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Opening statement of HE Rhoda Peace Tumusiime at the First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project “Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of African Animal Genetic Resources”

Opening statement of HE Rhoda Peace Tumusiime at the First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project “Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of African Animal Genetic Resources”

juillet 17, 2014

The First Meeting of the Steering Committee of the Project “Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of African Animal Genetic Resources”

Opening statement of HE Rhoda Peace Tumusiime
Commissioner Rural Economy and Agriculture
African Union Commission
17 July 2014 Nairobi, Kenya

The Representative of the European Union
Director, Inter African Bureau for Animal Resources
Representatives of Partnering Institutions
Members of the Genetic Project Steering Committee
Representatives of AU Member States
Representatives of Regional Economic Communities
Representatives of Animal Breeders Associations
Members of Staff of the African Union Commission/and AU-IBAR
Ladies and Gentlemen

I am pleased to welcome you all to this FirstMeeting of the Steering Committee of the project “Strengthening the Capacity of African Countries to Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of African Animal Genetic Resources” in short The Animal Genetic project.
Ladies and Gentlemen
You will agree with me that the agricultural biodiversity contained in the world’s domesticated livestock is disappearing at an unprecedented rate. This is a real concern especially in Africa where livestock is key to food security and livelihoods of millions of small holders farmers,
Indigenous livestock breeds are under various types of threat. Breeding programmes, by Governments, non-Government organizations, and the private sector, have for a long time favored the use of exotic breeds for crossbreeding, upgrading, or replacement. These programmes have most of the time been implemented without strategic thinking and long term view, and were only motivated by the objective of rapid productivity gain. This has led to the dilution of indigenous genotypes, or even to their complete extinction.
Sustainable utilization of animal genetic diversity that includes conservation is a global issue, as all countries benefit from the use and development of domestic animals and their many products. Over time, it will enable African countries and their farmers to better respond to changing environmental conditions and consumer preferences, to pursue new economic opportunities and to reduce their vulnerability. Conservation of animal genetic diversity will offer opportunities to utilize its diversity to meet present and future market demands, to serve as an insurance against environmental changes such as changes in production, socio-economic, and cultural conditions.
It is based on the above that the EU signed a contribution agreement with the AU in July last year for 5 years to strengthen the capacity of AU Member States and Regional Economic Communities to sustainably utilize and conserve African animal genetic resources through institutionalizing national and regional policy, legal and technical instruments within the framework of the Comprehensive Africa Agrculture Development Programme (CAADP).
As we celebrate 2014 as the year of agriculture and food security, the African Union joint conference of ministers of agriculture, rural development , fisheries and aquaculture held in Addis Ababa in May this year recommended the
conservation and development of livestock breeds that can withstand and adapt to harsh climate conditions, including use of the indigenous genetic resources; as you can see this project is fully in line with these recommendations that were, in turn, endorsed by the last Summit of the AU Heads of State and Government. The Commission o fthe African Unon is required report to the AU policy organs on its implementation.
As part of the project management, a Steering Committee is established to provide guidance to the project team; The First Meeting of the Steering Committee will validate its TORs and assess the progress over one year.
Let me take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation to the European Union for its continued support to the livestock sector in Africa and also for support in other important sectors. As the African Union, we will always appreciate the European Union financial backing and ensure that this support is translated into improved livelihoods for the citizens of the African continent. This shows we are partners in development.

I wish you all an inspiring, productive and enjoyable meeting.

I now wish to officially declare the meeting formally open and we can move into discussions.

Thank you very much for your attention.


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