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Statement by H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa on the occasion of the Opening of the Ministerial Segment of the Conference of the African Diasporas in the Americas and celebration of the International Day for People of African Descent

Statement by H.E. Dr. Monique Nsanzabaganwa on the occasion of the Opening of the Ministerial Segment of the Conference of the African Diasporas in the Americas and celebration of the International Day for People of African Descent

août 31, 2024

Your Excellencies,

Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federative Republic of Brazil

Honorable Minister for Justice and Human Rights of the Federative Republic of


Honorable Minister for Foreign Affairs for the Togolese Republic

Distinguished Ministers of African Union Member States,

Esteemed Representatives of the African Diaspora,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is with great honour and privilege that I address you today on behalf of the African Union Commission. I bring you greetings of H.E. Moussa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson of the Commission and all the colleagues in Addis Ababa, our Headquarters.

It is my first visit to your beautiful country, and indeed in Bahia, a city that stands as a living proof to the unbreakable bonds between Africa and its diaspora and a deserving place to gather the Sixth Region of the African Union around a topic close to our hearts. 

This august gathering is even more significant as we join the world in commemorating the International Day for People of African Descent. Here, in this place infused in African heritage, we are reminded of the lasting strength of our connections as we convene to “build a common front to advance the cause of justice and reparations”.

That is why I wish to extend my sincere appreciation to the Government of the Federative Republic of Brazil for graciously hosting this symbolic event and commend the Republic of Togo for its leadership and the proactive steps in furtherance of the African Union’s Assembly Decision on the “Decade of People of African Roots and Diasporas from 2021 to 2031”.


The African Union’s commitment to its Sixth Region - the African Diaspora - has never been more critical as millions of people of African descent across the Americas and the globe represent a reservoir of knowledge, skills, and resources that are indispensable to the socio-economic and political renaissance of “the Africa we want”.

The African Union decisions have galvanized a continental momentum, bringing Africa and all people of African descent together to realizing a vision of justice and renewal for Africa and its diaspora. I will cite three main ones; the first being the Decade, the second being the Convening of the 9th Pan African Congress later this year (2024), and the third being the Proclamation of the Year 2025 as the year of “Justice for Africa Through Reparations.”

The theme of today’s conference, “Memory, Restitution, Reparations, and Reconstruction,” resonates deeply with our shared history and our collective aspirations for justice and renewal.

The themes of memory, restitution, reparations, and reconstruction are not just words; they are the very foundations of our collective healing and the restoration of the dignity of Africans and people of African descent globally. 

The scars of colonialism, neo-colonialism, slavery, and systemic exploitation are deeply engraved into the fabric of our history. These injustices have not only caused profound suffering but have also hindered the development and self-determination of our people, both on the Continent and in the Diaspora.

It is in recognition of these enduring scars that the African Union has designated the theme for the Year 2025 as “Justice for Africa through Reparations” to ensure that these wounds are recognized, and that significant steps are taken towards restitution and reparations.

As we celebrate the International Day for People of African Descent, we are reminded of the rich history, culture, and contributions that people of African descent have made to the world. This day also compels us to recognize the longstanding battles against racism, discrimination, and inequality of all sorts that many continue to face. 

The African Union stands in unwavering unanimity with all efforts to destroy these barriers and to promote the rights, dignity, and welfare of people of African descent globally.

In this regard, the African Union remains steadfast in its commitment to the full implementation of Assembly Decisions 847 and 884 on Reparations, led by the Republic of Ghana. We understand that reparations are not merely about financial compensation; they are about righting past wrongs, healing, reconciliation, and fostering development.


Over the past two days, the African Diaspora in the Americas have engaged in profound discussions on these critical issues. Their insights and perspectives will undoubtedly inform our policymaking and strengthen our resolve to address these challenges. 

This conference is an opportunity to strengthen our partnerships with the Diaspora in the Americas and to explore new avenues for collaboration. 

We must continue to build bridges that devise effective strategies to sustainably connect Africa with its Diaspora, thereby, enhance mutual growth and development. 

We must ensure that the voices of people of African descent are heard and that their contributions to society are recognized and valued.

As we move forward, let us be guided by the principles of unity, and shared responsibility, reaffirming our commitment to the African Diaspora as an integral part of our continental agenda. 

Jointly, we can create a world where people of African descent are empowered to reach their full potential and contribute to the advancement of humanity.

I express my profound appreciation to all the organizers, partners, and delegates who made this conference possible. Your dedication and quest for reparations and reparatory justice for Africa and its Diaspora is truly commendable.

I urge us all to continue to work together in the spirit of Pan-Africanism and mutual respect, as we celebrate our shared heritage and strive for a brighter future for all people of African descent.

Muito obrigada. Thank you.


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