Une Afrique Unie et Forte

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A series of events focusing on food and nutrition security including Food Commemoration of the 5th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security.

A series of events focusing on food and nutrition security including Food Commemoration of the 5th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security.

octobre 01, 2014 to octobre 02, 2014

A series of events focusing on food and nutrition security including Food Commemoration of the 5th Africa Day for Food and Nutrition Security
Venue TBD


septembre 18, 2024

Guidelines-for-Donor-Support Platform

septembre 18, 2024

FINAL DRAFT TOR for Facilitation of Consultation Process

septembre 18, 2024

FINAL DRAFT Stocktaking on Implementation of CAADP NAIPs

septembre 18, 2024

FINAL DRAFT Stocktaking on Donor Alignment

février 10, 2022

Agenda 2063 is Africa’s development blueprint to achieve inclusive and sustainable socio-economic development over a 50-year period.

août 17, 2024

La fin de la dernière décennie a été marquée par une préoccupation accrue de la communauté mondiale face à la triple crise planétaire de