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May 11, 2017 H.E commissioner for Infrastructure an Energy visit to Rwanda Internet Exchange Point.

May 11, 2017 H.E commissioner for Infrastructure an Energy visit to Rwanda Internet Exchange Point.

mai 11, 2017

H.E Dr. Amani ABOU-ZEID, Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy of African Union commission, has visited the Rwanda Internet Exchange Point on 11 May 2017. The Rwanda Internet Exchange Point is one of the IXPs from Eastern Africa region selected by African Union Commission (AUC) through the African Internet Exchange System Project for the grant support to become one of the regional internet exchange points.
The African Internet Exchange System (AXIS) project aims to keep Africa’s internet traffic local to the continent by providing capacity building & technical assistance to facilitate the establishment of National Internet Exchange Points and Regional Internet Exchange Points in Africa.
The AU Support towards the Rwanda Internet Exchange Point to become Regional Internet Exchange Points in Eastern Africa officially launched on 22 October 2015. Since then, the Rwanda IXP has been implementing the Grants based on AUC’s grant implementation procedures.
For more Information on launch of Rwanda IXP to become RIXP, visit:

For more information on Rwanda Internet Exchange Point, visit



septembre 08, 2015

Supporting Establishment of Regional Internet Exchange Points and Internet Carries