Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Africa Day High-Level Side Event at UNFCCC COP29 In Baku, Azerbaijan Theme: Scaling up Financing for Climate Adaptation and Green Growth in Africa

Africa Day High-Level Side Event at UNFCCC COP29 In Baku, Azerbaijan Theme: Scaling up Financing for Climate Adaptation and Green Growth in Africa

novembre 13, 2024

Date: 13 November 2024

Time: 14:15 -17:00

Venue: Africa Pavilion, Blue Zone in Baku, Azerbaijan


Africa Day aims to address common concerns and reaffirm Africa's stances and needs for a successful COP. It aims to emphasize key positions to bolster Africa's negotiations at the COP, promote collaboration and partnerships, facilitate dialogue, and propose solutions to critical issues related to climate change and Africa's long-term development goals. It also aims to share key points from the annual Climate Change and Development in Africa (CCDA) conference, AMCEN and other climate-related regional processes on the continent.

Expected Outcome:

  1. Enhanced High-Level political commitments and strengthened the African Common Position on issues relating to the implementation of responses to the global stocktake, financing, loss and damage, mitigation, adaptation, disaster risk reduction, access to technology, and carbon trading.
  2. increased partnerships, networks, and collaboration, financing climate resilient development and other resources for implementing nationally determined contributions and national adaptation plans
  3. Enhanced high-level cooperation for enhancing climate-smart investments in critical sectors in Africa.



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