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Media Advisory note for the 27th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union - Kigali, Republic of Rwanda, 10 – 18 July 2016

Media Advisory note for the 27th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of the African Union - Kigali, Republic of Rwanda, 10 – 18 July 2016

mai 02, 2016

not for publication or broadcast

media advisory note for the 27th ordinary session of the assembly of the african Union Kigali, Republic of Rwanda 10 – 18 July 2016

theme of the summit

“ 2016: African Year of Human Rights, with particular focus on the Rights of Women”


All journalists will apply online. The media accreditation form is available on http://au.int/en/summit/27/accreditation

Once journalists receive confirmation of their application they may also apply for their visa online on https://www.migration.gov.rw/index.php?id=203. After online registration and receiving the confirmation message also later receive an invitation letter from the government of Rwanda, which you will use as support document for your online visa application.

All journalists holding passports from African countries may get their visa upon arrival at Kigali International Airport.

1.1. E-mail:

After completing the accreditation form, the form and scanned copies of all the required documents should be sent via e-mail to Mrs Rahel Akalewold on: 27thausummit@africa-union.org

1.2. Mail and fax:

After completing the accreditation form, the form and all the required documents should be sent to:

Mrs. Rahel Akalewold

Directorate of Information and Communication

African Union Commission

PO Box 3243

Addis Ababa


Tel: +251 11 5526373 ext 2551;

E mail- 27thAUSummit@africa-union.org

Required documents to accompany application form

· Two passport size photographs not more than six months old;

· A letter of assignment on a letterhead from the journalist’s organization indicating his/ her function;

· Copy of a valid professional press card or equivalent identification

It is also advisable to carry hard copies of all the required documents in case of any necessary checks. Applications should reach Mrs Akalewold before the 1st of July 2016


Accredited media personnel bringing technical equipment with them to Rwanda will be subject to full Customs Control. Journalists are requested to send their list of equipment. See media equipment form on the AU website: http://au.int/en/summit/27/equipment

Journalists wishing to bring in live broadcasting equipment or to request live transmission facilities should contact the local contact provided below.

3. What to do in RWANDA

Journalists will need to get two badges.

3.1. The Government press badge will be issued by the government authorities. This involves being photographed before the card is processed. Journalists will be advised in due course of the accreditation venue. This badge will allow access into the Sumit venue.

3.2. AU Conference badge: After getting the government issued press badge, journalists will need to get their Conference badges from the African Union Commission at the venue of the Summit (Office of the AU Communication staff). This badge will give them access into the conference rooms during the Summit.

3.3. Journalists are advised to make sure they arrive in Rwanda in good time so as to have the documentation done before the meetings start.

3.4. Journalists are also advised to arrive at Summit venues early to ensure that they clear all entry procedures before the meetings start.


4.1. Yellow fever cards will be required at the ports of entry for everyone travelling from yellow fever designated countries.


A media center, with facilities for print, online and electronic media will be available at the Summit venue. Access to media facilities will be available only to accredited media representatives.


Journalists wishing to interview the leadership of the AU Commission during the 27th AU Summit should submit their requests to Mrs Esther Azaa Tankou, Ag. Director of Information and Communication of the AUC on YambouE@africa-union.org / esthertankou@yahoo.com; while for the Rwandan officials please go through the local contacts provided below.

7. Media briefings BY AU LEADERSHIP

Briefings by leaders of the various African Union organs and programmes will take place at the conference center. Journalists will be given advance notice of the briefing time, venue and speakers.

Other partner organisations of the AU occasionally request facilities through the DIC for media briefings during the Summit. Journalists will be notified of such briefings through postings in the media center


Opening and closing sessions during the meetings are open to journalists, depending on availability of space within the meeting rooms. Media practitioners will be informed of how to enter the plenary halls in the following ways:

- A guideline will be circulated to all media on the AU database and on the AU website

- A briefing session will be held for all media during the Summit. A notice will be circulated regarding the time and date of the briefing.


Open sessions of the Summit will be streaming live on http://www.rba.co.rw/ for the public to follow live all the open sessions worldwide.

These feeds will be available through the media centre. Media will also be notified of all live streamed meetings via the website and notices posted in the media center.

11. Telephones and faxes

Telephone facilities will be available on a commercial basis.


The link for live proceedings of the opening session of the Assembly will be publicised as soon as it is established.

Related enquiries should be sent to Mr Kennedy Munyangeyo from Rwanda Broadcast Agency +250 788 305 170, mukennedy@yahoo.fr


Accommodation will be on self-arrangement basis. Journalists are advised to make their booking early to avoid last minute inconveniences. A list of hotels in Kigali, Rwanda will soon be available on the African Union website.

14. Summit communications enquiries

Further enquiries on the arrangements made for the media for the Summit should be directed to Mrs. Esther Azaa Tankou, Ag. Director of Information and Communication of the AUC on yamboue@africa-union.org or esthertankou@yahoo.com and (Focal person from the host country include:

Vivianne Mukakizima
Director Media
Office of the President

Phone: +250786554825
Email: vmukakizima@presidency.gov.rw

Sam Mandela Muzinga
Communication Researcher
Office of the Government Spokesperson (OGS)

Phone: +250788530639
Email: smandela@ogs.gov.rw

Ruzindana Rugasaguhunga
Communication Researcher
Office of the Government Spokesperson (OGS)

Phone: +250788665620
Email: rrugasa@ogs.gov.rw