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African water ministers adopt Dar es Salaam roadmap for achieving water security and sanitation

African water ministers adopt Dar es Salaam roadmap for achieving water security and sanitation

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juillet 26, 2016

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia- 27 July 2016: Over 30 African water ministers and high-level delegations adopted a roadmap aimed at achieving sustainable and universal access to safe water and sanitation in Africa. 28185916930_20fed92d86_zThe adoption of the roadmap titled, “the Dar es Salaam Roadmap for achieving the N’gor Commitments on Water Security and Sanitation in Africa,” was the culmination of the 10th General Assembly of the Governing Council of the AMCOW and commemoration of the 6th Africa Water Week, which took place from July 18-22, 2016, in Tanzania. With a strategic objective of making considerable progress on water security and sanitation in line with the Agenda 2030, the roadmap committed the ministers to: improve efficiency, transparency, accountability, address inequalities and integrity within sector institutions to achieve sustainable services and create a conducive investment climate; strengthen monitoring and reporting, focusing specifically on the most marginalized and poorest, to plan and deliver sustainable services for all and to integrate the agenda for water, sanitation and climate to improve health and nutrition outcomes, promote resilient societies and ensure protected ecosystems. Speaking during the opening of the General Assembly, which was graced by H.E Samia Suluhu, Vice President of the United Republic of Tanzania, AUC’s Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture, H.E Tumusiime Rhoda Peace, implored Member States in their quest to implement the new SDGs and Targets framework, to step up efforts to realize the Africa Agenda 2063 on the ‘Africa we want’ noting that water was key to reducing poverty in Africa. “There is need for us to put in place sound policies, legal and regulatory frameworks to support investments from various sources in water, sanitation and hygiene and also promote gender equality and women empowerment,” Commissioner Tumusiime said. “It is also an opportunity for AMCOW to dialogue and agree on the direction that Africa is to take towards achieving sustainable development and water security in Africa as we strive to realize the targets of our Africa Water Vision 2025 on, “An Africa where there is an equitable and sustainable use and management of water resources for poverty alleviation, socio-economic development, regional cooperation, and the environment.” Further, the Governing Council also appointed Dr. Canasius KANANGIRE as the Executive Secretary of AMCOW for a mandate of four years (2016 – 2020), taking over from Mr. Bai Mass Taal who served for 8 years. And, Water and Irrigation Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania, H.EGersonLwenge took over the reins of AMCOW presidency from his Senegalese counterpart, H.EAmadou Mansour Faye who held the position from 2014 – 2016. The Africa Water Week (AWW) is convened by the AMCOW in conjunction with the African Union Commission and organized with development partners. It represents a political commitment at the highest level with over 1000 participants from governments, regional institutions, international partners, the private sector, the scientific community, civil society, and the media from all over the world, and in particular Africa, meeting to discuss and collectively seek solutions to Africa’s water resources, and sanitation challenges. # For more information please contact: Ms. Olushola Olayide Senior Policy Officer Rural Economy and Agriculture Department African Union Commission Email: OlusholaO@africa-union.org Ms. Carol Jilombo CAADP Communications Officer Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture JilomboC@africa-union.org For more information contact: For further information: Directorate of Information and Communication | African Union Commission I E-mail: DIC@african-union.org I Website: www.au.int I Addis Ababa | Ethiopia Follow us Face book: https://www.facebook.com/AfricanUnionCommission Twitter: https://twitter.com/_AfricanUnion YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/AUCommission Learn more at: http://www.au.int


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