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Statement of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the Commission, on the Situation in the Sudan

Statement of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the Commission, on the Situation in the Sudan

mai 27, 2023

27 MAY 2023


- Excellency Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of Uganda and Chair of the Peace and Security Council for the month of May,

- Excellency Azali Assoumani, President of the Union of The Comoros and Chairman of the African Union,

- Excellencies, Heads of State and Government,

- Members of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union,

-Honourable Ministers,

- Excellencies, Secretaries General of the United Nations and the League of Arab States Secretariat,

- Invited Guests,

- Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to thank His Excellency Yoweri Museveni, President of Uganda , Chairman of the PSC for having convened this extremely important meeting to consider the very worrisome situation in Sudan. This conflict has triggered a humanitarian crisis within Sudan and its immediate neighbours. More than 900 civilians have died, thousands more injured, while over a million people have been displaced both within and outside Sudan since the conflict. The conflict has also destroyed public infrastructure, including hospitals, the Central Bank, Universities and the National Archives housing the rich history of this great African nation.

The is increased risk of ethnic and racial tension and conflicts between local communities around the country, is great.  Even if the fighting stopped today, it will take maybe a generation to rebuild what has been lost in a little more than one month.

 Excellency Mr. Chairman,

Immediately the conflict erupted in April , I issued a statement calling for an immediate end to the fighting. My message today, exactly 6 weeks since the conflict began, remains the same: The belligerents must immediately cease hostilities and find a way to a peaceful resolution of their differences and a resumption of the political process leading to a democratic, civilian Government that will be able to focus on rebuilding the State and its institutions. I maintain that there can be no military solution to this senseless conflict. I strongly stressed this point at the recent Arab summit in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.  This message was echoed by the Commissioner of Political Affairs Peace and Security and my Spokesperson in their engagements with the UN Security Council and the international media, respectively. The longer the fighting continues, the greater the risk of a complete collapse of Sudan. This undoubtedly will have extremely serious consequences for the Region and, beyond, for the whole world.


The risk of civil war in Sudan is real with serious negative consequences on its immediate neighbours and the Horn of Africa as a whole.

The African Union welcomed the two recent Agreements signed between the belligerents in Jeddah, under the facilitation of the Kingdom Saudi Arabia and the USA. These two Agreements provide a basis for a comprehensive Ceasefire that may make possible the urgent deployment of humanitarian aid.

Excellency Mr. Chairman

Excellencies, Heads of States

Ladies and Gentlemen

Following interactions with the belligerents and other major national political stakeholders, the AU Commission developed a comprehensive Roadmap focusing on the following pillars that need to be considered as  urgent priorities:

- the First is to put an immediate end to the fighting for a comprehensive Ceasefire. We noticed that despite the violations of the current Ceasefire, there has been an improvement since yesterday. This improvement should be strengthened by all means.

- the Second is to address the dire humanitarian situation. All multilateral and bilateral humanitarian agencies are ready to intervene and many of them have started to provide assistance where it is possible to do so.  I hope this trend will increase in the coming days.

- the Third is to protect civilians and respect International Humanitarian Law. We should coordinate the recording of any breaches of the aformentioned, and warn all parties about the risks they are exposing themselves to, in case of established violations

- the Fourth is to approach the countries of the Region together as the crisis already has had serious consequences across the borders of Sudan. In this regard, we are in an advanced process of implementing this aspect. Various Missions will be deployed very soon to extensively exchange views with them.

In the Fifth pillar, a Roadmap, focusing on the crucial dimension of an inclusive political process for a resolution of the conflict, is already worked out. This fundamental need should open the door to the political and social stakeholder across the national spectrum, including the signatories of the Juba Agreement,  to play a leading role in the approach to a solution.

Extensive exchange of views is ongoing between the AU and major military, civilian political and social actors to develop this central dimension. In our view, it is not a matter that can be postponed. Inclusive political dialogue aimed at the return of a civilian Transition to rebuild  public services, meet the urgent needs of the population and prepare the country towards democratic, free and fair elections,  is vital. It can be a strong means to consolidate the ceasefire and to oppose its breach and violation.

The Sixth pillar is the unification of international efforts. In our view the multiplicity of foreign approaches is rather a complicating factor than a facilitation of the solution.

In this regard the African Union has identified, as one of its priorities, the establishment of a Coordination Mechanism that would bring together all the key Regional and international stakeholders, having an interest in the stability, unity and security of  Sudan.

In this regard, we have already put in place the “Expanded Mechanism on the Crisis in the Sudan”, which has met twice, including the First meeting at Ministerial level and the Second meeting, in Addis Ababa, at the level of Representatives accredited to the African Union. It is important that all the stakeholders speak with one voice and leverage their capacities towards a peaceful solution to the crisis in Sudan. Invitations have been sent out to convene the Third meeting of the Expanded Mechanism, just after your meeting today. This Third meeting will be an opportunity for the African Union to brief our partners about the decisions  you will take today.

Out of this Expanded Mechanism, the AU has identified the Core Group that will be providing day-to-day guidance to the international community for its engagement with The Sudanese stakeholders and if needed develop Mediation and Facilitation process. Active consultations are ongoing to convene its First meeting. The members of the Trilateral Mechanism  (AU, IGAD and UN) will be its nucleus. The League of Arab States, the European Union and the members of the Quad, namely Saudi Arabia, the United States, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom may join the Trilateral which was working extensively  on Sudan. One or two neighbouring countries could also be invited. In addition, we wish to establish a Special Contact Group of the neighbouring countries.

As pointed out earlier, the AU will engage in shuttle diplomacy to all the neighbouring States  of the Sudan and in the Horn Region, to ensure that they adopt a common approach and support the  efforts of the AU in finding a lasting solution to the multidimensional crisis in The Sudan.
Excellency Mr. Chairman,

Excellencies Heads of State,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to assure this Council of my full commitment to continue to take all the necessary measures by mobilising all AU resources, in full cooperation with all Regional and international actors, to resolve the crisis in The Sudan, end the war, alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people, avoid any dangerous internationalisation of this African crisis, return Sudan peacefully to an inclusive political process, through a credible Sudan-owned political Dialogue.

Once again, I would like to thank this month’s Chair of the PSC, his Excellency President Museveni, for convening this high-level Council meeting. President Museveni, we need your wisdom and your demonstrated commitment to PanAfricanism to inspire us during these difficult times. 

The crisis in The Sudan is unprecedented, and the suffering of ordinary Sudanese is immense. It is incumbent upon us, as Africans, to show the requisite Continental leadership and to give concrete meaning to the mantra of “African solutions to African problems”.

I thank you for your high attention.



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