Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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Executive Council Ninth Ordinary Session


1 EX.CL/Dec. 278 (IX) Decision on structure of Budget and
Modality of Funding – Doc. EX.CL/246 (IX) 2
2 EX.CL/Dec. 279 (IX) Decision on the Contributions by Member
States Doc. EX.CL/249 (IX) 1
3 EX.CL/Dec.280 (IX) Decision on the Recruitment Process
Doc. EX.CLl/251(IX) 1
4 EX.CL/Dec.281(IX) Decision on the Ministerial Committee on
Elections of the Members of the
Commission – Doc.EX.CL/291(IX) 1
5 EX.CL/Dec.282 (IX)
Decision on the Report on the Status of the
OAU/AU - Doc.EX.CL/252 (IX) 1
6 EX.CL/Dec.283 (IX) Decision on the Draft Single Legal
Instrument on the Merger of the African
Court on Human and Peoples’ Rights and
the Court of Justice of the African Union -
Doc. EX.CL/253 (IX) 1
7 EX.CL/Dec.284 (IX) Decision on the Situation of Refugees,
Returnees and Displaced Persons –
Doc.EX.CL/254 (IX) 2
8 EX.CL/Dec.285 (IX) Decision on the Alternative Sources
of Financing the AU – Doc.EX.CL/255 (ix) 1
9 EX.CL/Dec.286 (IX) Decision on Special Purpose Audit –
Doc. EX.CL/247 (IX) 1
10. EX.CL/Dec.287 (IX) Decision on the Revised Financial Rules
and Regulations - Doc.EX.CL/250 (IX) 1
11. EX.CL/Dec.288 (IX) Decision on the Report of the Ministerial
Conference on the African Charter on
Democracy, Elections and Governance -
Doc. EX.CL/258 (IX) 1

12. EX.CL/Dec.289 ((IX) Decision on the Ministerial Conference on
Refugees, Returnees and Internally
Displaced Persons - Doc.EX.CL/259 (IX) 2
13. EX.CL/Dec.290 (IX) Decision on the Fourth Ordinary Session of
the Labour and Social Affairs Commission
Doc.EX.CL/260 (IX) 2
14. EX.CL/Dec.291 (IX) Decision on the Report of the 1st AU
Conference of Ministers Responsible for
Communication and Information
Technology - Doc.EX.CL/261 (IX) 1
15. EX.CL/Dec.292 (VIII) Decision on the African Youth
Doc. EX.CL/262 (IX) 2
16. EX.CL/Dec.293 (IX) Decision on the Report of the First
Conference of African Ministers
Responsible for Electric Energy
Doc.EX.CL/263 (IX) 1
17. EX.CL/Dec.294 (IX) Decision on the Report of the first
Conference of African Ministers
Responsible for Railway Transport
Doc.EX.CL/264 (IX) 1
18. EX.CL/Dec.295 (IX) Decision on the Report of the First
Conference of African Ministers
Responsible for Air Transport
Doc.EX.CL/265 (IX) 2
19. EX.CL/Dec.296 (IX) Decision on the AU Conference of
Ministers of Information and
Communications “Towards the
Establishment of the Pan-African Radio
and Television Channel” – Doc. EX.CL/266
(IX) 2
20. EX.CL/Dec.297 (IX) Decision on the Conference of Ministers
of Agriculture - Doc. EX.CL/267 (IX) 2
21. EX.CL/Dec.298 (IXI) Decision on Economic Partnership
Agreements Negotiations – Doc.EX.CL/283
(IX) 1

22. EX.CL/Dec.299 (IX) Decision on the Progress Report on the
Control of Avian Influenza – Doc.
EX.CL/287 (IX)1
23. EX.CL/Dec.300 (IX) Decision on the Establishment and
Organization of a Democracy and Electoral
Assistance Unit and Fund - Doc.EX.CL/272
(IX) 2
24. EX.CL/Dec.301 (IX) Decision on Palestine and the Middle East
- Doc. EX.CL/273 (IX) 3
25. EX.CL/Dec.302 (IX) Decision on the AU Policy on Post-Conflict
Reconstruction and Development - Doc.
EX.CL/274 (IX) 2
26, EX.CL/Dec.303 (IX) Decision on the African Committee of
Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child - Doc.
EX.CL/275 (IX) 1
27. EX.CL/Dec.304 (IX) Decision on Draft Framework for a
Migration Policy for Africa – Doc.EX.CL/276 (IX) 1
28. EX.CL/Dec.305 (IX) Decision on African Common Position on
Migration and development – Doc.EX.CL/277 (IX) 2
29. EX.CL/Dec.306 (IX) Decision on the Strengthening of the
African Commission on Human and
Peoples’ Rights Doc. EX.CL/279 (IX) 1
30. EX.CL/Dec.307 (IX) Decision on the Pan-African Women’s
Movement – Doc. EX.CL/271 (IX) 1
31. EX.CL/Dec.308 (IX)
Decision on African Candidatures
in the International System 3
32. EX.CL/Dec.309 (IX)
Decision on the Formal Request for
Utilization of Arrears to Cover Additional
Expenditure as Authorized by the council –
Doc. EX.CL.245 (IX) 1

33. EX.CL/Dec.310 (IX)
Decision Report of the African Commission
on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) –
Doc. EX.CL/279 (IX) 1
34. EX.CL/Dec.311 (IX)
Decision on the Enactment of a Legislation
for Organizing and Ensuring Respect for
Social Life in Africa - Doc.EX.CL/290
(IX)Add.4 1
35. EX.CL/Dec.312 (IX) Decision on the Pan African Tsetse and
Trypanosomosis Eradication Campaign
(PATTEC) – Doc. EX.CL/271 (IX) 1
36. EX.CL/Dec.313 (IX) Decision on Specialized Technical
Committees 1
37. EX.CL/Dec.314 (IX) Decision on the Establishment of the
African Centre for Study and Research on
Migration – Doc. EX.CL/290 (IX) Add.2 1
1. EX.CL/Decl.1 (IX) Declaration of the 9th Ordinary Session of
the Executive Council of the African Union
and the Situation in Palestine 1

Dimanche, juin 25, 2006 - 11:00


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