Media Convention

mai 11, 2023

Mrs Wynne Musabayana, Head of Communication

African Union Commission

Opening Remarks


The 2nd Africa Media Convention


Date: :11th May 2023,

Lusaka, Zambia


We are a few days away from the 60th anniversary of the OAU-AU, which we are celebrating under the slogan Our Africa Our Future. 25th of May 1963 was the day on which the Organisation of African Unity, the OAU, was born, and many of us remember its enormous contribution to the Africa we want, especially in the fight against colonialism and apartheid. In 2002, the organization transformed into the present African Union, which is spearheading African unity, peace and prosperity and positioning Africa as a significant player in the global arena.

It is an exciting time to be African, when we rededicate ourselves to the vision and aspirations of the founders of our continental organization; analyse the progress made and the challenges faced, and plan for a better future for all. On behalf of the African Union, I invite you to join the outreach campaign, using the hashtag Our Africa Our Future, and to share information with your audiences.

Today; as we start discussions on shaping a future of rights, and on freedom of expression as a driver for all other human rights; it is an opportune time for us to appreciate the foresight and wisdom of the OAU in adopting the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights in 1981, which became the basis for other human rights frameworks, including those that speak specifically to freedom of expression, access to information and safety of journalists; as well as to the formation of institutions that interpret and enforce these rights

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right guaranteed by the African Charter, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as well as other international documents and national constitutions.

The African Union, through the Declaration of Principles on Freedom of Expression in Africa defines freedom of expression and information, including the right to seek, receive and impart information and ideas, including across frontiers, as a fundamental and inalienable human right, and an indispensable component of democracy.

It says everyone shall have an equal opportunity to exercise the right to freedom of expression and to access information without discrimination, and that any restrictions on freedom of expression shall be provided by law; serve a legitimate interest, and be necessary in a democratic society.

The Union recognizes that women journalists face specific challenges, resulting in the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights adopting Resolution 522, on the protection of Women Against Digital Violence.

One of our own, Reyhana Masters, has written an article where she calls the resolution a new tool for fighting online violence against women in Africa. It is a worthwhile read.

Other instruments adopted by the AU that are relevant to the subject mtter of the conference, include the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance: the Guidelines on Access to Information and Elections in Africa; the African Charter on Values and Principles of Public Service and Administration; and the Model law on Access to Information for Africa.


Through its communication policies, strategies and practices, the African Union supports journalists’ rights to seek, receive and impart information. It recognizes that media plays a key role in ensuring full respect of freedom of expression, in promoting the free flow of information and ideas, in assisting people to make informed decisions and in facilitating and strengthening democracy. It is in this context that the Union sponsored the attendance of eight journalists who are here with us, and hosted the website of the conference that facilitated the registration of all colleagues

Noting the important contribution that can be made to the realisation of the right to freedom of expression by new information and communication technologies, the African Union has designed and or adopted various relevant digital platforms to ensure that journalists, among others, have access to information at the click of a button.

Again, the Union has crafted the Digital Transformation Strategy, that aims to boost access to, and range of ICTs, content creation and distribution; thereby supporting both freedom of expression and access to information.

Allow me to conclude by extending our sincere appreciation to the government of the Republic of Zambia for graciously hosting this event.  We heard about the moves made by the country in creating a conducive envirnoment for journalists.

This is a good story to tell, while we push to seethecross the continent.

Let me also applaud all our partners, and to extend special gratitude to UNESCO, particularly the Addis Ababa office; the Southern African Editors Forum, the different regional editors forums, the media liaison  committee of Zambia and all of you colleagues and friends from the media.

With these words i welcome you all, in including those joining online; and wish all of us, very fruitful deliberations and succesful outcomes.

I thank you

For further information please contact:

Ms. Faith Adhiambo, Communications Officer- Agenda 2063 Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission Tel: +251 115 517 700 | E-mail: ochiengj@african-union.org | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Information and Communication Directorate, African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@africa-union.org

Web: www.au.int | Addis Ababa, Ethiopia | Follow Us: Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube




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