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AUC Chief of Staff says the OAU-AU Golden Jubilee is “an opportunity to strengthen our goal of achieving a union of peoples”

AUC Chief of Staff says the OAU-AU Golden Jubilee is “an opportunity to strengthen our goal of achieving a union of peoples”

mai 29, 2013

AUC Chief of Staff says the OAU-AU Golden Jubilee is “an opportunity to strengthen our goal of achieving a union of peoples”

Addis Ababa, 29 May 2013 – On the occasion of the 50th anniversary celebration of the Organisation of African Union (OAU) now the African Union (AU), Mr. Jean-Baptiste Natama, Chief of Staff of the bureau of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, sent a message on Pan-Africanism in which he expressed his views on PanAfricanism and African renaissance. The message was addressed to his colleagues and staff of the AU as well as to all militants of Panafricanism in the continent and the Diaspora.

He recalled the PanAfrican spirit that motivated the founders of the OAU and hoped that same spirit will help to consolidate the unity of all the Africans and the Diaspora as the organization plan to embark on its journey for African renaissance and 2063 agenda.

Wishing successful and happy Jubilee celebrations to all the AU staff in all the regional offices and AU offices abroad, Mr. Natama underlined the importance for all to feel African in all the undertaking and be proud of being African. “We should have big dreams and know how to keep them from a concerted prospective vision”, he noted.

See complete message of the AUC Chief of Staff on the AU website: www.au.int

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