Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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24th AU Summit


février 03, 2015


Newly Elected Chair of the African Union, President Robert Mugabe interacts with officials and staff of the AU Commission

Addis Ababa, 2 February 2015- As it is the tradition, the newly elected Chair of the African Union (AU) visited the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, today 2nd February 2015 to familiarize himself with the management and the staff of the AU Commission. The AU Chairperson had a working session with the leadership of the Commission including the Chairperson of the AU Commission, Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma, the Deputy Chairperson Mr. Erastus Mwencha, the commissioners and the directors before proceeding in the Plenary Hall of the AU Conference Center where he addressed the staff of the AU Commission.

“You are part of us. And I say a very important part of us.” said the newly elected African Union Chairperson, Mr. Robert Mugabe, who is also the President of the Republic of Zimbabwe . According to the new AU Chair, the AUC must be the driving engine for the African Union and the continent. “Let us see programs and projects emanating from the Commission be fully implemented thanks to your commitment and fighting spirit with the view to ensure that mother Africa is developed”, underscored President Mugabe. This Commission, he said, must work harder than before to guarantee that the programs the continental organization attain its goals of an integrated, united and prosperous Africa at peace with itself. President Mugabe expressed appreciation for the work so far undertaken by the AUC staff under the chairmanship of Dr. Dlamini-Zuma. “You are the hands and feet of the Commission”, noted the President while calling on the staff to work harder so as to give more impetus to the African Union. “AU must demonstrate that it is more united than before, a self-sufficient continent where illiteracy, ignorance, poverty, hunger are alleviated.” he emphasized.

“Basically, Africa is for Africans. Governments should make sure that African resources benefit the African people in the first place... To make this happen, Africa should have technicians and scientists who can add value to the rich African natural resources”, stated the new AU Chairperson, before concluding his statement with the slogan: “forward ever, backward never”.

In her introductory remarks, the AUC Chairperson, H.E Dr. Nkozasana Dlamini Zuma, presented the new AU Chairperson as “the custodian of what Zimbabwe is……. and a big defender of women rights.” She also said that “he is coming at the right time”, given that AU dedicated this year to women empowerment. AUC Chairperson stated that the very important decision adopted by the just ended 24th AU Summit will be implemented under the leadership of the new AU Chair, including the alternative sources of financing the AU amongst others.

The president of the staff association, Mr. Salah Hammad, expressed on behalf of all the AUC staff the honor of having a “hero and revolutionary” like President Robert Mugabe to chair the African Union. “A Pan-Africanist who is known as one of the most prominent figures of the African liberation movement”, he added. “The Commission is counting on the political support of the new AU Chairperson to implement critical projects of the Commission”.

The visit of the new AU Chairperson to the AU Commission was crowned with a family photo of President Mugabe and the AUC leadership. (follow the full speech of President Mugabe on AU social media Platforms)


For further information contact

Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
Follow the AU Commission:
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/AfricanUnionCommission
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AfricanUnion
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/AUCommission
Learn more at: http://www.au.int

janvier 31, 2015


Kwame Nkurumah Scientific Awards for 2014

What: Award ceremony for the Kwame Nkurumah Scientific Awards for 2014

Who: The awards will be presented by the Chairperson of the African Union Commission Dr Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma.
There are two recipients of the award this year, one from Cameroun and another from South African

When: 31 January 2015 starting at 09:00. This will be a short 15 minute ceremony, after which the Assembly meeting will be closed.

Where: African Union Headquarters, Nelson Mandela Plenary Conference Hall

Media representatives are invited to cover the opening ceremony of the 24th Assembly of the African Union on 30 January at 09:00.

For inquiries, contact:
Wynne Musabayana | Deputy Head of Division | Information and Communication Directorate | African Union Commission | Tel: (251) 11 551 77 00 | Fax: (251) 11 551 78 44 | E-mail: MusabayanaW@africa-union.org

For further information:
Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Web Site: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia
Follow us
Face book: https://www.facebook.com/AfricanUnionCommission
Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AfricanUnion
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janvier 31, 2015

24th African Union Summit
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

What: Press Conference, UN Secretary-General BAN Ki-Moon

When: 31 January, 2015

Where: Small Conference Hall 4, 3 rd Floor, New African Union Conference Centre

Time: 10:00-10:40 am

Theme: The Secretary-General will address the media on his meetings and discussions while attending the 24th African Union Summit, in particular, on the theme of the Summit and other issues of concern, such as peace and security.

Media Queries, Contact:

Vannina Maestracci :+1917-855-3143 or
Sophia Denekew: Denekews@uneca.org
Tel: 0911201816

janvier 31, 2015

Addis -Abéba, le 28 Janvier 2015 - La 26ème session ordinaire du Conseil exécutif de l’Union Africaine a procédé, le 28 Janvier 2015, lors de sa 26eme Session Ordinaire tenue au siège de l’Union africaine (UA) a Addis Ababa, Ethiopie, à l’élection des membres de certains organes de l’UA, dont notamment le Conseil consultatif de l'Union africaine sur la corruption et de la Commission de l'Union africaine sur le droit international (CUADI).
Le Conseil exécutif a également élu le Président et le Vice - Président du Conseil de l'Université panafricaine (PAU) et décidé du pays hôte de son Rectorat.

En vertu de ce scrutin, les personnalités suivantes ont été élues membres du Conseil consultatif de l'UA sur la corruption

No Noms Pays

1 Mr. Jacques III ACHIAOU Cote d’Ivoire
2 Mrs. Akossiwa Antoinette AYENA Togo
3 Mrs. Angèle BARUMPOZAKO Burundi
4 Mr. Daniel BATIDAM Ghana
5 Mr. Jean-Baptiste ELIAS Benin
6 Mr. Joseph Fitzgerald KAMARA Sierra Leone
7 Mr. Ekwabi Webster Tekere MUJUNGU Tanzania
8 Mr. Alhaji Isa Ozi SALAMI Nigeria
9 Mr. Sefako Aaron SEEMA Lesotho
10 Mr. John Kithome TUTA Kenya
11 Mrs. Florence ZIYAMBI Zimbabwe

Sept autres personnalités ont été élus membres de la CUADI. Six d’entre eux ont été élus pour un mandat de cinq ans, tandis que 1 membre a été élu pour le reste de la durée du mandat d'un membre démissionnaire. Les six membres sont:

No Noms Pays

1 Mr. Ebenezer APPREKU Ghana
2 Mr. Mohamed BARAKAT Egypt
3 Mr. Abdi Ismael HERSI Djibouti
4 Mr. Sebastião Da Silva ISATA Angola
5 Mrs. Juliet Semambo KALEMA Uganda
6 Mr. Cheikh Tidiane THIAM Senegal

Le 7ème membre, élu par le Conseil exécutif est Mme Hajer GUELDICH (Tunisie) pour la durée restante de son prédécesseur M. Rafâa Ben Achour (Tunisie), qui a récemment démissionné de la CUADI.

Le Conseil exécutif a en outre élu M. Tolly S. MBWETTE en tant que président de l'Université panafricaine et M. Paulo Horácio de Sequeira e Carvalho en tant que vice- président pour un mandat de trois ans, respectivement.

Le Conseil d'administration a également élu la République du Cameroun comme pays hôte du rectorat de l’UPA.
Ces élections doivent être approuvées par la 24ème session ordinaire de l'Assemblée de l'Union prévue se tenir les 30 et 31 Janvier 2015.

Les journalistes souhaitant interviewer la direction de la Commission de l'UA lors du Sommet doivent soumettre leurs demandes à Mme Esther Azaa Tankou

E -mail : YambouE@africa-union.org
Pour davantage d’informations, veuillez contacter:
Direction de l’Information et de la Communication | Commission de l’Union Africaine I E- mail: dinfo@african-union.org I Site Web: www.au.int I Addis Abeba | Ethiopie

Suivez la Commission de l’UA sur:

Directorate of Information and Communication. African Union Commission E mail: dinfo@africa-union.org

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AfricanUnionCommission Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AfricanUnion
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/AUCommission
En savoir davantage sur: http://www.au.int

Directorate of Information and Communication. African Union Commission E mail: dinfo@africa-union.org

janvier 31, 2015



Within the frame work of the 24th AU Summit, H.E. Ambassador Smail Chergui, Commissioner for Peace and Security will on Saturday 31st January 2015 at 12:00 hold a briefing on the following issues:

- Africa 2063:a continent at peace with itself and the rest of the world

The briefing will be held in Small Conference Hall 4, at the new AU Conference Center, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Journalists are invited to take part in the press briefing

Media Contact

Mr. Molalet Tsedeke
Media Center Coordinator
Directorate of Information and Communication; AU Commission
Tel: + 251911630631; E-mail: molalett@africa-union.org

For further information contact

Directorate of information and communication /African union commission/ E- mail:dinfo@africa-union.org/Web site: www.au.int/ Addis Ababa / Ethiopia

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